Mega Code Archive
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Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
System Tables Data Dictionary 228 codes
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
System Tables Data Dictionary
1 Behavior of dependent objects
2 Blocked-session details
3 Check dependencies for procedure
4 Check for locks held after starting the transaction
5 Check functionprocedure status
6 Check if a table is updatable by query user_updatable_columns
7 Check locked objects
8 Check package reference
9 Check the package status in user_objects
10 Check user name and password for users
11 Check user_arguments table
12 Check user_objects for object name
13 Checking Object Privileges Made
14 Checking System Privileges Granted to a User
15 Column object privileges
17 Combine dba_tables and dba_tab_columns, dba_objects
18 Combine user_constraints and user_cons_columns
19 Create a directory alias pointing to your class subdirectory
20 Create alter trigger command by query user_triggers table
21 Create disable trigger command by querying user_triggers table
22 Create drop command by query the user_objects table
23 Create grant permission command by querying user_objects table
24 Dba_ddl_locks
25 Dba_tables
26 Direct Role Grants to Users
27 Display SGA area sizes
28 Display the text of a cached query in the shared pool, then the execution plan
29 Dynamic Performance Views
30 Find all column comments
31 Find information about utl_file_dir from v$parameter
32 Find Long Running Queries
33 Find out all dba table privileges
34 Find out all table comments
35 Find out all triggers from user_triggers table
36 Find out dependencies from dba_dependencies
37 Find out the names of the tables you own
38 Finding, Validating, and Describing Packages
39 Get all invalid user objects in user_objects table
40 Get all system packages
41 Get all temporary objects from table temp_all_objects
42 Get detailed error message from user_errors
43 Get information on all the column constraints you have access to using all_cons_columns
44 Get information on all the columns in tables you have access to using all_tab_columns
45 Get information on all the constraints you have access to using all_constraints
46 Get information on all the indexes you have access to using all_ind_columns
47 Get information on all the indexes you have access to using all_indexes
48 Get information on all the indexes you have access to using all_views
49 Get information on all the procedures you have access to using all_procedures
50 Get information on all the sequences you have access to using all_sequences
51 Get information on all the tables you have access to using all_nested_tables
52 Get information on all the tables you have access to using all_tables
53 Get information on all the tables you have access to using all_varrays
54 Get information on all the triggers you have access to using all_triggers
55 Get information on your nested tables from the user_nested_tables view
56 Get information on your varrays from the user_varrays view
57 Get invalid table objects
58 Get invalid table objects by joining user_segments and user_objects
59 Get Object id from user_objects
60 Get Object privileges a user has received by querying user_col_privs_recd
61 Get Sequence information from user_sequences table
62 Get source code of procedure and function
63 Get the creation time and updated time for dba objects
64 Get the log history information for the past 3 days
65 Get the name and type of object locked
66 Get the script of a certain view
67 Getting a list of your own tables
68 Getting a list of your own views
69 Getting Column Comments
70 Getting Information on Columns in Tables
71 Getting Information on Constraints
72 Getting Information on Functions
73 Getting Information on Functions and Procedures in a Package
74 Getting Information on Indexes
75 Getting Information on Procedures
76 Getting Information on Sequences
77 Getting Information on Tables
78 Getting Information on the Constraints on a Column
79 Getting Information on the Indexes on a Column
80 Getting Information on Triggers
81 Getting Information on View Constraints
82 Getting Table Comments
83 If procedure is valid
84 IO (expressed in database blocks) by datafile
85 Join dba_extents and dba_rollback_segs
86 Join dba_jobs_running and dba_jobs
87 Join dba_users and dba_tab_privs to find out user privileges
88 Join dba_users, dba_tab_privs
89 Join sys col$ and user_objects
90 Join user_procedures and user_objects
91 Join v$open_cursor and v$sqltext
92 Join v$process, v$session and v$parameter
93 Join v$process, v$session, v$parameter and v$instance
94 Join v$rollname, v$rollstat, v$session c, v$sqltext and v$transaction
95 Join v$session and v$access
96 Join v$session and v$sess_io
97 Join v$session, v$lock and v$sqltext
98 Join v$session, v$lock and v$sqltext with subquery
99 Join v$session, v$sesstat and v$statname
100 List all sys owned package name
101 List table name from dictionary
102 List tables and views from object_table
103 Log dba_extents
104 Map user objects to tablespaces
105 Object Grants to Roles
106 Object Grants to Users
107 Object privileges on a table
108 Obtaining Time Zone Names by selecting all the rows from v$timezone_names
