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Table Index 222 codes
Table Index
1 A column definition may include options to define the column data more precisely
2 A table can have multiple indexes
3 A table contains only one column
4 A temporary table can be created by adding the keyword TEMPORARY to the CREATE TABLE statement
5 Add a sequence column named id to the table
6 Add an IF EXISTS clause to the drop table statement
7 Add an IF NOT EXISTS clause to the statement
8 Add and drop columns
9 Add IGNORE to the statement, then use SELECT to have a look at the table contents to see how the duplicates ha
10 Add index to int type column
11 Add line separator to the backup file
12 Adding a Column
13 Adding and Dropping Columns
14 Adding or Dropping Indexes
15 After the CHANGE keyword, you name the column you want to change, then specify the new definition, which inclu
16 Alias column with spaces
17 Aliases can be applied to any result set column, not just those that come from tables
18 ALTER column to BINARY
19 Alter table
20 ALTER TABLE statement modifies the table accordingly
21 Alter table to add an index
22 Alter table to add column
23 Alter table to add columns
24 Alter table to add foreign key
25 Alter table to add fulltext search
26 Alter table to add index
27 Alter table to add primary key, add new column, change column, drop column
28 Alter table to add unique index
29 Alter table to change column sequence
30 Alter table to change the auto_increment setting and comments
31 Alter table to change the order
32 Alter table to Delete an Index
33 Alter table to drop foreign key
34 Alter table to drop primary key
35 Alter table to set the primary key start
36 Altering and Dropping Tables
37 Altering Database Tables
38 Backup file indicating line and record separator
39 Backup file into txt file indicating the line terminator
40 Backup records into txt file 2
41 Backup selected records into txt file
42 Chage column name
43 Change column data length
44 Change column data type
45 Change column definition
46 Change column type and sequence in table
47 Change column type and settings during table copying
48 Change default value
49 Change j from INT to BIGINT
50 Change the LastName column from CHAR(30) to CHAR(40) without renaming the column
51 Changing a Column Definition
52 Changing a Column Definition or Name
53 Changing a Columns Default Value
54 Changing the Table Design (ALTER TABLE)
55 Check column value
56 Check date range
57 Check default
58 Check table column settings
59 Column alias with underscore
60 Column definition with modifiers
61 Column sequence in insert statemenet
62 Column Types
63 Combining Columns to Construct Composite Values
64 Compare two columns and yield two values
65 Compare two columns together
66 Concatenate columns
67 Copy a table
68 Copy data to temporary table
69 Copy one row of data
70 Copy Table Demo
71 Copy table with calculation
72 Copy Table with Condition
73 Copy table with conditions
74 Copying a Table
75 Copying Data into a New Table
76 Copying Only Selected Columns from a Table
77 Copying Only Selected Data from a Table
78 Copying to a Temporary Table
79 Create a copy of the product table
80 Create a single-column index on c, and the second creates a multiple-column index that includes both c and i
81 Create a table called cust_names using the table definitions and data from the product table
82 Create a table with a nonunique index on the date-valued column Inauguration
84 Create an empty table, use a WHERE clause that is always false
85 Create an index and check it
86 Create an index on the AMOUNT column of the PENALTIES table
87 Create index of decimal type column
88 Create index on a column
89 Create index on one column
90 Create index on table column with order
91 Create index on two columns
92 Create index using btree
93 Create Simple Tables
94 Create table
96 CREATE TABLE statement provides an example of a TEXT column named DescriptionDoc
99 Create the Catalog table and includes two NOT NULL columns
100 Create the table and then set the initial sequence value with ALTER TABLE
101 Create unique index on table columns
102 Create view for indexes
103 Create, insert and drop a table
104 Creates table-level privileges
105 Creating a New Table by Copying
106 Creating a Table
107 Creating a Table with an Index
108 Creating Copies of a Table
109 Creating Indexes (CREATE INDEX)
110 Creating New Tables with SELECT Results
111 Creating Temporary Tables
112 -d option specifies a field delimiter of
113 Defining Default Values
114 Defining Indexes at Table-Creation Time
115 Drop a column
116 Drop an index by name
117 Drop constraint by name
118 Drop more than one table at single statement
119 Drop table if exists
120 Dropping a Column
121 Dropping Databases
122 Dropping, Adding, or Repositioning a Column
123 Dump record into txt file
124 Duplicate table name between normal table and temporary table
125 Eliminating Duplicates by Adding an Index
126 Enlarge column during table copying
