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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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Oracle PLSQL
PL SQL 667 codes
Oracle PLSQL
1 A conditional statement
2 A labeled block
3 A Nested Block Example
4 A nested table of a scalar variable
5 A NULL table, and a table with a NULL element
6 A numeric FOR loop with insert statement
7 A package to manage a list of employees
8 A package with one method
9 A PLSQL block demonstrating the use of the address object
10 A PLSQL package with two methods
11 A procedure that uses a WHEN OTHERS clause
12 A record is populated using a SELECT statement
13 A simple record that holds a persons name, phone number, and birth date and fill data in
14 A single query can contain multiple runtime variables
15 A WHEN OTHERS handler that records which runtime error occurred
16 Add a WHEN OTHERS handler to catch all runtime exceptions
17 Add row to table with tableName columnName%type
18 Adding ELSE to the IF block
19 Ajust price based on price range
20 Allocate space as you increment the index
21 An anonymous block demonstrates a guard on exit simple loop
22 An anonymous block program to write the record to a row
23 An example of an anonymous block
24 An exception will stop the bulk insert
25 An if-then-elsif-then-else statement where the first two comparisons are true and the third false
26 An index-by table of an object type
27 An initialization using the assignment operator (
28 Anonymous block with error handling
29 Append command to the file saved
30 Assign a wrong record type
31 Assign default value
32 Assign init value to a number
33 Assign the character index to a variable
34 Assign the first character index to a variable
35 Assign to three elements of the table Note that the key values are not sequential
36 Assign value not null a null value
37 Assign value to table record after delete method call
38 Assign value to table records
39 Assign value to varchar2 collection by index
40 Assign values to subscripted members of the nested table
41 Assign values to subscripted members of the varray
42 Assign varaible default value to a varchar variable
43 Assignments to nested table elements, and the ORA-6533 error
44 Assignments to varray elements, and the ORA-6532 and ORA-6533 errors
45 Assigns a value to the indexed value
46 Assing an empty table record to non-empty table record
47 Associate array
48 Associative array example
49 Autonomous transactions
50 Avoid declaration exception
51 Avoid declaration exception for default value
52 Avoid traversing an associative array where no elements are initialized
53 Basic PLSQL program block
54 Behavior of NULL nested tables
55 Between and operator converts text to date type
56 Between and operator for Date type
57 Between and operator for number value
58 Between and operator for text value
59 Block Nesting
60 Block with label
61 Block with name
62 Block-Based Development
63 BREAK ON city skip1 ON start_date
64 Build an anonymous block that will trigger an error
65 Build up the CREATE TABLE statement and run it with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
66 Building Blocks of PLSQL
67 Bulk Collection
68 Bulk insert with insert select
69 Bundle several update and insert statements into one procedure
70 Calculate salary by adding salary with max(salary)
71 Call a stored procedure in dynamic script
72 Call delete method on table record
73 Call delete method with number on table record
74 Call execute immediate to drop table, create table and insert data
75 Call EXIT to exit a for loop
76 Call EXIT to jump out of a while loop
77 Call EXIT WHEN to exit a function
78 Call utitilities package
79 Calling an autonomous function from SQL
80 CARDINALITY operator lets count the elements in a collection
81 CARDINALITY table collection
82 Case conditions
83 CASE not found while executing CASE statement
84 CASE WHEN statement with variable
85 CASE WHEN with comparison operator
86 CASE WHEN with constant
87 Case with else
88 Catch all exceptions
89 Catch too_many_rows Exception for Select into statement
90 Catch user-defined exception
91 Change constant number
92 Change price and output the result
93 Change while loop counter
94 Changing labeled loop execution with EXIT statements
95 Changing the loop increment
96 Check and output sqlcode sqlerrm
97 Check error for procedure
98 Check error form stored procedure
99 Check exception type
100 Check if next index value exists
101 Check number value in if statement
102 Check row count being updating
103 Check SQL%ROWCOUNT after updating
104 Check the error
105 Check the size of a varray
106 Check zero divide exception
107 Clear the salaries table by assigning the empty version to it
108 Clear the table of varchar2
109 Close a nested table type
110 Column%type parameter
111 Combines declaring an EXCEPTION variable
112 Commit an insert statement in PL SQL
113 Commit or rollback based on success flag
