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Oracle PLSQL
Stored Procedure Function 174 codes
Oracle PLSQL
Stored Procedure Function
1 A forward declaration
2 A function is executed like any other SQL built-in function
3 A local function
4 A local subprogram within a stored procedure
5 A PLSQL procedure with no parameter
6 A stored function
7 A stored function with no parameters
8 Adjust salary with plsql
9 An example of a pipelined table function
10 Append result from generator function to a table
11 Assert procedure
12 AUTHID clause in a CREATE PROCEDURE statement indicates that this procedure is being created with users or invok
13 Behavior of OUT variables and raised exceptions
14 Behavior of unhandled exceptions and OUT variables
15 Boolean value function parameter
16 Calculate average grade
17 Call a stored procedure in a PLSQL block
18 Call a stored procedure then other statements
19 Call function and store the return value to a variable
20 Call function in dbms_output put_line
21 CALL statement
22 Calling a Function
23 Calling ParameterLength illegally (ORA-6502)
24 Clob type parameter
25 Column type parameter
26 Concatenates two strings into one
27 Copy tables
28 Count credits
29 Count Employee from a function and return value back
30 Creat an empty procedure
31 Create a stored procedure and how to call it
32 Create a stored procedure to measure a table usage
33 Create a stored procedure with authid
34 Create and pass in three parms
35 Create default values
36 Create procedure with authid
37 Default parameter value
38 Default Parameter Values
39 Define and call a function
40 Define and call procedure
41 Define and use function in select clause
42 Define in parameter
43 Define out parameters
44 Define procedure to insert data
45 Demonstrate the behavior of IN, OUT, and IN OUT parameter modes
46 Demonstrates default parameters
47 Demonstrates the behavior of the DETERMINISTIC keyword
48 Demonstrates using DBMS_SQL to execute CALL statement
49 Dependency Example
50 Different ways of calling a procedure with default parameters
51 Emp table lookup
52 Exception throwed out of procedure call
53 Exception throwed out of the procedure
54 Exceptions in Subprograms
55 Exec
56 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE dynamic statement and return value
57 File dump procedure
58 First 2 parameters passed by position, the second 2 are passed by name
59 Forward Declarations
60 Forward Referencing
61 Function return Integer
62 Function to convert celsius to fahrenheit
63 Function to convert fahrenheit to celsius
64 Function to count tab
65 Function to update null value
66 Function with insert statement can be called from a DML statement
67 Function with no return type
68 Get circle area
69 How stored functions can be called from SQL
70 Illegal procedure call
71 Increase gift price
72 Inner procedure
73 Insert data into a table in a stored procedure
74 Legal and illegal formal parameters which are constrained by length
75 Local Subprograms
76 Mark function with pragma autonomous_transaction
77 Mark procedure with authid current_user
78 Mixed Name and Position Notation Calls
79 Multiple RETURN Statements
80 Mutually exclusive local subprograms
81 Named Notation
82 NOCOPY modifier
83 Number type parameter
84 Only manager can change the password
85 Out parameter is assignable
86 Out with NOCOPY modifier
87 Overloaded local procedures
88 Parameter Modes
89 Parameter with default NULL value
90 Parameter with default value
91 ParameterLength using %TYPE for the parameters(Calling ParameterLength illegally (ORA-6502))
92 Pass null to procedure
93 Pass number value to function
94 Pass parameter by data type
95 Pass value to function parameter
96 Passing parameter by parameter name
97 Pipelined returning value and table() function
98 Positional and named notation for procedure calls
99 Positional Notation
100 Positional vs named parameter passing
101 Possible speed benefits of NOCOPY
102 Pragma autonomous_transaction and exception
103 Pragma autonomous_transaction and raise exception
104 Pragma autonomous_transaction and rollback
105 Procedure does not count space
106 Procedure with colunm type as parameter type
107 Procedure with default parameter value
108 Procedure with four parameters
109 Procedure without parameters
110 Raise exception from inner function
111 Raise pay level
112 Raise power function
113 Recursive function
114 Recursive function 2
115 Recursive function Factorial
116 Reference package variable in a procedure
117 Reference your new function in an SQL statement
118 Replace a procedure
119 Return a type
120 Return a varray from a function
121 RETURN statement
122 Return value from a function
123 Return varchar2 value from function
124 Roll back data inserted in a procedure
125 Save calculation result to a table in procedure
126 Save the returning value from a procedure to a variable
127 Store procedure with three parameters
128 Temperature package
129 The behavior of NOCOPY
130 The FullName Function
131 The syntax of calling subprograms with no parameters
132 This function can be called from a SQL statement
133 This function cannot be called from a SQL statement
134 This procedure takes a single OUT Out parameter is assignable
135 This procedure will insert a new book into the book table
136 This procedure will not compile, since it attempts to modify an IN parameter
137 This script demonstrates how to create and call a simple procedure
138 This script demonstrates the use of the CALL statement
139 This script demonstrates using a record type as a function return value
140 Unhandled exceptions and OUT variables
141 Use a stored procedure to insert data to a table
142 Use a user-defined function in stored procedure
143 Use Column type as the function parameter type
144 Use column type to control parameter type
145 Use concatenation to wrap string passed in
146 Use EXEC to execute a Stored Procedure
147 Use function return value in select statement
148 Use function to check passwords
149 Use IN parameters
150 Use named notation
151 Use named notation, but with a different order of the formal parameters
152 Use out parameter to get value out
153 Use RESTRICT_REFERENCES with overloaded subprograms
154 Use show errors command to check the error in a stored procedure
155 Use show errors command to display error information for your stored procedure
156 Use stored procedure to insert value to a table and use select statement to check the result
157 Use stored procedure to log message
158 Use stored procedure to output table content
159 Use SYS_REFCURSOR as parameter type
160 Use table column type as an variable type
161 Use two insert statements in a procedure
162 Use user-defined function in if statement
163 Use user-defined function to combine and format columns
164 User-defined collection type parameter
165 Using a pipelined table function
166 Using all the default values
167 Using call statement in a dynamic statement is legal
168 Using out parameter
169 Using Output Parameters
170 Validate date value format
171 Varray type parameter
172 We use user function in DML statements
173 Wrong way to reference parameters
174 Your own month add method