Mega Code Archive
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MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
CGI 114 codes
2 A Form-Based Example
3 A Safe String Example with uri_escape
4 A Simple CGI Script
5 A Simple Cookie Example
6 A Simple Cookie Example Using the CGI Module
7 Add a New Phone Number
8 Add form data to database
9 Add the LI tag to make our lists more compact by pushing onto the @CGI
10 An example of using QUERY_STRING
11 Authorization-required response
12 Capitalize the first letter of each parameter using ucfirst
13 CGI client-related environment variables
14 CGI environment variable
15 CGI Environment Variables
16 CGI Environment Variables (Must Be Uppercase)
17 CGI file upload example
18 CGI request-related environment variables
19 CGI server-related environment variables
20 Checking for Acceptable File Types
21 Code to Accept Input with the CGI Module
22 Cookies and Session Tracking
23 Create a form and set the method and action
24 Create a form with Perl code
25 Create a form with submit button
26 Create cookie
27 Create Frame set
28 Create header 1 using Perl code
29 Create HTML form with CGI
30 Create Image map
31 Create three table rows with the same attributes for each
32 Creating a Table
33 Data-Entry Forms in Web Pages
34 Decoding the Input Data
35 Defines a title, author, base, and target for a document, plus a few metatags and a stylesheet
36 Demonstrates GET method with HTML form
37 Demonstrates use of CGI pm with HTML form
38 Demostrates POST method with HTML form
39 Determining the User Agent and Printing the Appropriate Result
40 Display all values in env
41 Display CGI environment variables
42 EMail sending form
43 Explicitly name the content type and status arguments
44 Form based table editing
45 Form Input Types
46 Form Mail
47 Generate and Process Forms
48 Generate the HTML form
49 Generates HTML with the use of CGI pm
50 Generates HTML with the use of CGI pm using the conventional style
51 Generating HTML
52 Generating HTML Programmatically
53 Get and display the browser type by referencing HTTP_USER_AGENT
54 Get form submitted value
55 Get form value with param
56 Guest book form
58 Header, br, ol,li
59 Hello World in Function-Oriented Fashion
60 Hello World in Object-Oriented Fashion
61 Image based counter
62 Learn about the current CGI request
63 Learn about the server for a CGI request
64 Logs visitors to web site
65 Output a HTML table
66 Page counter
67 Passing parameter to perl CGI code
68 Pretty print HTML code
69 Printing the Content-Type of an Uploaded File
70 Printing the Name Input Using the CGI Module
71 Process form with regular expression
72 Producing Human-Readable HTML
73 Program to display CGI environment variables
74 Program to read cookies from the clients computer
75 Querying all the parameters
76 Read cookie value
77 Read the data for a CGI GET request
78 Read the data passed to a script on the command line
79 Reading text in textarea
80 Redirect a web page
81 Redirect page
82 Retrieving Cookies
83 Retrieving Multiple Cookies
84 Sample Database Query
85 Send image to client
86 Sending Multiple Cookies Using CGI pm
87 Separate the form and perl script
88 Server Environment Values
89 Server push
90 Session tracking in our CGI scripts
91 Sessions - Preserving State
92 Set content type
93 Set html header content type
94 Set HTML page title, author name, meta info, background color and link color
95 Set Textarea row and column size by using Perl CGI code
96 Setting Cookie Expiration Using the CGI Module
97 Setting Cookie Expiration Without Using the CGI Module
98 The POST Method
99 Time Period Abbreviations for the CGI Modules Header and Cookie Functions
100 Track the number of times a web page has been accessed
101 URL Hex-Encoded Characters
102 Using CGI function to check the parameter
103 Using LI
104 Using param() function to get parameter
105 Using Perl CGI code to set value to Textarea
106 Using Perl code align Paragraph tag
107 Using set_message with CGI
108 Using the option select box
109 Using uri_unescape to Make a String Without Escape Characters
110 Values Carried Between Pages
111 Verifying a username and a password
112 Viewing Environment Variables in a CGI Script
113 Write CGI scripts with CGI pm
114 Writing a cookie to the client computer