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Regular Expressions Functions 65 codes
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
Regular Expressions Functions
1 [
2 {m,n} where m,n specifies that the match should occur from m to n times
3 + matches one or more repetitions
4 A ^ followed by something else like an l (a lowercase L)
5 A match for any vowel followed by an r or p
6 A quantifier {m} matches exactly m repetitions
7 A series of bs immediately following the a
8 Asking for a match for a capital F followed by any character
9 Asking for the presence of a g or a p
10 Asking for the presence of a g or a p with REGEXP_LIKE
11 Asking to match an a and zero or more bs
12 At least m times with
13 Backreference
14 Bracketed Classes
15 Brackets
16 Convert a name in the form first middle last into the last, middle first format
17 Empty Strings and the Repetition Character
18 Find the s and ignore case
19 Grouping
20 Looking for two consecutive vowels
21 Match a string where i is followed by any one character and followed by another i
22 Matches exactly zero or one repetition
23 Matches zero or more repetitions
24 Matching at least one b
25 Matching for a non-digit
26 Meta characters
27 Negating Carets
28 Non-greedy
29 Parameters is a field that may be used to define how one wants the search to proceed
30 Ranges (Minus Signs)
31 Regexp_Instr
32 Regexp_Instr returns the location (beginning) of a pattern in a given string
33 REGEXP_INSTR(value,[[
34 Regexp_instr(comments, [^ ]+, 1, 9) 0
35 REGEXP_LIKE(value,[^0-9])
36 REGEXP_LIKE(x, pattern [, match_option]) searchs x for the regular expression pattern
37 Regexp_Like
38 Regexp_like(comments, ([^ ]+ ){8,})
39 Regexp_like(comments, f[a-z] ,i)
40 Regexp_Substr
41 Regexp_Substr returns a string of data type VARCHAR2 or CLOB
42 REGEXP_SUBSTR(value,e e)
43 Regext_Replace
44 Regular Expression Functions
45 Regular Expression Metacharacters
46 Repetition Operators
47 Retrieves employees whose first name starts with J or j
48 Return-option returns the position of the start or end of the matched string
49 Returns the position of the second occurrence that matches the regular expression s[[
50 Search for (
51 SELECT REGEXP_INSTR(Two is bigger than One,One) where_it_is
52 Specify any series of letters and find matches, just like INSTR
53 The Alternation Operator
54 The Backslash as an Escape Character
55 The bracketed expression [[
56 The period may be substituted for any letter and still maintain a match
57 The Return-option is set to 1 to indicate the end of the found pattern
58 The says to match zero or one time
59 The search string cannot be anchored at the beginning and then searched from some other position
60 The simplest regular expression matches letters, letter for letter
61 Three to five consecutive vowels
62 Use the caret-anchor to insist the matching start at the beginning of the string
63 Using regexp_like(comments, ([[
64 Want an e followed by any number of other characters and then another e
65 Writing of the RE with a repeat operator