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File 260 codes
1 $File
2 Access permissions for the mkdir function
3 Apply chomp to all elements of an array
4 -B filehandle
5 Binmode command sets up a file for access in binary mode with no mapping of carriage returns
6 Calculating Byte Offsets with telldir
7 Call stat function from file handle
8 Call tell function from file handle
9 CDROM operation
10 Change a directory
11 Change a files permissions
12 Change dir with chdir
13 Change file handle to binary mode
14 Checks the permissions of a file
15 Checks whether an unopened file actually exists
16 Close a file handle
17 Closing the Filehandle
18 Contents of the current directory
19 Contents of the entire file are printed
20 Copy file by reading one file and save to another file
21 Copy files
22 Copying a file using the File
23 Copying files
24 Count the lines of a file
25 Create a directory tree
26 Create dir with mkdir and remove dir with rmdir
27 Creating a file with the numbers 0-9
28 Creating Directory
29 Creating Directory with mkdir
30 -d filehandle
31 Deal with r character during file copy
32 Deal with the rn character during file copy
33 Defined lines in a file
34 Delete a file
35 Delete every file whose name ends in bak
36 Deleting Multiple Directories
37 Detecting the current directory
38 Determine the contents of a directory tree
39 Does file exist
40 -e filehandle
41 Extracting file names from paths
42 Extracts base file name from full path Uses DOSWindows conventions
43 -f filehandle
44 File copying
45 File find closure
46 File finder and callback
47 File read and write
48 File seek operations
49 File size with FIELDS
50 File statistics returned from the stat command
51 File stats
52 File test operators
53 File Test Operators[a]
54 File testing script
55 File Tests
56 File Tests for Age
57 File Tests for Execution
58 File Tests for Existence and Size
59 File Tests for Privileges
60 File Tests for Type
61 File Tests for Unix File Handle Types
62 Filehandle References
63 File-Test Operator Syntax
64 File-test operators that check information returned by stat
65 File-test operators that test for permissions
66 Find file
67 Find out if theres a copy of the dir program on this computer
68 Get current dir
69 Get file list from a specific folder
70 Get file list under C
71 Get file modifiedaccessed time
72 Get folder size, attributes and name
73 Get return value from stat function
74 Get the file size
75 Get the length of a file
76 Get the size of a file
77 Getting Information on a File
78 Glob pack
79 Ignoring PIPE exceptions
80 Input Filter
81 Intercepting the PIPE signal
82 Is the file a executable file
83 Is the file a plain file
84 Is the file a readable file
85 Is the file a writable file
86 -l filehandle
87 Link two files
88 List all the files in a directory
89 List the content of current folder
90 List the files and subdirectories in a directory
91 List the files and subdirectories in a directory in alphabetical order
92 Lists files in directory; then gets info on files with stat
93 Look for all files that end with the extension pl
94 Make a folder (directory)
95 Merges two files
96 Move file pointer by using the seek function
97 Numbering Lines
98 Numbering Lines in Multiple Files
101 Open a file
102 Open a file from another file handle
103 Open a file to read
104 Open a pipe to the who command
105 Open command expressions
107 Open file for update
108 Open file for writing
109 Open file reading
110 Open for Appending
111 Open for Reading
112 Open for Reading and Writing
113 Open for Writing
114 Open for writing first, then reading
115 Open Operators
116 Open(MYFILE, c
117 Opening an input filter on a Win32 platform
118 Opening files and using file handles
119 Opens two files and copies one into another
120 Output file
121 Output file line by line
122 -p filehandle
123 Pass file handle reference in a the form of FILEHANDLE{IO}
124 Pass file handle reference to a subroutine
125 Pass file handle to stat function
126 Passing file handles to functions
127 Passing file name to functions
128 Passing Filehandles by Reference
129 Piping Data Between Processes
130 Print data to a file
131 Print message in case of file open failure
132 Print out file line number
133 Print symbolic links
134 Print text to file
135 Prints the size of a file in bytes
136 Program that uses file locking -- UNIX
137 Read a directory entry
138 Read file content to a scalar variable
139 Read from a file
140 Read hash value from a file
141 Read line splitted by space
142 Read only the last file line from a text file
143 Read the first line of a local file
144 Read till the end of the file
145 Reading a directory all at once with an array
