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Oracle PLSQL
Data Type 253 codes
Oracle PLSQL
Data Type
1 2 meaningless values cant be compared against one another
2 A normalization to DB timezone
3 A numeric variable with no specified size, no initial value
4 A PLSQL block to read an operating system file called BLOB JPG that contains 1 row of binary data
5 Add an exception handler for myException
6 Add one to current number type value of counter
7 An assignment to var2
8 An if-then statement comparing two numeric literals
9 Append data to clob
10 Appending and Writing to LOBs
11 Are two dates equal
12 Are two text value equal
13 Assign a character string that is too long
14 Assign a value to a variable of type boolean Dont use quotes around the value like this
15 Assign current_timestamp to timestamp type variable
16 Assign date value as string to date type variable
17 Assign loop counter to pls_integer type variable
18 Assign string value to clob type variable
19 Assign system date to date type variable
21 BFile column
24 BINARY_INTEGER as loop counter
25 BINARY_INTEGER assignment
26 Blob type column
27 Boolean data type with If statement
28 Boolean expressions in where clause
29 Boolean literals
30 Calculate a grand total
31 Calculation with pls_integer
32 CAST(x AS type_name)
33 Change column type from long to clob
34 Change varchar type value
35 Char type and varchar2 type
36 Char type with 50 characters
37 CHAR() and VARCHAR2()
38 Character Data Type Conversion Chart
39 Check data size for varchar2 column
40 Check date value range
41 Check value of PLS_INTEGER type variable
42 Clob data type
43 Clob type column
44 Clob type data as string
45 Combine text string value in select clause
46 Compare char value without knowing the case
47 Compare clob data
48 Compare date value after to_char() and trim()
49 Compare date value with sysdate or null value
50 Compare number value in if statement
51 Compare number value with
52 Compare number value with != (not equals)
53 Compare number value with =(equals)
54 Compare number value with between and
55 Compare two clobs
56 Compare varchar2 value with =
57 Comparison of CHAR with VARCHAR2
58 Comparison of CHAR with VARCHAR2 (Test the strings for equality)
59 Comparison operator with number value and order by
60 Conversion of Longs to LOBs
61 Convert string to a number and then adds 25 5 to that number
62 Convert string to clob
63 Convert the character string back to date format
64 Convert the string to a number and pass the format string $99,999 99 to TO_NUMBER()
65 Converting DATE to spelled-out character format
66 Converting number representation to DATE format
67 Converting spelled date to DATE format
68 Converts the string 970 13 to a number using TO_NUMBER()
69 Copy clob data
70 Copying Internal LOBs
71 Count with pls_integer type variable
72 Create a table with number type column
73 Create a table with two columns, Use Datatypes
74 Create table
75 Creating an Internal LOB Table
76 Date data types
77 Date math
78 Date type column
79 Date value calculation in to_char function
80 Date variable
81 DateTime literals
82 DBMS_LOB package
83 Declare date type variable and set the value at the same time
84 Declare number variable
85 Declare number variable and assign value
86 Declare varchar2 variables
87 Define a TIMESTAMP variable with a default null or initialized value
88 Define and set timestamp value
89 Define and use boolean value
90 Define and use char value
91 Define and use Date data type
92 Define integer variables
93 Define varchar2 type variable
94 Demonstrate a method of converting to a LONG column to CLOB
95 Demonstrate the new ANSI Timestamp literal Use 0-9 digits for fractional seconds
96 Difference between the DATE and TIMESTAMP datatypes
97 Differences Between Dates
98 Do calculation in select statement with number type column
99 Erase clob data
100 Extract year, month, day from a date
101 Format current system date
102 Gets the date a little more exact
103 HttpUriType createUri
104 Httpuritype getUrl()
105 Httpuritype type column
106 Identical declarations using NUMBER subtypes
107 If value IS NULL, raise exception
108 Implicit conversion between CLOB and NCLOB object
109 IN with text value
110 In() function with clob data
111 Init a varchar2 type variable
112 Initialize blob type data
113 Initialize clob
114 Initialize value with date functions
115 Initiate number value to 0
116 Insert char value to long type column
117 Insert statement converts text value to date type value
118 Insert sysdate value to date type column
119 Insert sysdate value to timestamp type column
120 Insert value to char type and varchar2 type
121 Int value column
124 IS NAN
125 Long raw type column
126 Long type column
127 Memory allocation differences between the CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatypes
