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Hash 114 codes
1 Accessing Elements
2 Adding elements to a hash
3 An associative array, called a hash, is an unordered list of keyvalue pairs, indexed by strings
4 Anonymous Hash References
5 Associative arrays are indexed by string values
6 Associative arrays or hashes
7 Building a Price List
8 Check key existance after using delete operator
9 Converting a hash into an array by simple assignment
10 Create hash from scalar variable
11 Create hash with = operator
12 Create hash with qw
13 Create hash without using the quotation marks
14 Creating and accessing hash elements
15 Delete an entry in hash
16 Delete from hash
17 Delete the element with key Joe from %hash
18 Demonstrating hash slices
19 Dereferencing hash
20 Determine if a particular key exists
21 Determine if the value for the key is defined
22 Determine if the value for the key is true or false
23 Display a hash with print
24 Display the list of values
25 Dump the hash
26 Each function
27 Each function returns both key and value in a hash
28 Empty hash
29 Get hash value by using the hash reference
30 Get key value pair through hash reference
31 Hard References-Pointers
32 Hash (Associative Array) Functions
33 Hash example
34 Hash hash overwrites
35 Hash Key and Value Retrieval
36 Hash Key-Value Pair Retrieval
37 Hash List Assignment
38 Hash map creation
39 Hash of Hashes
40 Hash of Hashes with Lists of Values
41 Hash of list
42 Hash References
43 Hash setting and getting
44 Hash Slices
45 Hash Value Sorting
46 Hashes
47 Hashes Assignment in action
48 If an entry exist
49 Is a key defined in a hash
50 Is a key in a hash
51 Is hash key defined and existed
52 Iterate hash
53 Join hash key
54 Keys function is used to get all keys in a hash
55 List context and hash context
56 List of hash
57 Lists the contents of an associative array using the values function
58 Lock value and keys
59 Loop through an associative array
60 Loop through an associative array While loop
61 Looping Over A Hash
62 Merge two hash variable
63 Mix scalar, list and hash
64 Nested hashes
65 Numerically Sort a Hash by Values in Ascending Order
66 Numerically Sort a Hash by Values in Descending Order
67 Obtain the list of hashKeys and display each key-value pair
68 Obtain the list of keys and display each key-value pair
69 Ordered hash
70 Output nested hash
71 Pass key and get value
72 Print mixed structure
73 Reference a non-exist hash value
74 Reference for hash
75 Reference one value in hash by its key in print statement
76 Reverse a hash
77 Reverse the hash and use function each to get each pair
78 Reverse the key and value
79 Setting values into a hash named %hash
80 Sort Hash by Keys in Reverse Order
81 Sort Hash by Keys Numerically
82 Sort keys in a hash
83 Sort values in a hash
84 Sorting a Hash
85 Store color value in a hash
86 The delete Function
87 The delete operator removes a keyvalue pair from an associative array
88 The each function returns, in random order, a two-element array
89 The exists function returns true if a hash key (or array index) has been defined, and false if not
90 The keys operator returns a list of all the key names within a hash
91 The values function returns, in random order, an array consisting of all the values of a hash
92 To tell if a given key name exists in a hash, you can use the exists operator
93 Use hash as an array
94 Using - opertor with hash reference variable
95 Using array as the hash value
96 Using customized function to sort keys in a hash
97 Using each function with hash reference
98 Using each to get key and value pair from hash
99 Using foreach loops with hashes
100 Using hash as the hash value
101 Using hash reference to retrieve value from hash
102 Using if exists to check the entry in hash
103 Using keys function with hash reference variable
104 Using map with hash
105 Using references to a hash
106 Using the = operator
107 Using the array as the hash value
108 Using the each operator to extract a keyvalue pair as a list from the hash
109 Using values function to get all value in a hash
110 Using variable as the key to get the value stored in a hash
111 Using while and each function to output value in a hash
112 Values operator extracts all the values of a hash
113 While loop and hash key value pair
114 Working join with map