114 Compare a variable length string with a fixed length, and the trailing spaces do matter
115 Compare date type variable in PLSQL block
116 Compare three variables with if statement
117 Compare two varray variables
118 Comparison of a fixed length string and a literal
119 Concate values before output
120 Concatenate string and number
121 Conditional compilation parameters are stored as name and value pairs in the PLSQL_CCFLAG database parameter
122 Constants are compared using blank-padded comparison semantics
123 Construct a null element nested table type in the database, then extends it one element at a time
124 Constructs a two varrays and one nested table type in the database
125 Control varray index with if statement
126 Convert char to date
127 Convert char to number
128 Convert char to number and number to char with various formats
129 Convert date to char, and char to date with various formats
130 Convert number to char
131 Converting a character formatted as currency to an integer value
132 Converting a character to an integer value
133 Converting DATE to spelled-out character format
134 Converting number to character formatted as a numeric string
135 Converting Numbers to Characters Formatted as a Numeric String
136 Converting VARCHAR2 percentage data to a decimal equivalent
137 Corrected WHILE loop that executes
138 Count only the unique values by combining the CARDINALITY and SET operators
139 Counter package
140 Create a constrained subtype DB_STRING
141 Create a function and call it in an if statement
142 Create a function to convert string type variable to date type variable
143 Create a package declaration and create its body after
144 Create a package level variable
145 Create a varray based on user defined type
146 Create dynamic delete from command
147 Create dynamic sql statement and get the result
148 Create Dynamic Tables
149 Create object type in PLSQL block
150 Create package and member cursor
151 Create type prices with a varray of number
152 Creates and uses a constrained subtype CODE
153 Creating a procedure and call it
154 Creating and Using VARRAYs
155 Crosss reference between two packages
156 Cursor and rowtype
157 Cursor operation between package functions
158 Data implicit conversion examples
159 Data insert in a procedure
160 Date comparison example
161 DBMS_OUTPUT package
162 Dbms_sql varchar2_table type
163 Deal with multiple exception branches
164 Dealing with repeating values
165 Debug package
166 Debug package based on UTL_FILE
167 Declaration exception
168 Declare a nested table with null values
169 Declare an array initialized as a no-element collection
170 Declare an index-by table variable to hold the employee records in cursor
171 Declare an index-by table variable to hold the employee records that we read in
172 Declare initialized constant number
173 Declare not null variable
174 Declare number constant uninitialized
175 Declare record with not null attribute
176 Declare scalars based on the datatype of a previously declared variable
177 Declare the record data type
178 Declare the varray with null values
179 Declare variable as a loop counter
180 Declare variables to be used in the block
181 Declare variables which will be used in SQL statements
182 Declaring a VARRAY of scalar variable
183 DECODE() allows you to perform if-then-else logic in SQL without having to use PLSQL
184 DECODE() to compare 1 to 2, and since they are not equal 3 is returned
185 DECODE(x, search, result, default)
186 Decrease salary with user procedure
187 DEFINE command with no arguments
188 Define a looping indexer as member variable in a procedure
189 Define a nested table type for each column
190 Define a varray of integer with 3 rows
191 Define a varray of twelve strings
192 Define a varray with a null element constructor and extends it one element at a time
193 Define a varray with a null element constructor and extends it one element at a time by a formula
194 Define a varray with a three element constructor of null elements
195 Define a varray with a three element constructor of null elements and attempt to populate it beyond three elements
196 Define and use your own exception
197 Define column type variable
198 Define data type for later use
199 Define default value for number variable
200 Define row type variable
201 Define rowtype and reference its column value
202 Define table of varchar2 as data type and insert data
203 Define variable
204 Define variable and use it in SQL statement in PLSQL
205 Define variable data from table column data type
206 Defining the Indefinable
207 Delete a elements from 2, 3 and 4
208 Delete a row and output referenced value
209 Delete data statement with WHERE clauses
210 Delete element 2
211 Delete element in table of varchar2
212 Delete employee with stored procedure
213 DELETE statement can be used within PLSQL programs to delete a row or a set of rows
214 DELETE statement in PLSQL block
215 Delete statement with variable
216 Demonstrates the effect of duplicate placeholders with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