109 Oracle System Privilege Grants to Roles
110 Oracle System Privilege Grants to Users
111 Output report for user_ind_columns
112 Output report for user_tab_columns
113 Prints the total UGA for your environment
114 Query all_col_privs
115 Query all_objects for all packages and package bodies
116 Query all_objects table by object_id
117 Query all_source
118 Query all_source for all packages
119 Query all_source for certain string
120 Query all_source table for all package bodies
121 Query all_synonyms
122 Query all_tab_privs
123 Query cat for table name and type
124 Query control file information
125 Query DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT for Name of the affected object
126 Query DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT for Numeric code for the action
127 Query DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT for Operating system username used
128 Query DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT for Oracle username of the account used
129 Query DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT for Owner of the affected object
130 Query DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT for Terminal ID used
131 Query DBA_AUDIT_SESSION for Login time
132 Query DBA_AUDIT_SESSION for Logoff time
133 Query DBA_AUDIT_SESSION for Operating system username used
134 Query DBA_AUDIT_SESSION for Oracle username of the account used
135 Query DBA_AUDIT_SESSION for Terminal ID used
136 Query DBA_EXTENTS for Name of the segment, Type of segment (ex TABLE, INDEX)
137 Query dba_extents for segment name
138 Query DBA_EXTENTS for Tablespace name,Owner of the segment
139 Query dba_jobs for job information
140 Query dba_objects by owner
141 Query dba_objects for owner name and object type
142 Query dba_triggers
143 Query dict_columns
144 Query language characters in effect
145 Query name and segment column length from sys col table
146 Query role_sys_privs for privilege name
147 Query session_context
148 Query session_privs table
149 Query sys_nc_rowinfo from a table with user defined column type
150 Query table constraint type by querying user_constraints table
151 Query table name and average row length from user_object_tables
152 Query Tablespace Information
153 Query the all_tables
154 Query the Oracle data dictionary view USER_SOURCE
155 Query user_constraints for constraint_type = V
156 Query user_constraints with constraint_type = R
157 Query user_dependencies
158 Query user_dependencies for a function
159 Query user_dependencies for reference name
160 Query user_errors table
161 Query user_indextypes
162 Query user_jobs
163 Query user_libraries
164 Query user_method_params
165 Query user_object_size
166 Query user_objects for all java classes
167 Query user_objects for all packages, procedures and functions
168 Query user_objects for all PLSQL code
169 Query user_objects for object status
170 Query user_objects for user-defined data type
171 Query user_objects for your functions and procedures
172 Query user_operators
173 Query user_plsql_object_settings
174 Query user_policies
175 Query user_source for procedure declaration
176 Query user_stored_settings table
177 Query user_tables for a table name
178 Query user_types
179 Query v$db_object_cache
180 Query v$db_pipes
181 Query v$dbfile table
182 Query v$logmnr_contents
183 Query v$nls_parameters
184 Query v$rowcache
185 Query v$session
186 Query v$session for user name, sid and serial#
187 Query v$sql
188 Query v$sqlarea
189 Query v$sqlarea for running dba jobs
190 Query v$timer
191 Recompile all invalid package
192 Reference column with user-defined type in select statement
193 Search DBA_OBJECT_SIZE for package and procedure size
194 Search for indexes created by anyone other than the table owner
195 Search V$PARAMETER for a parameter
196 Select $lock and $session
197 Select $lock and $session for locked objects
198 Select Active_State from V$INSTANCE
199 Select Database_Status from V$INSTANCE
200 Select from cat
201 Select from DBA_SEGMENTS where Segment_Type = ROLLBACK
202 Select name, block_size, current_size from v$buffer_pool
203 SELECT owner, NAME, plsql_warnings FROM user_plsql_object_settings
204 Select segment_name, segment_type from user_segments
205 Select statistics_name, system_status, statistics_view_name from v$statistics_level
206 Select synonym_name, table_owner, table_name from user_synonyms
207 Select table_name, block_size from dba_tables dt, dba_tablespaces dtbs
208 Select the source code from USER_SOURCE
209 Selecting from the TAB view
210 Show filestat
211 Show parameter optimizer_index
212 Show parameter utl_file_dir
213 Show the procedure is marked invalid
214 Union dba_indexes and dba_tables
215 Union user name from sys dba_users table
217 User and its average object id
218 User System Privileges
219 User Table Privileges report
220 User_indexes join user_ind_columns ic using (table_name,index_name)
221 Users in rollback segments
222 Using a Sequence
223 V$sql
224 View all the tablespaces in a database
225 Viewing Errors in a Database
226 Viewing synonyms and what they reference
227 When you do a search in the Oracle data dictionary, all object names are in uppercase
228 You can get information about your views from user_views