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Network 89 codes
1 A Daytime Client
2 A Perl TCP server without the Socket module
3 A Simple script to update your hostip with dyndns org service
4 A web server
5 Add a host, delete a host, add a user, delete a user, ping a host, list processes, list filesystems, lists hosts, and kill a proce
6 Checking for an open port
7 Child handle and parent handle
8 Daytime client, using symbolic host and service names
9 Example of a Perl TCP server using Socket module
10 Extract link from a web page
11 Forking Servers
12 Get a web page
13 Get a web page and save it to a local file
14 Get emails from server and save the emails to local drive
15 Get system host name
16 Get the DNS address of a host by using inet_ntoa and inet_aton
17 Getprotoent function reads the next line from the network protocols database, etcprotocol, and returns a list
18 Listen to a port
19 Login to a FTP server
20 Open a socket
22 Perl Modules for Networking with Sockets
23 Ping a host
24 Post query to a CGI
25 Query a Perl CGI
26 Read from server
27 Read the first line from a remote server
28 Retrieving a Web Page with get()
29 Sample TCP client
30 Sample TCP client without the Socket module
31 Save link to file
32 Send a TCP or UDP ping
33 Send data from client to server
34 Send email out
35 Send email out with SMTP
36 Send mail
37 Sending mail with Net
38 Setting a User Agent and Retrieving a Web Page
39 Simple FTP client
40 Simple server
41 Simple TCP Clients
42 Sockaddr_un($file)
43 Socket answer
44 Socket pair
45 Socket server
46 Socket server waiting for clients
47 TCP client
48 TCP client using Socket module
49 Tcp inet client
50 TCP inet server
51 TCP server
52 Telnet to a remote host
53 The Client Program
54 The Client with Socket
55 The following commands allow you to pick up a file via FTP
56 The gethostbyaddr function searches the file etchosts for the host name
57 The gethostbyaddr function translates a network address to its corresponding names
58 The gethostbyname function returns an entry from the etchosts file for the name of a specific host passed as an argument
59 The gethostbyname function searches for an etchosts entry that matches a specified machine name
60 The gethostent function returns a list consisting of the next line from the etchosts file
61 The getnetent function steps through the file etcnetworks, which lists the names and addresses of the networks your machine is on.
62 The getprotobyname takes the protocol name as an argument and returns its name, any aliases, and its protocol number
63 The getprotobynumber function takes the protocol number as an argument and returns the name of the protocol, any aliases, and its
64 The getservbyname function translates the service port name to its corresponding port number
65 The getservbyport function retrieves information from the etcservices file
66 The getservent function reads the next line from the etcservices file
67 The server and the client are on the same machine
68 Time client
69 Time server
70 Time Server with Socket
71 Translating hostnames into IP addresses
72 Translating IP addresses into hostnames
73 Two way client
74 Two way server
75 UDP client
76 UDP inet client
77 UDP server
78 UPD inet server
79 Use Mail
80 Using a Net
81 Using getstore() to Print an Invalid Page
82 Using HTTP
83 Using is_success() with getstore()
84 Using Net
85 Using news group
86 Using POST to post parameters to a Perl CGI
87 Using regular expresion to validate an IP address
88 Using Socket to call a Perl CGI
89 Using the mirror() Function