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Data Types 113 codes
MSSQL Tutorial
Data Types
1 A BETWEEN phrase with literal values
2 A SELECT statement that ignores date values
3 A SELECT statement that retrieves rows with zero values
4 A SELECT statement that searches for month, day, and year components
5 A SELECT statement that uses the CAST function to remove time values
6 A SELECT statement that uses the CONVERT function to remove time values
7 Add integer and float number to a date value
8 An UPDATE statement that assigns new values to datetime column with string value
9 Between date
10 Bigint type column
11 Billings on or before a specified date
12 Binary Data Types
13 Bit type column
14 Bit type column with default value
15 Bitwise AND (&)
16 Bitwise NOT (~)
17 Bitwise NOT (~) Validity Table
18 Bitwise OR ()
19 CAST(BillingTotal AS dec(12,2))
20 CAST(OrderDate AS varchar)
21 CHAR type column
22 Char type keeps the empty spaces
23 Character Strings
24 City name is Dallas
25 Collate Latin1_General_CS_AS
26 Combine char and varchar type data with +
27 Compare char type data in upper case
28 Comparing SQL_VARIANTs
29 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 97522 to data type int
30 CONVERT (varbinary(8), @today)
31 Convert DECIMAL(10,2) to varchar(10)
32 Convert the return datatype from INTEGER to FLOAT by multiplying the data in the INTEGER column by 1 0 to convert to FLOAT
33 Convert timestamp to int
34 CONVERT(varchar(12), OrderDate, 111)
35 Count int1 values (implicitly non-null)
36 Count non-null bit1 values
37 Count null bit1 values
38 Creating a Full-Text Catalog
39 Creating a Full-Text Catalog and specify the path
40 Creating a Full-Text Index
41 Creating and Using User-Defined Types
42 Datatype equivalents from PLSQL to T-SQL
43 Datetime type
44 Dropping a Full-Text Catalog
45 Dropping a Full-Text Index
46 Dropping User-Defined Types
47 Exact Numbers
48 Exclusive Or (^)
49 FLOAT type column
50 How to concatenate string data
51 How to format string data using literal values
52 How to include apostrophes in literal values
53 Identifying Columns and Parameters that Use User-Defined Types
54 Insert different type of values into a sql_variant column
55 Inserting or Updating an Image File Using OPENROWSET and BULK
56 Int OUTPUT parameter
57 Legal Bitwise Operation
58 Modifying a Full-Text Index
59 Now see what parameters reference the AccountNBR data type
60 NVarChar type column
63 Performing Date Conversions
64 Performing String Concatenation
65 READTEXT [[database ]owner ]table_name column_name text_ptr offset size [HOLDLOCK]
66 Replace the string 102 located at offset 9 (zero-based) with the string one hundred and two
67 Retrieving Full-Text Catalog and Index Metadata
68 Retrieving Index Properties by Using the Bitwise AND (&) Operator
69 Return money type from function
70 Sample Table Containing Text
71 Select case and cast SQL_VARIANT
72 SELECT CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT( varchar(11), 2005-08-13 20
73 Selecting data using bitwise operators
74 Selecting the length of a varchar column
75 SET start_Date = GETDATE()
76 Smalldatetime column with default value
77 Smalldatetime type
78 Smallint type
79 Specify date with string (OrderDate = 741996)
80 Specifying Table Columns with Unicode Data Types
81 SQL Server integer datatypes
82 Sql_variant data type is designed to allow a single variable, column, or parameter to store values in different data types
83 Sql_variant type column
84 Store the date and time for a change in a datetime format
85 Testing numeric values with bitwise operators
86 TEXTPTR function
87 The bitwise_and() Scalar Function
88 The bitwise_not() Scalar Function
89 The bitwise_or() Scalar Function
90 The bitwise_xor() Scalar Function
91 The creation of the table, with a column of the SQL_VARIANT type
92 The IN() Function matches a field to any number of values in a list
93 The syntax of the CREATE TYPE statement is as follows
94 Timestamp type column
95 To use a numeric literal, enter the number without quotes
96 To use a string literal or a date literal in a comparison, enclose it in quotes
97 Truncates the string at the 28th position
98 Truncates the string at the ninth position, and appends 102 at the end
99 Unicode Character Strings
100 Updating Large Value Data Type Columns
101 Use LIKE pattern match with a date type value
102 Use like to check DECIMAL after converting
103 Use REPLICATE to fill a varchar type variable
104 Using AVG on INTEGER values
105 Using comperison operator with Date value
106 Using convert to convert integer to characters
107 Using FREETEXT to Search Full-Text Indexed Columns
108 VARBINARY type variable
110 Varchar type value pattern matching
112 Viewing Collation Metadata SERVERPROPERTY
113 WRITETEXT with a properly protected text pointer