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Statement 203 codes
1 $_ takes the place of the control variable
2 @numbers = ( 1 10 )
3 A do statement
4 A program containing a simple example of an if statement
5 A program that demonstrates the while statement
6 A program that loops using a single-line conditional statement
7 A program that prints the numbers from 1 to 5 using the for statement
8 A program that uses the if-else statement
9 A program that uses the if-elsif-else statement
10 A program that uses the until statement
11 A while loop is often used to read from a file until there is no more data available
12 A word-counting program that uses the next statement
13 A word-counting program that uses the redo statement
14 Analysis of sales results
15 Average-sales problem with counter-controlled repetition
16 Average-sales problem with sentinel-controlled repetition
17 Breaking Out
18 Choosing an Iterator
19 Conditional Control Statements
20 Conditional Modifiers
21 Conditional Modifiers and print
22 Conditional operator
23 Controlling Loop Flow
24 Count 10 with while loop
25 Counting Up And Down
26 Create an infinite loop using a for loop
27 Declare variable in foreach statement
28 Demonstrating the operator
29 Do while statement
30 Duplicate of the foreach structure with for structure
31 Duplicate the for structure with the foreach keyword
32 Each time through the loop, foreach places the next element of the list into the scalar variable
33 Example of foreach from a min to a max
34 Example using the continue block
35 Exit a loop
36 Exits using the last statement
37 Extend the if statement to include an else block
38 For each loop with array
39 For each loop with array and $_
40 Foreach ( 1 10 )
41 Foreach (1 10) range
42 Foreach and array
43 Foreach Loop Array Processing
44 Foreach Loop Hash Processing
45 Foreach Loop Hash Processing in a CGI Program
46 Foreach statement
47 Foreach statement with number range
48 From to
49 Going onto the Next
50 Goto statement with label
51 Here is an example of the for loop
52 If and else
53 If in a while loop
54 If scope
55 If start with - no repeat
56 If statement
57 If statement and integer comparsion
58 If statement in a while statement
59 If statement ladder
60 If statement with else
61 If statement with scalar variable
62 If you declare your iterator outside the loop, any value it had then will be restored afterwards
63 Ifelse statement
64 Ifelsif statement
65 Initialization, test, and increment, decrement of counters is done in one step
66 Labels
67 Last if
68 Last statement
69 Last statement inside an if statement
70 Last with label
71 Letter based range
72 Loop Control Statements
73 Loop with label
74 Looping Modifiers
75 Looping through an array with the for repetition structure
76 Looping Until
77 Looping While
78 Mix $_ and foreach statement
79 Mixed diamond operator with for loop condition
80 Mixed diamond operator with for loop condition 2
81 Nest if statement into for loop
82 Nested for loop
83 Next if
84 Next statement
85 Next statement with if statement
86 Next with condition
87 Perl has a number of string comparison operators you can use in if statements
88 Plural format and ternary operator
89 Plural message
90 Plural output with if statement
91 Print out even numbers with a do while loop
92 Put more than one statement first and third part of for statement
93 Range based on letter
94 Range based on letter and digit
95 Range counting down
96 Range counting up
97 Range list and for loop
98 Range Operator
99 Redo statement
100 Reference array length in for loop
101 Reference for loop control variable
102 Setting elements in a list to equal the corresponding elements of another list with three different names
103 Standard for structure
104 Standard foreach structure Prints the letters A-G
105 Standard foreach structure, printing the values in a list
106 String based range
107 Sums the numbers from 1 to a specified number and also sums the even numbers
108 Swich for data type
109 Switch on sub
110 The continue block allows the while loop to act like a for loop
111 The continue block gets executed just before the condition gets evaluated again
112 The dowhile and dountil Loops
113 The for Loop
114 The foreach Loop
115 The foreach modifier evaluates once for each element, with $_ aliased to each element
116 The foreach statement iterates through list values, assigning a variable the value of each element in turn
117 The foreach statement lets you iterate for each element in a list or array
118 The if Construct
119 The ifelse Construct
120 The ifelsifelse Construct
121 The last statement breaks out of a loop from within the loop block
122 The operator goes from a minimum to a maximum, with foreach
123 The or part allows for a statement to be executed if the main part fails
124 The Range Operator and Array Assignment
125 The range operator and foreach loop
126 The Switch pm Module
127 The unless Construct
128 The unless statement is the opposite of if and executes a block unless a condition is true
129 The until Loop
130 The until modifier repeatedly executes the second expression as long as the first expression is false
131 The until statement
132 The while command
133 The while Loop
134 The while, until, and do Statements
135 Two ranges
136 Unless statement
137 Unless statement in while
138 Unless statement with else
139 Unless statement with elsif
140 Until statement
141 Until with continue
142 Until with diamond operator
143 Until with integer
144 Use a label
145 Use an elsif statement to check if a different condition is true
146 Use for loop to output all elements in an array
147 Use for loop to output the element one by one in an array
148 Use foreach to loop through hash with keys function
149 Use if statement to check the integer value
150 Use range operator with for statement
151 Use until to read user input
152 Use while loop to read console input
153 Use while loop to read console input and replace
154 Uses the for statement to read four input lines and write three of them
155 Using a label
156 Using a label without a loop and the redo statement
157 Using array length in foreach statement
158 Using block labels with next
159 Using block labels with next in nested looping structures
160 Using both next and continue
161 Using do until statement
162 Using for loop to sum the total
163 Using foreach loops with hashes
164 Using foreach statement with hash
165 Using foreach statement with print
166 Using foreach to iterate over an array
167 Using foreach to loop through an array without using the default value
168 Using foreach to loop through array variable
169 Using if statement to check if a variable has been defined
170 Using if statement to check if a variable is zero
171 Using if statement to check the number entered from keyboard
172 Using if statements with relational and equality operators
173 Using my inside for statement
174 Using nested for loop to assign value to two dimensional array
175 Using nested for loop to output the elements in a two-dimensional array
176 Using predefined variable $_ in foreach loop
177 Using the dountil repetition structure
178 Using the dowhile repetition structure
179 Using the equality-comparison operator to compare two numbers entered at the keyboard
180 Using the goto statement
181 Using the if elsif statement to check the number entered from keyboard
182 Using the last statement in a foreach structure
183 Using the next statement in a foreach structure
184 Using the redo statement in a while structure
185 Using to construct array
186 Using unless with regular expression
187 Using until with print statement
188 Using variable defined outside in foreach loop
189 Using while and for statement to check if you had typed in four letter words
190 Using While loop the output the elements in an array
191 Using while loop to calculate the number of lines in a file
192 Using while loop with each
193 Using while statement to check the entered value from keyboard
194 Using while statement to read from keyboard
195 While and until loop
196 While data section
197 While loop and counter
198 While loop counter
199 While loop, foreach loop, and block and redo
200 While statement and scalar control value
201 While statement to read input
202 Whileuntil Loop
203 You can use a for loop to loop for a specific number of times