217 Demonstrating a REPEAT UNTIL loop
218 Dependencies between an anonymous calling block and package runtime state
219 Different Values of SQLCODE and SQLERRM
220 Do calculation with while loop counter
221 Dynamic initialization and assignment in the execution section
222 Dynamically create packages
223 Each value returned by the cursor is put into a different row of the index-by table
224 Effects of nulls on boolean expressions
225 Empty Loop statement
226 Empty procedure with NULL statement
227 Error code
228 Error code and message
229 Error Handling Call
230 Error-handling features of PLSQL
231 Example of a proper GOTO statement
232 Example of a WHILE loop that never executes
233 Exceeded maximum VARRAY limit
234 Exception handling for update statement
235 Exception Range in action
238 Execute immediate for an insert statement
239 Execute immediate using variable
240 Execute immediate with insert using to pass variable into insert statement
241 EXISTS method
242 EXIT WHEN clause
243 Exit a loop with condition
244 Exit loop since last index value is read
245 Exit outer loop with EXIT LabelName When statement
246 Exit to a label
247 Exit when loop
248 Exit(break) a for loop
249 Expressing Your Work in Scientific Notation
250 Expressing your work in scientific notation with TO_CHAR()
252 Extend once, outside the loop for better performance
253 Extend space in number list
254 Extend with null element to the maximum limit size
255 Fetch a bulk into a table structure
256 Fetch sys_refcursor type variable to table%rowtype variable
257 FIRST & LAST Table Attributes
258 FIRST method returns the lowest subscript value used in a collection
260 Fill table of custom type and use it in for loop to insert
261 First last next
262 Five level nested statement
263 -Fixed length strings are also compared with blank-padded
264 For each reverse
265 For each row in the cursor
266 For loop
267 FOR Loop Ranges with variable
268 FOR Loop Scoping Rules
269 Forall from 1 to 50
270 From Fields to Rows-Using %ROWTYPE
271 Generic error handling to handle any type of error
272 Get error count from sql%bulk_exceptions count
273 Get user dump and background dump
274 Global definition
275 GOTO a Label
276 GOTO statement
277 Handle exception of duplicate value on index
278 Handle update exception
279 Handling a user-defined exception
280 Hard code value and insert
281 Hard code value in varray and use for loop to insert them to a table
282 How DDL doesnt work with PLSQL
283 How to define your own exception
284 How to do a bulk collect into a nested table
285 How to do a bulk collect into an associative array
286 How to pass a NULL value to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
287 How to select into a record
288 Identifiers defined in the declaration of the child block are only in scope and visible within the child block itself
289 If an ordering is applied, it occurs after the WHERE has been executed
290 If city equals New York, the string You are in New York is returned, otherwise the string Not is returned
291 If condition meets, throw exception
292 If count() is 0, insert data
294 If End if
295 If ladder
296 If no records are retrieved for a SELECT - INTO statement the following error is returned
297 IF THEN and END IF
298 If then Else
299 If too many records are returned for a SELECT - INTO statement the following error is returned
300 If varray is empty
301 If you try to reference a variable before you declare it because PLSQL requires an identifier be declared before we use it in our c
303 Illegal conversion between character and number
304 Illustrates the scope of various identifiers
305 Impact of EXIT in a function
306 Implicit cursors
307 IN operator checks whether a variable value is in a set of comma-delimited values
308 IN operator in PL SQL
309 Index by binary integer or by varchar2
310 Initialization and assignment with a numeric index value to an associative array
311 Initialization and assignment with a unique string index value to an associative array
312 Initialize the array and create two entries using the constructor
313 Inner exception and outter exception
314 INNOT IN example(table collection)
315 Insert 100000 rows into a table with for loop
316 Insert a row into MyTable with the current value of the loop counter
317 Insert a specified number of suppliers and products per supplier
318 Insert all 1000 elements using a single FORALL statement
319 Insert data in procedure
320 Insert elements into table of varchar2
321 Insert error message to a table in exception handler
322 Insert Exception message to an audit table
323 Insert into Errors table
324 INSERT statements with variable
325 Insert table%rowtype to table
326 Insert value in while loop
327 Insert value passed in by parameter to a table
328 Insert value to a table after calculation
329 Insert value to product and productcategory with stored procedure
330 Insert value to table with for loop