128 MONTHS_BETWEEN with to_date function
129 NclobData type
130 New ANSI DATE literal
131 No equality comparison between two strings
132 Number Formatting
133 Number that exceeds precision
134 NUMBER(m,n)
135 Numeric Data Type Conversion Chart
136 Numerical format elements that can be used in format masks
137 PLS_Integer type variable
138 PLS_INTEGER variable
139 PLSQL BOOLEAN datatypes accept only TRUE, FALSE, NULL
140 Print out the length of the CLOBs previously INSERTed
141 Read blob type data, DBMS_LOB READ
142 Read clob data to varchar2 type variable
143 Read clob type data, DBMS_LOB READ
144 Read data in for sql statement
145 Represents a zero length character string BUT NOT a null value
146 Retrieve the timestamp into a variable
147 Select 5 1d, 42f from dual
148 Set column width by setting char number
149 Set date value to SYSDATE
150 Set long
151 Shorthand for a 101 year and 3 month interval(INTERVAL 101 YEAR)
152 Shorthand for a 101 year and 3 month interval(INTERVAL 101-3 YEAR TO MONTH)
153 Shorthand for a 101 year and 3 month interval(INTERVAL 3 MONTH)
154 Store hour
155 Suffix sp
156 System timestamp
157 Th suffix
158 The CHAR data type is used for storing fixed-length character strings
159 The IS NULL operator in action
160 The index variable is a PLS_INTEGER datatype number
161 The TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype stores the datetime
162 The TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype stores the datetime
163 The TO_DATE function in where clause
164 This in the only way to do it properly to get the desired results
165 This script demonstrates the use of the INTERVAL types
166 This script demonstrates user-defined LOBs (varray)
167 TIMESTAMP literal
168 TIMESTAMP literal supports Time Zone (as offset from UTC) Default is SESSION Timezone
172 Timestamp procedure member variable
173 Timestamp type column
176 To_char( 111, 099 99 )
177 TO_CHAR()
178 TO_CHAR(0 67, B9 99)
179 TO_CHAR(0012345 6700, FM99999 99)
180 TO_CHAR(12345 67, $99,999 99)
181 TO_CHAR(12345 67, 099,999 99)
182 TO_CHAR(-12345 67, 99,999 99) (2)
183 TO_CHAR(12345 67, 99,999 9900)
184 TO_CHAR(-12345 67, 99,999 99MI)
185 TO_CHAR(-12345 67, 99,999 99PR)
186 TO_CHAR(12345 67, 99999 99EEEE)
187 TO_CHAR(12345 67, 99999D99)
188 TO_CHAR(12345 67, 99999G99)
189 TO_CHAR(12345 67, 99999V99)
190 TO_CHAR(12345 67, C99,999 99)
191 TO_CHAR(12345 67, L99,999 99 )
192 TO_CHAR(12345 67, TM)
193 TO_CHAR(12345 67, U99,999 99)
194 TO_CHAR(2007, RN)
195 TO_CHAR(Date, Day)
196 TO_CHAR(Date, DY)
197 TO_CHAR(Date, MM)
198 TO_CHAR(Date, Mon)
199 TO_CHAR(Date, Month)
200 TO_CHAR(Date, Q)
201 TO_CHAR(Date, Year)
202 TO_CHAR(Date, YYYY)
204 TO_CHAR(Date,fmDay Month fmDD, YYYY)
205 TO_CHAR(product_price, $9,999 00)
206 TO_CHAR(Start_Date, DD, MM, Mon, Month, YYYY, Year, Day, DY, Q)
208 TO_CLOB(x)
209 TO_DATE(04-JUL-15, DD-MON-RR)
211 TO_NCHAR(x)
212 TO_NCLOB(x)
214 Two timestamp subtypes demonstrate similar behaviors Their prototypes are
215 Update number type column with calculation
216 Use % with like in a select statement for varchar2 column
217 Use ANSI Data Types when creating a table
218 Use between and with clob data
219 Use binary data type
220 Use Case statement with number type value
221 Use case with switch varchar2 variable
222 Use clob to store xml data
223 Use clob type in PLSQL
224 Use comparison operator with date type value
225 Use DATE to mark a string as date value
226 Use DATE type column
227 Use dbms_lob erase to remove value from clob type value
228 Use dbms_lob fileopen to open bfile
229 Use for loop statement to set value to an integer variable
230 Use if statement to compare two date type variable
231 Use like operator with clob type data
232 Use national char set
233 Use number as the column type
234 Use number value with in operator
235 Use select into clause to assign value to a varchar2 type variable and output with dbms_output put_line
236 Use SYSDATE in insert statement
237 Use the NVL() against a non-initialized BOOLEAN variable
238 Use To_Char function to format number in a select query
239 Use to_char more than once to create long date format
240 Use to_char to format date
241 Use to_char( sal, $9,999 99 ) to format a number type column to currency format
242 Use to_clob with case when statement
243 Use to_date function with between and
244 Use to_number to convert char to number
245 Use varchar2 as table column type
246 User defined exceptions
247 Using the nvl function
248 Varchar type are case sensitive
249 Varchar type variable is defined but has no value
250 Varchar2 type column with different byte length
251 Varchar2 type value with not null default value
252 Versions between timestamp minvalue and maxvalue
253 Without enough number symbols, Oracle is unable to return any output