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Oracle PLSQL
Table 189 codes
Oracle PLSQL
1 A create-table statement with the attributes of ISBN, title, author, and publisher The primary key is the ISBN attribute
2 Add a char type column to a table
3 Add a comment on a table
4 Add a date type column to a table
5 Add more columns
6 Add new column with default value and not null
7 Add two columns to a table
8 Alter a table to add two columns and use select to check
9 Alter database datafile
10 Alter rollback segment SEGMENT_NAME online
11 Alter table
12 Alter table cache
13 Alter table to add a column and then add check constraint to it
14 Alter table to add a column and then add constraint to it
15 Alter table to add a foreign key ON DELETE SET NULL
16 Alter table to add a primary key
17 Alter table to add Columns in Tables
18 Alter table to add date type column
19 Alter table to add two columns and then drop them
20 Alter table to add two columns to a table
21 Alter table to add varray type column
22 Alter table to change the storage
23 Alter table to Drop a column
24 Alter table to drop constraints
25 Alter table to drop two columns in a single command
26 Alter table to drop unused columns
27 Alter tablespace
28 Alter to add DELETE ON NULL with more than one column
29 An example of creating an index-organized table
30 Atomicity
31 Change user default table space and temporary table space
33 Check space with show_space for an index with compress 1
34 Check space with show_space for an index with compress 2
35 Check the view structure
36 Cluster with varchar2 column
37 Column with default as sysdate
38 Comment on table column
39 Comment table and check user_col_comments
40 Copying selected columns from another table
41 Copying selected columns from multiple tables
42 Copying table
43 Copying table structure not data
44 Create a copy table and insert value to it
45 Create a copy table from all_objects
46 Create a copy table with primary key setting
47 Create a table and set storage FREELISTS 2
48 Create a table by specifying the storage settings
49 Create a table with deferrable initially immediate
50 Create a table with ORGANIZATION INDEX
51 Create a table with overflow INCLUDING y
52 Create an external table
53 Create and drop SYNONYM
54 Create as select
55 Create as select, then add primary key
56 Create cluster
57 Create cluster and set hashkeys, size
58 Create cluster and then create table on top of it
59 Create Database
60 Create external table with data path specified
61 Create global temporary table from existing table
62 Create global temporary table on commit delete rows
63 Create global temporary table with on commit delete rows option
64 Create global temporary table working_emps on commit preserve rows
65 Create intermediate table for calculation
66 Create table as select from another
67 CREATE TABLE AS SELECT with where clause
68 Create table based on csv file with nobadfile
69 Create table for csv file with badfile option
70 CREATE Table from another table with consitions
71 Create table from external csv file
72 Create table template
73 Create table with Check Constraints
74 Create table with column having the default value
75 Create table with data type
76 Create table with foreign key
77 Create table with three columns
78 Create table with Unique Constraints
79 Create temporary table
80 Create two indexes on one table and check the space
81 Creating an External Table
82 Creating an index-organized table
83 Creating from Another Table
84 Creating Table and indicate tablespace
85 Creating Table with combined primary key
86 Default char value
87 Default varchar value
88 Define two save pints and roll back to one of them
89 Delete a table if it exists
90 Dependencies between objects in different databases
91 Describe a procedure
92 Describe user_tables
93 Do simple calculation by using dual
94 Drop a column
95 Drop a table demo
96 Drop cluster
97 Drop global temporary table
98 Drop only if table exists
99 Drop table with CASCADE CONSTRAINTS
100 Dropping Columns and query user_unused_col_tabs
101 Duplicate some or all of the data in one table under a different table name
102 Enlarge column width
103 Exclusive aggregation using the clustering technique
104 Existence-dependent aggregation using the clustering technique
106 Get default table space for current user
107 Get only 3 rows using rownum
108 Get table statistics
109 Grant all on directory then load the csv file
110 Heap table
111 If you are adding more than one column, the column definitions should be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas
112 Include a complete CREATE INDEX clause as part of the CREATE TABLE statement
113 Including the ROWNUM pseudo-column in the WHERE clause
114 Indicate columns in load data statement
115 Insert data into the temporary table
116 Insert into a temporary with select statement
117 Leave start position open in load data statement
118 Load CSV data to a table
119 Load data and set field terminated sign and OPTIONALLY ENCLOSed sign
120 Make myCode a CACHE table
121 Map user objects to tablespaces
122 Marking Columns Unused
123 Measure the fragmentation of free space in all of the tablespaces in a database
124 Merge table into another table
125 Merge two tables and map columns
126 Merge two tables when matched or not matched
127 Merge two tables with update
128 Moving Tables To New Tablespaces or Storage
129 Null with default value column
130 Only list the first four rows using ROWNUM
131 ORA-14452
132 Oracle provides a clustering technique that can be very useful for an aggregation relationship
133 Override the defaults by specifying a value for the columns
134 Passes ROWID to COUNT() and gets the number of rows
135 Print out comment for a given table
136 Reference a table
137 Remove a comment from table
138 Rename column(s) in a table
139 Renaming Tables and query it
140 Rollback a delete
141 Rollback to save point
142 Rollback to savepoint in exception handler
143 Select the Top 5
145 Set char(count) for load data statement
146 Set date format in load data statement
147 Set ENTIRE_LINE in load data statement
148 Set entry line in load data statement
150 Set transaction use rollback segment SEGMENT_NAME
151 Set value position in load statement
152 Show autocommit
153 Show the table structure
154 Show_space
155 Temporary table on commit preserce and delete
156 Temporary tables cannot be forced into logging
157 Temporary tables do not support foreign keys
158 Temporary tables support primary keys
159 The DUAL Table
160 The plsql user is created using the USERS and TEMP tablespace
161 The ROWID pseudo-column
162 The table is created with no rows if the query returned no rows
163 The values for ROWNUM column are generated before the order by was applied
164 Trailing null columns when loading data
166 Transaction Rollback and commit
167 Transactions and Error Handling
168 Transactions and Savepoints
169 Truncate a global temporary table
170 Truncate a table
172 Update a TEMPORARY TABLE and check the table it based on
173 Use alter table command to add foreign key constraint
174 Use alter table command to add foreign key with more than two columns
175 Use alter table to add foreign key with cascade delete
176 Use alter table to add foreign key with cascade delete for more than one column
177 Use case statement to check the value in load data statement
178 Use char function to build default column value
179 Use copy command to create new table
180 Use CSV file as External table
181 Use rpad to fill default value to a column
182 Use string function in load data statement
183 Use user-defined columns in load data statement
184 Use using index option when creating a table
185 User rownum to get only first 200 records
186 Using a CREATE TABLE statement
187 Using Inheritance Relationships
188 Using Temporary Tables
189 You cannot alter a temporary table to change its data duration (drop and recreate)