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Python Tutorial
Network 122 codes
Python Tutorial
1 # MIME Header Parsing
2 A client that reads information from a server and display that information
3 A client that will send packets to a server and receive packets from a server
4 A Forking Server
5 A Minimal Client
6 A Minimal Server
7 A server that will receive a connection from a client, send a string to the client, and close the connection
8 A SocketServer-Based Minimal Server
9 A Threading Server
10 Adding Quotes to Attribute Values in HTML Documents
11 After you have created an instance of the web server, start the web server by calling its serve_forever() function
12 ASCII file download
13 Base Server
14 Basic FTP connection
15 Basic getaddrinfo() basic example
16 Basic getaddrinfo() list example
17 Basic gethostbyaddr() example
18 Basic HTML Title Retriever
19 Basic HTTP CGI Server Example with forking
20 Basic HTTP Server Example
21 Basic HTTP Server Example with threading
22 Basic inetd server
23 Basic SMTP transmission
24 Binary file download
25 Binary file download 2
26 Binary file upload
27 Broadcast Sender
28 Build a server based on BaseHTTPServer
29 CGI Example
30 Connect Example with IPv6 Awareness
31 Connect to a host with telnet
32 Creating an HTTP Server to Handle GET Requests
33 Creating an HTTP Server to Process CGI Scripts
34 Creating an XML-RPC Client
35 Creating an XML-RPC Server
36 Delaying Server
37 Doc XML RPC Server Example
38 Download with urllin
39 Echo Server
40 Echo Server Bound to Specific Address
41 Echo Server with Timeouts
42 Error Handling Example With Shutdown
43 Error Handling Example With Shutdown and File-Like Objects
44 Extract list of URLs in a web page
45 File dir() example
46 FTP Download Example
47 FTP nlst example
48 Get link
49 Get list of available socket options
50 Get socket name and peer name
51 Getaddrinfo() display
52 HTML Title Retriever With Entity Support
53 Implementing Internet Communication
54 Interactive FTP Example
55 Looking up port number
56 Message Generation
57 Message Generation with Date and Message-ID
58 Message Parsing
59 MIME message generation with 8-bit headers
60 MIME Message Parsing
61 Nlst() with filedirectory detection example
62 NNTP server
63 Obtain Web Page
64 Obtain Web Page Information
65 Obtain Web Page Information With Error Document Handling
66 Obtain Web Page Information With Simple Error Handling
67 Obtain Web Page With Full Error Handling
68 Once you have created an instance of the web server, start the web server by calling its serve_forever() function
69 Opening a Client-Side Socket for Sending Data
70 Opening HTML Documents
71 Opening Remote Files
72 Parse return value from dir() function
73 Perform a reverse lookup on the IP address given on the command line
74 POP connection and authentication
75 POP connection and authentication with APOP
76 POP mailbox downloader
77 POP mailbox scanning
78 Processing HTML
79 Receiving Streaming Data Using the ServerSocket Module
80 Retrieving Cookies in HTML Documents
81 Retrieving Email from a POP3 Server
82 Retrieving Images from HTML Documents
83 Retrieving Links from HTML Documents
84 Retrieving Text from HTML Documents
85 Send 10M of data with socket
86 Sending an HTTP GET Request from a Python Script
87 Sending an HTTP POST Request from a Python Script
88 Sending Email Using SMTP
89 Sending Streaming Data
90 Server With Error Handling
91 Set up a server that will receive packets from a client and send packets to a client
92 Simple Gopher Client
93 Simple Gopher Client with basic error handling
94 Simple Gopher Client with file-like interface
95 Simple Web Server
96 Simple XML RPC Server Basic Example
97 Simple XML RPC Server Example with functions
98 SMTP and POP3 Example
99 SMTP transmission with authentication
100 SMTP transmission with debugging
101 Socket socket(socket AF_INET, socket SOCK_STREAM)
102 Socket-based inetd server
103 SocketServer Timestamp TCP Client
104 SocketServer Timestamp TCP Server (tsTservSS py)
105 Submit GET Data
106 Submit POST Data
107 TCP Timestamp Client
108 TCP Timestamp Server
109 UDP Broadcast Server
110 UDP client example
111 UDP Connectionless Example
112 UDP Echo Server
113 UDP Example
114 UDP Inetd Server
115 UDP Inetd Server for Wait
116 UDP Timestamp Client (tsUclnt py)
117 UDP Timestamp Server
118 Using Python to Fetch Files from an FTP Server
119 XML-RPC Basic Client
120 XML-RPC Basic Test Client
121 XML-RPC Introspection Client
122 Yahoo! Finance Stock Quote Server