127 Exchanging Rows and Columns
128 Find out what tables the current database contains
129 Get default value from a column
130 Get information only for the co_2 column, you cant use this query
131 Get the descriptive data of the columns belonging to the PLAYERS table
132 Get the descriptive data of the indexes defined on the PENALTIES table
133 Get the names of the indexes defined on the PENALTIES table
134 Give each table a short alias and refer to table columns using the aliases
135 Give ordinary users the ability to lock (LOCK) tables, create temporary tables, and execute stored procedures
136 Giving Columns a New Heading with AS
137 Giving Names to Output Columns
138 Handling Duplicate Index Values
139 Hash index
140 How to delete a table
141 How to include a regular index in a table definition
142 How to include a unique index in the table definition
143 Important Column Attributes and Options
144 In MySQL, a single DROP TABLE statement can name several tables to be dropped simultaneously
145 Indicate unique after column definition
146 Information only about a single column, use a LIKE clause that matches the column name
147 Insert data without column names
148 Memory engine for temporary table
149 MODIFY statement should specify the null and default value attributes explicitly
150 Modify a column
151 Modifying Existing Columns
152 Modifying Indexes of Existing Tables
153 More about Removing Records (DELETE and TRUNCATE)
154 More complex tables have multiple columns
155 MySQL truncates the data during copying
156 NULL Values and Column Definitions
157 Only copy certain columns
158 Only copy records
160 Provide index definitions in addition to the column definitions
161 Put the comparison expression in the output column list, perhaps including the values that youre comparing
162 Redefine i to be NOT NULL, then try again
163 Reduce the number of significant characters per index in the index to the first 16 characters
164 Refer to the additional output column by position
165 Reference a column
166 Remove two tables at the same time
167 Removing Duplicates by Adding an Index
168 Removing Indexes
169 Renaming a Table
170 Returns detailed information about all columns of the table tablename
171 Select all columns from a table inside another database
172 Set average row length and max, min rows
173 Set column to use default value
174 Set type column
175 Setting CHECK Constraints
176 Show index for a table
177 Sort by column name
178 Sort more than one columns
179 Specifying Default Values 1
180 Specifying Multiple Alterations
181 Specifying Which Columns to Display
182 Storing Altered Character Strings
183 Syntax for Adding a Column
184 Syntax for Altering a Column
185 Syntax for altering table and delete a Column
186 Syntax for Creating Tables (CREATE TABLE)
187 Table column with comments
188 Table with default value
189 Take everything but the rightmost two columns
190 The -e option specifies the query to execute, and -N tells MySQL not to write the row of column names that normally precedes q
191 The Effect of ALTER TABLE on Null and Default Value Attributes
192 The syntax for CREATE INDEX is as follows
193 There are four types of statements for adding indexes to a table
194 To copy only some of the columns, name the ones you want in the SELECT part of the statement
195 To create a unique-valued index, use the UNIQUE keyword instead of INDEX
196 To create columns in a different order than that in which they appear in the source table
197 To disallow NULL values in any of the columns, add NOT NULL to the definition of each one
198 To drop a default value, use ALTER col_name DROP DEFAULT
199 To drop an index with ALTER TABLE
200 To exclude them, provide a column output list that names specifically only those columns
201 To include multiple columns in an index
202 To indicate a column at a specific position within the table, either use FIRST to make it the first column, or
203 To produce a summary that includes all hours of the day, create a reference table that lists each hour
204 To produce additional columns showing the total and average values of the books for each author in the author
206 Two ALTER TABLE statements can be combined
207 Unique modifier for column definition
208 Use ALTER TABLE to change the column type
209 Use DESCRIBE to find out the table structure
210 Use NULL in where clause
211 Use single quote with char type column
212 Use the asterisk to try matching against the name ian or the alternative spelling, iain
213 Using a TRUNCATE Statement to Delete Data
214 Using ALTER TABLE command to add the names_num column to the cust_names table
215 Using Case clause to show meaningful value for column
216 Using index in order by clause to indecate the result from subquery
217 Using qulified column name
218 Using regular expression in check
219 Using Temporary Tables
220 Using the INSERT Statement to Copy Data
221 Using the REPLACE Statement to Copy Data
222 Value must be from another table