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Oracle PLSQL
Object Oriented Database 159 codes
Oracle PLSQL
Object Oriented Database
1 A sample object type with a MAP member function
2 A sample object type with an ORDER member function
3 Access member variable in member function in a type
4 Address object
5 Alter a table with user-defined object to upgrade including data
6 Alter a user-defined type
7 ALTER TYPE to add more methods and attributes
8 Alter user-defined type to add a new attribute
9 Behavior of dependent objects
10 Build data type with another user type
11 Call object constructor in an insert statement
12 Cast a row to a type instance
13 Cast table row as type
14 Check object table column type
15 Column REF an object type
16 Combine user-defined type to create new type
17 Compare the appartment objects and display the results
18 Compare two type object instances
19 Compare user-defined type
20 Constructors in hierarchical types
21 Crate table with object column
22 Create a new type and add it to a table
23 Create a stored type which is visible to SQL and PLSQL
24 Create a table based on user-defined object only
25 CREATE a Table that References Our Row Objects
26 Create a table with nested user defined type as column
27 CREATE a TABLE with the Column Type in It
28 Create a table with user define varray as column type
29 Create a view based on a user-defined object type
30 Create an object table and insert value by using the object constructor
31 Create instance of nested user-defined type
32 Create Object
34 Create Row Objects REF TYPE
35 Create table based on single data type
36 Create table from Object type
37 Create table with nested types
38 Create table with ref
39 Create table with user defined type as column
40 Create the object and collection types
41 Create type and use it as table column
42 Create type and use it in inner query
43 Create type body
44 Create types and then use it in plsql block
45 Create user type with map
46 Create user type with order
47 Create view based on Object
48 Creating User-defined Functions for Column Objects
49 Cursor for user-defined object type
50 Cursor of user-defined objects
51 Define Compare method and use it in order by clause
52 Define getter function for object
53 Define ToString method for object type
54 Delete records
55 Demonstrates object initialization
56 Demonstrates SQL operations on object types
57 Demonstrates the member method
58 Dependencies among object types
59 Dependencies between object types and tables
60 DEREF (Dereference) the Row Addresses
61 Display the New Table (SELECT and SELECT by Column Name)
62 DML operations on collections
63 Format column in the object
64 Implementation of many to many using object references
65 Implementation of multiple inheritance relationship
66 Implementation of one to many using object references
67 Insert data into an object table
68 Insert data to table containing object column
69 Insert inherited object
70 Insert statement with nested type
71 Insert value to a specific column for an object table with insert select statement
72 Insert value to an objec table as normal table
73 Insert value to one column in an object table
74 Insert value with constructor method
75 Insert value with type variable
76 INSERT Values into a Table that Contains Row Objects (TCRO)
77 INSERT Values into a Table with the Column Type in It
78 Insert with ref
79 Instantiate shape error
80 List to list using object references
81 Loading the row object Table
82 MAKE_REF and user view
83 Multilevel aggregation relationships using nested tables
84 Mutual-exclusion inheritance using under
85 Name type
86 Nested table
87 Nested type Column
88 Object table
89 Object table insert
90 One to list using object references
91 One to one using object references
92 One-step INSERTs into an object table
93 Override a final member function
94 PLS-00588
95 Point type
96 PriceType becomes the datatype of the price attribute in the ProductType object type
97 Query column with user-defined type
98 Query data from table based on object
99 Query object table
100 Raise error in object memthod
101 Reference nested data type in select statement
102 Reference type attribute in a where clause
103 Reference type attribute through column name
104 Reference type column
105 Reference type member function in select statement
106 Reference user-defined data type in another block
107 Save type hierarchy to one table with parent type as the column type
108 SELECT Only One Column in the Composite
109 Select the object type from the table, rather than the columns
110 SELECT with a WHERE Clause
111 SELECTing Individual Columns in TCROs
112 Student type
113 The Object Type Column Objects
114 This script builds a sample object type with constructor
115 This script builds a sample object type with member variables and functions
116 This script demonstrates attribute chaining
117 This script demonstrates column objects
118 This script demonstrates complex objects
119 This script demonstrates the order method
120 This script demonstrates the static method
121 This script demonstrates the user-defined constructor method
122 Treat type as
123 Type attribute accesser
124 Type with member procedure
125 Under a type
126 UPDATE a Table that Contains Row Objects (TCRO)
127 Update calls the constructor in the SET clause
128 UPDATE Data in a Table of Row Objects
129 Update user-defined type column
130 Update using the PLSQL variables
131 Use %ROWTYPE to select from the relational table
132 Use a table alias and the name of the object
133 Use constructor to create new objects
134 Use discrete attribute names
135 Use method from object in select command
136 Use self reference
137 Use self to reference member variable
138 Use self to reference member variable in constructor
139 Use table function in delete statement for a user-defined type column
140 Use table function in from clause
141 Use table function in insert statement for a user-defined type column
142 Use table function to user-defined type column
143 Use the function we created
144 Use to reference column with user-defined type
145 Use treat to convert varible to a type in select statement
146 Use type constructor in update statement
147 Use type Constructor to insert data to object table
148 Use type member function in select statement
149 Use user-defined object as attribute for new object type
150 Use user-defined type as parameter
151 Use user-defined type as the column type
152 Use user-defined type in insert statement
153 Use user-defined type to combine query logic
154 Use user-defined varray type as column type
155 Use value() function to retrieve object table row
156 Use varray in a table
157 Using UPDATE with Columns
158 VALUE function for object
159 Varray of user types