331 Interaction between savepoints and autonomous transactions
332 IS A SET operator checks whether a variable is a VARRAY or NESTED TABLE collection variable
333 IS A SET, table collection
335 IS EMPTY operator checks whether a VARRAY or NESTED TABLE collection variable is empty
336 Is Null for a boolean expression
337 IS NULL operator checks whether a variable value is null
338 Legal and illegal table assignments
339 Legal and illegal varray assignments
340 LIKE operator in PLSQL
341 LIKE operator returns boolean value
342 Load a row in table to record type
343 Loop backwards over the table
344 LOOP END LOOP, Cursor Loop
345 Loop exit when condition
346 Loop index scope is limited to the FOR loop
347 Loop through a table collection
348 Loop through all to do a bulk insert
349 Loop till count()
350 Loop with a Label
351 Loop with label
352 Mapping a user-defined error code to an EXCEPTION variable
353 MEMBER OF is a logical comparison operator
354 MEMBER OF operator finds if the left operand is a member of the collection used as the right operand
355 MEMBER OF table collection
356 MULTISET EXCEPT operator finds the elements remaining from the first set after removing any matching elements from the second set.t
357 MULTISET EXCEPT table collection
358 MULTISET INTERSECT operator finds the intersection or matching values between two sets
359 MULTISET INTERSECT table collection
360 MULTISET UNION DISTINCT table collection
361 MULTISET UNION operator performs a UNION ALL operation on two collections
362 MULTISET UNION table collection
363 Multilevel collections
364 Multiline comments
365 Multiple search and result parameters to DECODE()
366 Multiple-Row SELECT Command with Several Exception-Handling Routines
367 Nest records, access the names of the nested records by using another component selector, or period
368 Nested block
369 Nested for loop
370 Nested for loop vs table join in for loop
371 Nested if statement
372 Nested package reference
373 Nested varray
374 Nesting FOR loops
375 NEXT & PRIOR Table Attributes
376 No executable code
377 No initial value but Has a size
378 NO_DATA_FOUND Exception
379 No_data_found from select into
380 Noroom exception
381 Not equal operator
382 NOT IN example (table collection)
383 NOT NULL specification which means you must initialize it
384 NULL as a statement inside IF
385 NULL key value in an index-by table
386 Null statement means nothing
387 Number Table by BINARY_INTEGER
388 Number_list EXTEND(2)
389 Number_list EXTEND(3,4)
390 Numeric FOR Loop
391 Numeric loop will ignore the externally scoped variable and create a new locally scoped variable
392 NVL deals with a boolean expression
393 One line comment
394 ORA-06533
395 Oracle returns an error when a SELECT statement returns more than one row
396 Outer Block name and inner block name
397 Output discount rate based on different category
398 Output variable after select into
399 Overloaded packages
400 Overloading based on user defined object types
401 Overloading Packaged Subprograms
402 Override your scope access to containing blocks by reusing an identifier in a nested block
403 Package for output employee table and log message
404 Package initialization
405 Package level Exception
406 Package level variable as global level variable
407 Package RECURSION
408 Package with package level cursor variable
409 Packages allows forward references, thus opening the possibilities for recursion
410 Pass value out of dynamic select statement
411 Passing %TYPE and %ROWTYPE as Parameters
412 PAUSE onoff
413 Performance between using statement and string concatenation for dynamic sql
414 Performing Calculations on a Converted Date
415 Persistance of packaged variables
416 PL SQL block for start
417 Plain SQL and PLSQL program
418 PLS-00306
419 PLS-00363
420 PLS-483 error
421 PLSQL Collections
422 Populates and prints the first row of an index-by table that holds student records
423 Populates the first row of an index-by table
424 Predefined exceptions
425 Print an indexed element from the array
426 Print and output values
427 Print command
428 Print out an error message
429 Print out value using DBMS_OUTPUT PUT_LINE
430 PROMPT message
431 Put DBMS_OUTPUT PUT_LINE in for loop
432 Put insert statement into its own block
433 Put two statement in while loop
434 Query a stored varray
436 Raise different exception depends on value input
437 Raise exception in if statement
438 Raise exceptions for wrong parameters
439 Raise the no data found exception
440 Raise the VALUE_ERROR exception
441 Raise User-defined exceptions
442 Raise your own exception
443 Raises and manages a standard anonymous block PLSQL program error
444 Raising a dynamic exception without previously declaring a user-defined EXCEPTION variable
445 Raising an exception
446 Raising NO_DATA_FOUND Exception
447 Read data from user and insert them to table
448 Read user input
449 Record type
450 Reference count property of table record
451 Reference elements in varray