146 Reading from a file
147 Reading from a Pipe
148 Reading from the Filehandle
149 Reading More than One Line
150 Reading one line from the file handle STDIN
151 Reading the contents of a directory
152 Readlink reads the link and returns the true file name that a link points to
153 Reads an entire input file into an array
154 Reads lines from a file and prints them
155 Redirects standard input and output and turns off buffering
156 Redirects the standard output and standard error files
157 Reference eof function from file handle to check if it is the end of file
158 Remove a directory tree
159 Remove all paths supplied, silently and safely
160 Removing Directory
161 Rename a file
162 Rename a group of files with a common extension
163 Renaming a file before accidental deletion
164 Renaming Files
165 Rewind dir
166 -S filehandle
167 Save formatted data to a file
168 Save hash value to a file
169 Save new line character to a file
170 Save packed data to a file
171 Seek a file
172 Seek a minus value
173 Seek and tell
174 Seek current position
175 Seek log file
176 Select a file handle
177 Selecting A Log File
178 Sending the Output of a Filter to a File
179 Shuffle a file
180 Some -X File Tests
181 Sort a file
182 Split a file handle containing array
183 -T filehandle
184 Telldir and readdir
185 Test for file attributes
186 Tests for read permission on a file
187 Tests whether the file is empty before opening it for writing
188 The chmod Function (UNIX)
189 The chmod Function (Windows)
190 The chmod function modifies the read, write, and execute permissions on a file
191 The chown function changes the owner and group of a list of files
192 The closedir function closes the directory that was opened by the opendir function
193 The directory listing
194 The eof function can be used to test if end of file has been reached
195 The file list in current folder
196 The flock Function
197 The getc function gets a single character from the keyboard or from a file
198 The link function creates a hard link on UNIX systems
199 The mkdir function creates a new, empty directory with the specified permissions (mode)
200 The read Function (fread)
201 The read Function reads a number of bytes into a variable from a filehandle
202 The readlink function returns the value of the symbolic link
203 The seek Function randomly accesses a file
204 The seekdir sets the current position for readdir() on the directory filehandle
205 The select Function
206 The stat Function for Windows NT File Attributes
207 The symlink and readlink Functions (UNIX)
208 The tell Function returns the current byte position in the file
209 The tell function returns the current byte position of a filehandle
210 The umask Function (UNIX)
211 The unlink function deletes a list of files on both UNIX and Windows systems
212 To create a directory, use the mkdir command
213 To open a directory, use the opendir command
214 To open a file for appending
215 To open a file for reading
216 To open a file for reading and writing
217 To open a file for writing
218 To read a directory entry (usually a file name), use the readdir function
219 To read a number of bytes from a file
220 To read from a file
221 To truncate the data in a file, you can use the truncate function
222 To write to a file
223 Truncate a file
224 Unbuffer output
225 Unbuffered perl io
226 Undef file handle
227 Use the functions opendir, readdir, and closedir
228 Uses die when testing for a successful file open operation
229 Uses pl to read all pl files in current directory
230 Using a Callback
231 Using a scalar variable to store a file variable name
232 Using chdir to change the current directory
233 Using file handle variable
234 Using format_write function to save formatted data to a file
235 Using getc
236 Using getc function to read character from a file
237 Using getc function with while loop
238 Using IO
239 Using open to connect different processes
240 Using read function in while loop
241 Using read function to read a file
242 Using readdir to get the content in a folder
243 Using seek function from IO
244 Using store function to save array to a file
245 Using store function to save hash value to a file
246 Using tell function to check a file handle
247 Using while loop to read content
248 Using write function to write string to a file
249 -w filehandle
250 Wait for lock
251 When youre done with a directory, you need to close it with the closedir command
252 When youre done with a file, call close
253 Win32 Binary Files
254 Write array to a file
255 Write data to file
256 Write ten lines of text to a pipe
257 Write unpack data to a file
258 Writes to the standard error file
259 -x filehandle
260 -z filehandle