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System Functions 104 codes
MSSQL Tutorial
System Functions
1 A statement that assigns a user to a database role
2 A statement that assigns a user to a server role
3 A statement that assigns the new role to a fixed database role
4 A statement that creates a new SQL Server login ID
5 A statement that creates a new user-defined role
6 A statement that deletes a SQL Server login ID
7 A statement that grants access to a database for a SQL Server login ID
8 A statement that grants SQL Server access to a Windows user account
9 A statement that lists the roles for the current database
10 A statement that removes a user from a database role
11 A statement that removes a user from a server role
12 A statement that revokes access to a database for a SQL Server login ID
13 A statement that revokes access to a database for a Windows user account
14 Add a server link
15 Add role member
16 Adding a custom error
17 Adding a message to the sysmessages table using the REPLACE option
18 Adding Entries to sysmessages
19 Altering the state of a message in the sysmessages table
20 An example of creating a removable database is
21 ANSI null default
22 Autoclose - ensures that the database is cleaned up
23 Autoshrink - A setting of True indicates that that this database can be shrunk in size safely
24 Changing SQL Server Configurations
25 Check current database name by using DB_NAME()
26 COL_LENGTH takes two arguments, the table name and the column name
27 COL_NAME requiring the ID of the table and the column ID (position) of the column whose name you are after
28 Creates a new SQL Server login and then maps that login to a new database user
29 DATALENGTH Versus COL_LENGTH to determine length of a string value
30 Dbo use - If set to True means that only the user ID that created the database has access and can use the database
31 DecryptByPassphrase function
32 Define a default of zero for our Salary
33 Deleting a message in the sysmessages table
34 Display database role information
35 Display table structure before and after altering command
36 Displays the contents of a stored procedure, a trigger, or a view
37 EncryptByPassPhrase function
38 Example of Using sp_recompile
39 EXEC sp_configure allow updates, 1
40 EXEC sp_dropdevice @logicalname = NWCopyBK_1
41 EXEC sp_help on a table
42 EXEC sp_helpconstraint table name
43 EXEC sp_helpdb
44 EXEC sp_helpdb MyDatabase
45 EXEC sp_helptext on a view
46 EXEC sp_rename T, T_old
47 Execute sp_addtype id,varchar(11) ,NOT NULL
48 Execute sp_describe_cursor into the cursor variable
49 Executing Stored Procedures Automatically at SQL Server Startup
50 Fixing Orphaned Database Users
51 Fn_virtualfilestats returns IO statistics for a database file
52 How to assign a user to a database role
53 How to assign a user to a server role
54 How to use the sp_HelpText system stored procedure
55 If db_name() pubs
56 Invoking the fn_varbintohexstr() Scalar Function
57 Invoking the fn_varbintohexsubstring() Scalar Function
58 Limiting Trigger Nesting
59 Quoted identifier
60 Read only - If set to True, no modifications to the data can be made
61 Refreshing aViews Definition
62 Report on each table using sp_spaceused
63 Reporting Current User and Login Context
64 Reporting Database User Information
65 Returning the Application and Host for the Current User Session
69 Session Variables
70 Single - When set to True, only one user has access to the database at a time
71 Sp_addtype creates your own specific datatypes, including how the SQL Server will handle NULL values
72 Sp_bindrule rule, object_name, [futureonly_flag]
73 Sp_configure [configname[,configvalue]]
74 Sp_dboption [databasename,option,{TRUEFALSE}]
75 Sp_dboption is a system function that allows a specific database option to be set
76 Sp_depends displays the dependency information among tables, views, triggers, and stored procedures
77 Sp_droptype removes a user-defined datatype from the database permanently
78 Sp_helpconstraint Demo
79 Sp_makestartup configures which stored procedures will be executed when the SQL Server is started The syntax for this sto
80 Sp_monitor monitors the performance of your SQL Server
81 Sp_recompile forces all triggers and stored procedures to recompile the next time the table is accessed
82 Sp_rename department, subdivision
83 Sp_serveroption configures the type of SQL Server
84 Sp_spaceused reviews the space used by a table in a database
85 Sp_unbindefault removes the connection between the default and the data type of the corresponding column
86 Sp_unmakestartup disables the auto-execution of the stored procedures specified
87 Statements that assign users to the new role
88 Statements that delete the new role
89 Sys fn_builtin_permissions(NSERVER)
90 System stored procedures for creating and deleting user-defined roles
91 System stored procedures for granting and revoking access to the current database
92 The DATALENGTH() function returns the number of bytes used to manage a value
93 The sp_helptext system stored procedure gives you a source listing of another procedure, if it was not created with the W
94 The syntax for sp_DenyLogin
95 The syntax for sp_DropRoleMember
96 The syntax for sp_DropSrvRoleMember
97 The system procedure sp_bindefault is used to bind the defined default value to specific columns
98 The system procedure sp_help displays information about one or more database objects
99 Use SYSTEM_USER as a default value
100 User-Defined Datatypes
101 Using DATALENGTH to determine length of a string value
102 View Index Meta Data
103 Viewing Collation Metadata DATABASEPROPERTYEX
104 Viewing Collation Metadata fn_helpcollations