452 Reference object type attribute in PLSQL block
453 Reference sql%bulk_exceptions(i) error_index
454 Reference table data with tableName columnName%type
455 Reference type attribute through index
456 Reference Type in another block as well
457 Reference varchar table by index
458 Reference varray count in for loop
459 Remarks in Scripts
464 Rowtype and type
465 Rowtype index by binary_integer
466 Rowtype variable
467 Run an anonymous block that updates the number of book IN STOCK
468 Run an anonymous block that updates the number of pages for this book
469 Run the anonymous block to update the position column
470 Select bulk collect into
471 Select bulk collect into table collection
472 Select count result into a variable
473 Select data for update
474 Select data into rowtype variable
475 Select for update
476 Select into and subquery
477 Select into Records
478 Select into table%rowtype
479 SELECT into value pair
480 Select only one row for column type variable
481 Select single value into variable
482 Select the number of employees into the l_emp_count variable
483 Select two columns into a cursor variable
484 Select value from aggregate function to variable
485 Select value from table into variable
486 Select value into a number variable in a for loop
487 Select value to variable one by one
488 Sequences can also be accessed directly from an INSERT statement in a PLSQL program
489 Ser server output off
490 SET operator removes any duplicates from the set and returns a new set with unique values
491 Set the PLSQL_WARNING level to DISABLE
492 Set transaction use rollback segment
493 SET(table collection)
494 Setting the message dynamically
495 Simple case demo
496 Sql code and sql errm
497 SQLERRM function
498 SQLERRM function returns the error message associated with the most recently raised error exception
499 SQLERRM has the error message
500 Sqlerrm(sql%bulk_exceptions(i) error_code)
501 Starting_number and ending_number must be integers
502 Stop_watch
503 Store 12 months in varray of string
504 Store max(salary) to a variable
505 Store max(tableName column) to tableName column type variable
506 Store pre-defined constants in VARRAY
507 Storing and retreiving a nested table with non-sequential keys
508 Student fetch package
509 Sub block in exception section
511 SUBMULTISET operator checks whether a VARRAY or NESTED TABLE collection is a subset of a mirrored datatype
512 SUBMULTISET table collection
513 Subscript index values begin at 1, not 0
514 Table collection indexed by column type
515 Table of column type
516 Table of custome type indexed by BINARY_INTEGER
517 Table of employees%rowtype index by binary_integer
518 Table of number index by varchar2
519 Table of numbers and varray of numbers
520 Table of varchar2
521 Table of varchar2 delete all
522 Table of varchar2 element count
523 Table of varchar2(200) index by binary_integer
524 The %ROWTYPE can also be used to create a record based on the structure of a cursor
525 The basic four arithmetic operators in action
526 The DEFINE command can be used to create substitution variables and assign them values
527 The executable section needs at least one line of code to be valid
528 The EXISTS Table Attribute
529 The IF statement contains more than one statement per condition
530 The INSERT statement can be used in a PLSQL program
531 The maximum lengths of varchar2 strings do not matter
532 The OTHERS Exception Handler
533 The PLSQL Block
534 The pragma is legal in top-level anonymous blocks
535 The pragma is not legal in nested blocks
536 The pragma is not valid at the package level
537 The pragma is valid in a packaged procedure
538 The pragma is valid in both standalone and local subprograms
539 The SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause will record any exception during the bulk operation, and continue processing
540 The scope of exceptions
541 The scope of the index of a FOR LOOP
542 The WHILE loop uses a loop index value as its gate on entry criterion
543 This block illustrates the behavior of a predefined exception
544 This block shows legal and illegal record assignments
545 This CASE statement is labeled
546 This example illustrates the PLS-483 error
547 This object type represents a point on a Cartesian grid
548 This package will not compile because the body does not match the specification
549 This package will not compile because the specification and body do not match
550 This procedure demonstrates the use of RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR
551 This script demonstrates constants
552 This script demonstrates error functions SQLERRM and SQLCODE
553 This script demonstrates GOTO
554 This script demonstrates how to do a non-bulk select into elements of a PLSQL table
555 This script demonstrates returning clause
556 This script demonstrates the EXCEPTION_INIT pragma
557 This script demonstrates the scope of exceptions
558 This script demonstrates the structure of a block
559 This script demonstrates user defined exceptions
