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Python Tutorial
Buildin Function 106 codes
Python Tutorial
Buildin Function
1 A built-in function to make ranges for you
2 Abs() returns the absolute value of the given argument
3 Access the identity
4 Access the type
5 An example of calling vars() with a class instance
6 Apply the dir() function to a type as well as a variable
7 Call abs function to get absolute value
8 Callable function returns True if the object can be called
9 Callable() tells if an object can be invoked via the function operator ()
10 Check number type
11 Checking the Type
12 Cmp() compares two objects, say, obj1 and obj2
13 Coerce() returns a tuple containing the converted pair of numbers
14 Compile() generates a code object
15 Convert a value to a Boolean, using the standard truth testing procedure
16 Create time with mktime
17 Del can also be used to delete entire variables
18 Del removes an item from a list
19 Dir function returns a list of the attributes and methods of any object
20 Dir() list the entities stored within a Python object
21 Displaying an objects location, type and value
22 Divmod() returns quotient, remainder as a tuple
23 Enumerate() and zip()
24 Eval combines values from dictionary
25 Eval() evaluates an expression
26 Evaluate string
27 Exec can accept a valid file object to a (valid) Python file
28 Exec executes either a code object or a string representing Python code
29 Exec function executes a string
30 Executing Code Inside Strings
31 Filter a range
32 Filter a user-defined function
33 Filter(function, sequence) returns a sequence items for which function(item) is true
34 Float function convert value to float type number
35 For each item in a range
36 Getattr with module
37 Getting a sorted copy of a list is using the sorted function
38 Getting Help with Help function
39 Getting Input from the User
40 Getting Object References with getattr
41 Group of Executable Statements
42 Heapreplace function pops the smallest element off the heap and then pushes a new element onto it
43 Hex function convert value to hex type integer number
44 How to Create and Assign Strings
45 If and type()
46 Int function convert value to integer type value
47 Iterators and Built-in Types
48 Len() function returns the number of items in a data type
49 List Comprehensions
50 List-copy function using range()
51 Lists can be modified without replacing the original object
52 Long function converts value to long type value
53 Make a heap
54 Map(function, sequence) calls function(item) for each of the sequences items and returns a list of the return values
55 Map(None, list1, list2) is a convenient way of turning a pair of lists into a list of pairs
56 Mapping Functions over Sequences
57 Max() returns the greatest
58 Milekilometer conversion
59 Min function returns the smallest
60 Oct function convert value to oct integer number
61 Ord function gets the index of a character
62 Pow calculates the power
63 Python objects have an inherent True or False value
64 Range()
65 Range(end), range(start, end)
66 Raw_input treats all input as raw data and puts it into a string
67 Raw_input() prompts the user with a given string and accepts and returns a user-input string
68 Read a numeric string input
69 Reduce and lambda
70 Reduce(func, sequence) returns a single value by calling the function func on the first two items of the sequence, then o
71 Return a string of one character whose ASCII code is the integer
72 Return the Unicode string of one character whose Unicode code is the integer i
73 Return True if all elements of the iterable are true
74 Return True if any element of the iterable is true Equivalent to
75 Reversed and Sorted Iteration
76 Round(flt,ndig=0) rounds a floating point number to the nearest integral number
77 Select what to include in the new list
78 Simple Counters based on range function
79 Single Executable Statement
80 Sorted() and reversed()
81 Specify a different increment (even negative)
82 Stdout and stderr
83 Str function coerces data into a string
84 Str() and repr()
85 Str(), unicode() and isinstance
86 Sum a list
87 Table of powers using string methods
88 The given end point is never part of the generated list
89 The syntax for type() is
90 Try statement with input
91 Type function returns the data type of any arbitrary object
92 Type() returns the type for any Python object, not just the standard types
93 Use complex function to create complex number
94 Use filter() and lambda to obtain the set of odd numbers from a sequence
95 Use raw_input
96 Use zip function in for loop
97 Uses a dictionary as the sequence to display the dictionary contents
98 Uses the enumerate(string) to create a temporary sequence
99 Uses the range() function to create a temporary sequence of integers the size of a list
100 Using dir to investigate a module
101 Using Iterators with Sequences
102 Whether objects are being changed
103 Writes out the numbers from 1 to 100
104 Zip to a dictionary
105 Zip() stops when the shortest sequence is used up for different lengths
106 Zip() zips together the sequences, returning a list of tuples