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Date Time 135 codes
Date Time
1 A class that uses microtime() to provide easy calculation of elapsed times
2 A date-time management script
3 A function that will calculate elapsed time in d-hh-mm-ss format
4 A simple and fast calendar combining PHP and tables
5 A simple echo of the timestamp
6 Acquiring Date Information with getdate()
7 Adding two days to the date
8 Adjusting time from UTC to another time zone
9 Another date interval with epoch timestamps
10 Calculate number days from date
11 Calculating the difference between two dates
12 Calculating Time in Php
13 Calculation of easterday and the holydays depended of easterday
14 Calendar
15 CALENDAR - easy calendar-navigation with PHP
16 Calendar class on the same page , suitable for reservation
17 Calendar for any month any year
18 Changing time zone with an environment variable
19 Changing time zone with date_default_timezone_set()
20 Checkdate php
21 Checking credit card expiration
22 Checking for the day of the week
23 Checks Date-Input from HTML-Forms and converts to YYYY-MM-DD
24 Conversion of US Date into German Date - Konvertierung des
25 Convert dates in YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. mysql format) into PHP3 timestamps
26 Convert minutes to hours
27 Converting between Julian days and the Gregorian calendar
28 Converting Human-Readable Dates Into Unix Timestamps Using strtotime()
29 Count how many weeks in the month have a specified day such as
30 Creates three SELECT form fields Month Day and Year
31 Creating a timestamp from the components of a date
32 Creating a Timestamp with mktime()
33 Customizable Calendar Class
34 Date Format
35 Determining Whether a Given Year Is a Leap Year
36 Displaying Human-Readable Dates and Times
37 Dynamic Calendar (easiest ever)
38 Epoch timestamps and gmmktime()
39 Example of using the pcCalendar class
40 Finding days of the week, month, and year
41 Finding the current date and time
42 Finding the month, day, and year
43 Finding time parts
44 For all of us who live in places that change between daylight-savings
45 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Day
46 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Formatting Characters
47 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Full Date andor Time
48 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Hour
49 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Minute
50 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Month
51 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Second
52 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Week
53 Format Characters Used by the strftime() Function for Year
54 Format Codes for Use with date()
55 Format date in an array
56 Formatting a Date with date()
57 Formatting Characters for the date() Function for Complete Date and Time
58 Formatting Characters for the date() Function for Day
59 Formatting Characters for the date() Function for Hour
60 Formatting Characters for the date() Function for Minute
61 Formatting Characters for the date() Function for Month
62 Formatting Characters for the date() Function for Second
63 Formatting Characters for the date() Function for Year
64 Function get_week_number which returns the week number of the given
65 Function that returns an array with the 7 dates of the week that belong
66 Function to convert Arabic numbers into Roman Numerals
67 Function to generate calendars on the fly
68 Functions used to define a schedule of holidays
69 Generating the days in a month
70 Generating the days in a week
71 Get different part of a date
72 Get file name, size, last access time and modified time
73 Get the labor day
74 Getdate() with a specific timestamp
75 Getservbyname php
76 Getservbyport php
77 Gettimeofday php
78 Getting a specific GMT-based epoch timestamp
79 Gmmktime and mktime
80 Greetings based on time
81 Handling DST with date_default_timezone_set()
82 Handling DST with explicit offsets
83 Hours to Minutes
84 Int mktime ( [int hour [, int minute [, int second [, int month[, int day [, int year [, int is_dst]]]]]]] )
85 Int time ( void ) gets the current time in epoch format is time( )
86 Language independent date() function comes now with dutch, french, english
87 List people whose birthdays fall on the current Day and Month
88 Lngdate() is a language independent date() function with easy extendable
89 Making an epoch timestamp
90 Making the date and time appear like we expect
91 Minutes to Hours
92 Mixed microtime ( [bool float_output] ) returns a highly accurate reading of the current time
93 Mktime php
94 Mktime() produces a GMT timestamp
95 Mysql date-time converters
96 Mysql date-time converters part II
97 Number days any month
98 Number days current month
99 Offsets from UTC
100 Outputs the date in the format of 31st of August 2005
101 Parsing a date with substr()
102 Past Present Future
103 PcCalendar class - Allows for the creation of calendars in HTML pages
104 PHP Round Clock - Must have Gif support to use this
105 Printing a formatted date string with strftime()
106 Printing a formatted time string with other text
107 Printing a greeting or printing a form
108 Return array from getdate( )
109 Return array from localtime( )
110 Setting Time Zones and GMTUTC
111 Shows the current time as a PNG-image. This script does not use the GD
112 Simple time zone calculation
113 Skip ahead one day to the Tuesday after the first Monday
114 Strftime php
115 String date ( string date_format [, int timestamp] )
116 String to Date
117 Table calendar pretty much does what cal(1) does - prints out a calendar
118 The Associative Array Returned by getdate()
119 This class can be used for local date notations
120 This is now an object, with its interface defined in comments at the beginning
121 Time Format Conversion
122 Timing with microtime()
123 To obtain a number corresponding to the day of the week, use getdate() instead
124 Today
125 Translate date in french
126 Use mktime to create a time
127 Using getservbyname()
128 Using getservbyport()
129 Using localtime()
130 Using mktime() and date()
131 Using the French Republican calendar
132 Using the Jewish calendar
133 Using the Julian calendar
134 Using various formatting strings with date()
135 You can always see the Loading time... in many web sites