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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
Object Oriented 154 codes
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
Object Oriented
1 A row is selected based on the inner column object
2 A sample object type with a MAP member function
3 A sample object type with an ORDER member function
4 Accessing the object table by reference
5 Add attribute
6 Alter table to add a user-defined type column
7 Alter table to add varray type column
8 Alter type to add member function
9 Alternatively, you can create an object table
10 Call data type constructor to initialize it
11 Call data type member function in PLSQL
12 Call Object member function
13 Call User-defined constructors
14 Cast value to custom type
15 Check nullment for object instance
16 COLUMN Formatting in SELECT for Object
17 Combine user-defined type to create new type
18 Compare two type object instances
19 Construct user-defined type with subquery
20 Create a new type and add it to a table
21 Create a synonym and a public synonym for a type
22 Create a table based on an Object with methods
23 CREATE a Table that References Our Row Objects
24 Create toString function for a type
25 Create type and use it as table column
26 Create type and use it in inner query
27 Create type body
28 Creating Object Types
29 Declare a function
30 DELETE from object table where clause reference objects attributes
31 DELETE on whole Nested Tables
32 Deleting a Row from the object_products Table
33 Deleting a Row from the Table with object type column
34 Demonstrates object initialization
35 DEREF operator
36 Describe a type
37 Describe table with user-defined type as column type
38 DML on whole Nested Tables
39 Drop a type
40 Drop attribute
41 Drop type force
42 Implement a function in type body
43 Insert data into table with inheritecd columns
44 Insert data just as one would ordinarily do with a common SQL table
45 Insert into table with sub type column
46 INSERT object instance by calling its constructor
47 Insert statement with nested type
48 Insert value to a table with table of custom type as table column type
49 INSERT Values into a Table that Contains Row Objects (TCRO)
50 INSERT Values into a Table with the Column Type in It
51 Inserting a row into an object table
52 Inserting a row into an object table by supplying the values in the same way in a relational
53 Inserting a row into an object table using constructor
54 Inserting a Row into the Object Reference table
55 Inserting a row of object into an object table
56 Inserting Rows into the nested-object table
57 Inserting Rows into the Table with object type column
58 Invoking a method
59 Loading the row object Table
60 Nested object
61 Nested type Column
62 Nested varray and table collection column
64 NOT FINAL clause
66 NULL objects and NULL attributes
67 Object elements are referenced by using variable attribute and variable method notation
68 Object instances and initialization
69 Object References
70 Object References and Object Identifiers
71 Object Relational tables
72 Object table
73 Object types with member functions
74 One-step INSERTs into a Table that Contains Row Objects
75 ORA-00932
76 ORA-22908
77 Overloading based on user defined object types
78 Pipelined Table Functions
79 Query a table with user-defined column type
80 Query table column with user defined type
81 Query table with sub type column
82 Querying Rows from the object Table
83 Reference column
84 Reference column name in an object table
85 Reference type constructor in insert statement
86 Retrieve object as a whole
87 Select a single row from the nested-object table
88 Select an individual column object from a table
89 Select from inherited object columns
90 SELECT from the object-oriented table
91 SELECT on whole Nested Tables
92 SELECT with a WHERE Clause
93 Selecting a Row from the Object reference table
94 SELECTing Individual Columns in Table that Contains Row Objects
95 SELECTing Only One Column in the Composite
96 Selecting Rows from the nested-object table
97 Selecting Rows from the object Table
98 Selecting Rows from the Table with object type column
99 Static Method
100 Stored Nested Tables
101 Table function with aggregate function and group by
102 Table function with varray column
103 Table Functions involving Object Types
104 Table Functions with table of numbers
105 The body defines the code for the method, and a body is created using the CREATE TYPE BODY statement
106 The CAST Function
107 The CAST function converts an object type (such as a VARRAY) into a common type that can be queried Oracle 10g automatical
108 The MEMBER FUNCTION clause declares the getByDate() function
109 The NOT FINAL clause indicates that object can be inherited from when defining another type
110 The Object Type Column Objects
111 The THE function generates a virtual table, which is displayed using the VALUE function for the elements Using the COLUMN_
112 This script builds a sample object type with constructor
113 This script demonstrates the static method
114 Transform a collection into a table and reference it in a SQL query
115 Type Inheritance
116 Type with member function
117 Type with member procedure
118 Type with method
119 Type with order function
120 Type with toString and mapping functions
121 UPDATE a Table that Contains Row Objects (TCRO)
122 UPDATE Data in a Table of Row Objects
123 UPDATE on whole Nested Tables
124 Update statement with table function
125 Update user-defined type column
126 Updating a Row in the object reference table
127 Updating a Row in the object Table
128 Updating a Row in the Table with object type column
129 Use constructor to create new objects
130 Use Object PLSQL
131 Use objects in SQL, First, you can use object types as attributes in a traditional relational way)
132 Use self to reference member variable
133 Use table function on varray type value
134 Use table function to convert table collection to a table
135 Use table function to convert type to a table
136 Use table of custom type as table column type
137 Use the built-in Oracle database VALUE() function to select a row from an object table
138 Use to reference all columns from a table
139 Use user-defined type in insert statement
140 Use user-defined type to combine query logic
141 Use view to cast records in result set to a type
142 User-Defined Constructors
143 Using DESCRIBE to Get Information on Object Types
144 Using Object Types to Define Column Objects and Object Tables
145 Using Objects
146 Using the default constructor (the name of the class)
147 Using UPDATE with TYPEed Columns
148 VALUE operator
149 You can access the rows in the object tables that are pointed to by REF column values using t REF() function; this functio
150 You can access this object identifier using the REF() function and store the returned objectifier in a REF column
151 You can also use an object type to define an entire table, and the table is known as an object table
152 You can set the depth to which DESCRIBE will show information using SET DESCRIBE DEPTH
153 You can use an object type to define an entire table, and the table is known as an object table
154 You must create an instance of the object first With object types, you cannot just start assigning values to attributes.tx