560 This script demonstrates variable visibility
561 This type is local to this block
562 Three sections - declarative, executable, and exception
563 Time the performance enhancements of native dynamic SQL
564 Timed for loop
565 Timed unconditional loop
566 Timing Bind variable
567 TOO_MANY_ROWS exception and select into command
568 Trim the error message and then output
569 Try to insert elements 3 through 5
570 Two UPDATE statements
572 TYPE Strings IS VARRAY(5) OF VARCHAR2(10)
573 Unconstrained loop
574 Update salary with stored procedure
575 UPDATE statement can be used within PLSQL programs to update a row or a set of rows
576 Update table and return if success
577 Update with variable
578 Use a FORALL to move an associative array into a table
579 Use and to link two boolean expressions
580 Use block name to reference a variable name
581 Use dbms_output put_line to display varchar2 type value
582 Use DBMS_SQL to re-create MyTable
583 Use decode function to deal with NULL value
584 Use exception handler to mark success flag
585 Use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to call procedure and save the returning value
586 Use execute immediate to create dynamic query in a procedure
587 Use execute immediate to insert random numbers
588 Use EXIT WHEN to exit a loop
589 Use EXIT WHEN to exit a while loop
590 Use for counter in insert statement
591 Use for loop as if statement
592 Use for loop to fill a table collection
593 Use for loop to insert value to table collection and then use table collection in another insert statement
594 Use for loop to loop through result from a select statement
595 Use GoTO to jump out of a loop
596 Use IN operator in procedure
597 Use in parameter to pass value and insert value to a table
598 Use label to mark outer loop and inner loop
599 Use native dynamic SQL to re-create MyTable
600 Use nested table constructors
601 Use of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE for single-row queries
602 Use package level type as global variables
603 Use package member variable to pass value
604 Use parameters in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
605 Use procedure to delete departments
606 Use procedure to update table
607 Use REF column in PLSQL
608 Use rowtype type value to query a table
609 Use select command to fill value to rowtype variable
610 Use sequential control with the GOTO statement and a block label
611 Use subquery in plsql block
612 Use table of char as an array
613 Use table of rowtype to define data type
614 Use table() function to display varray type column
615 Use the Oracle10g Collection API COUNT method against an element
616 Use the Oracle10g Collection API DELETE method against a set of elements
617 Use the Oracle10g Collection API EXISTS method against an element
618 Use the Oracle10g Collection API EXTEND method against an element
619 Use the Oracle10g Collection API FIRST and LAST methods against a collection
620 Use USING clause with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to handle bind variables
621 Use VARIABLE command to define variable
622 Use variable as an upper bound of for loop
623 Use variable Last to get the last element
624 Use virtual table in PLSQL block
625 Use when inside case
626 Use when to catch exceptions
627 Used defined exception
628 Useoftheconcatenationoperator
629 Uses a NUMBER datatype as the selector
630 Uses the COUNT method to display the number of rows contained in a table collection
631 Uses the COUNT method to display the number of rows contained in an index-by table
632 Using a Boolean variable instead of the comparison operation
633 Using EXIT with a FOR loop
634 Using EXIT with a simple LOOP
635 Using EXIT with a WHILE loop
636 Using explicit definition to define record types and a compound record type; and, the use of nested types
637 Using IF ELSIF to determine a grade
638 Using labels with loops
639 Using nested IF statements
642 Using the DEFAULT keyword to assign a value to a variable
643 Using TO_DATE within PLSQL
644 Varchar table indexed by BINARY_INTEGER
645 Variable command
646 Variable scope in a PLSQL
647 Variable scope in different program block
648 Variable scope in variable declare block
649 Variable scope with nested block
650 Variables and Constants
651 Varray constructors
652 VARRAY of VARCHAR2 and Varray of number
653 VARRAYs, nested tables, index-by tables
654 We could also use the BREAK reporting tool to space the display conveniently
655 When other exceptions then
656 When other then not user-defined exception
657 WHILE Loop
658 WHILE LOOP, Cursor Loop
659 While loop and number counter
660 While loop with complex conditions
661 While Loop with condition
662 Without RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma
663 Write the command over two lines
664 You cannot traverse an associative array until elements are initialized
665 You must initialize the constant at the time of declaration
666 Your first FOR loop
667 Your own add month function