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String 115 codes
1 A backslash turns off the special meaning of the character
2 A pattern match against a binary column is case sensitive
3 Add the setting NO_ZERO_IN_DATE to the SQL_MODE system variable
4 Append string in select clause
5 ASCII(SUBSTRING(database,1,1))
6 Binary Character String Comparison
7 Canonizing Not-Quite-ISO Date Strings
8 Case-insensitive nature of string comparisons
9 CHAR_LENGTH Function
10 Combining a Date and a Time into a Date-and-Time Value
11 Compare String in where clause
12 Compare string value
13 CONCAT(string1, string2 [{, string} ])
14 CONCAT_WS() function allows you to define a separator as one of the arguments in the function
15 Concatenate string with NULL value
16 Concatenating Character Strings
17 Concatenating String Values
18 Concatenation can be useful for modifying column values in place
19 Controlling Case Sensitivity of String Sorts
20 Convert the output column to binary and sort that
21 Convert the values to uppercase or lowercase with UPPER( ) or LOWER( )
22 Create Initial name with substr function
23 Decomposing or Combining Strings
24 Define string value
25 Determine how many bytes are necessary for storing the data
26 Determining the Length of a Character String
27 Display an ASCII bar chart of the test score counts, convert the counts to strings of characters
28 Extracting Parts of Character Strings
29 For each player whose last name starts with the capital B
30 Force name values to be case sensitive using BINARY
31 Functions in SQL
32 Generate Unique Sequential Numbers
33 Get 3-letter substrings from the dept column
34 Get cases name and length in the production dept
35 Get from left of a string
36 Get names that sound like Gary Miller
37 Get string length
38 Get the binary representation of the values 6 and 10
39 Get the decimal values that belong to the binary representations 1001 and 111
40 Get the numeric middle part by beginning with the ID, then stripping off the rightmost suffix
41 Get the second and fourth segments from the id values
42 Identify the collation used for a string by using the COLLATION() function
43 If we left justify the pop values by padding them on the right with RPAD( )
44 In operator and pair value
45 In some cases, pattern matches are equivalent to substring comparisons
46 INSTR(string, substring) identifies where the substring is located in the string and returns the position
47 LEFT(string, length)
48 LENGTH Function
49 Length of trimmed varchar value
50 LENGTH(CONCAT(CAST(100000 AS CHAR(6)),000))
52 Lists names from the names table with the longest names first
53 LOCATE(substring, string)
54 LOCATE(substring, string, position)
55 LOWER(string)
57 Manipulate retrieved data from the Employees table
58 Mix binary and nonbinary string columns within a single table
59 Non-ISO results from the CONCAT( ) operation can be converted into ISO format three different ways as follows
60 NULL values fail comparisons both with and with =
61 Pair value and not in operator
62 Pair value vs and operator
63 Prepend a sufficient number of periods to the hostname values to guarantee that they have the requisite number
64 Preserving Trailing Spaces in String Columns
65 REPEAT(string, count)
66 REPLACE(database,a,ee)
67 Replaces the underscores with spaces and concatenates the word
68 Retrieve 2 concatenated calculated fields
69 Return just the MM-DD component of the date with RIGHT()
70 REVERSE(string)
71 RIGHT(string, length)
74 SELECT RIGHT(1995-03-01,5), RIGHT(1996-02-29,5)
75 Simplest concatenate string
76 Simplest concatenate string 2
77 Sort using combinations of substrings
78 Sorting by Fixed-Length Substrings
79 Sorting by Variable-Length Substrings
80 STRCMP( ) takes two string arguments and returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the first string is lexical
81 String comparisons are performed from left to right, one character at a time
82 String comparisons in MySQL are not case sensitive by default
83 String function
84 Strip off the last three characters (the LENGTH( ) function returns the length of a string)
85 Substract string index
86 SUBSTRING( ) function takes a string and a starting position, returning everything to the right of the positio
87 SUBSTRING(string, position)
88 SUBSTRING(string, position, length)
89 Substrings can be used to perform comparisons
90 The ASCII() function allows you to identify the numeric value of the first character in a string
91 The CONVERT() function allows you to convert dates in the same way as the CAST() function
92 The following comparison produces a result that is correct in lexical terms but incorrect in temporal terms
93 The length of the shortest verse in the King James Version, thats easy to find
94 The ORD() function works just like the ASCII() function except that it also supports multibyte characters
95 The STRCMP() compares string values that can be literal values or derived from expressions
96 The two strings 4200 and 4200 0 are not the same
97 To chart the relative frequency distribution instead, use the percentage values
98 To combine strings rather than pull them apart, use the CONCAT( ) function
99 To make a string comparison case sensitive, cast (convert) one of the strings to binary form by using the BINA
100 To make a string comparison not case sensitive, convert both strings to the same lettercase using UPPER( ) or
101 To make tstr case sensitive, use BINARY
102 To return everything to the right or left of a given character, use SUBSTRING_INDEX(str,c,n)
103 To specify a particular character as the escape character, use an ESCAPE clause
104 Trim a string
105 Trim strings
106 UPPER(string)
107 Use Concat to create Initial for the name
108 Use CONVERT to copy data from one column of a table into another and change the character set
109 Use string function in select clause
110 Use the CONCAT() and LEFT() functions to create registration codes for the employees
111 Use the CONCAT_WS() function to concatenate the employee names
112 Using BINARY has the effect of causing [
113 Using Binary with REGEXP
114 Using String Functions in Your SQL Statements
115 What CONVERT actually works can be seen by transforming the character string into hexadecimal representation