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Collections 156 codes
VB.Net Tutorial
1 A case-sensitive hash table and a case-insensitive hash table
2 A queue can be enumerated without disturbing its contents
3 Add different data types to ArrayList
4 Add key value pair to Collection
5 Add object to Dictionary
6 Add user defined object to ArrayList
7 Add value pair to Hashtable and get value back by key
8 Array BinarySearch
9 Array Clone
10 Array Copy
11 Array CreateInstance(GetType(Integer), 11)
12 Array CreateInstance(GetType(String), 10)
13 Array declaration
14 Array GetLength, Array GetUpperBound
15 Array IndexOf
16 Array LastIndexOf
17 Array length
18 Array lower bound and upper bound
19 Array Resize
20 Array Reverse and Sort
21 Array SetValue and GetValue
22 Array Sort and Array IndexOf
23 Assing array element value by using index
24 CollectionsUtil CreateCaseInsensitiveSortedList
25 Computing sum of elements in array
26 ContainsKey
27 Convert and Copy Elements in a Stack to an Array
28 Convert ArrayList to array
29 Copy array elements from one array to another
30 Copy the elements of the queue, starting at the middle of the array
31 Create a copy of the queue, using the ToArray method and the constructor that accepts an IEnumerable(Of T)
32 Creates random numbers and sorts them using bubble sort
33 Declare the jagged array as 4 rows high
34 Declaring and allocating an array
35 Deep Clone
36 Define and initialize the two dimensional array
37 Define your own binary tree
38 Define your own linked list
39 Define your own queue based on the list
40 Define your own Stack class based on List
41 Delete a Directory
42 Delete a directory containing files and sub directories
43 Delete a directory with exception catch
44 Deleting the members of a collection
45 Demonstrating binary search of an array
46 Dequeuing,Peek and Dequeuing again
47 Determine the index of the first occurrence of a specified element
48 Dictionary(Of String, String)
49 Dimension the array at runtime
50 Directory Exists
51 Directory GetFileSystemEntries
52 Directory Move
53 Display the contents of a single-dimension array
54 Dynamic array
55 Enqueue, Dequeue and Peek
56 Enumerator Reset
57 Extends CollectionBase to create custom Collection
58 Extends DictionaryBase to create custom Collection
59 Extends ListDictionary to create custom Collection
60 Find value and key in a Hashtable
61 Get all directories under a directory
62 Get all directories under a directory with conditions
63 Get all files under a directory
64 Get all files under a directory with conditions
65 Get and set the current directory
66 Get array lower bound, upper bound and length
67 Get CharEnumerator from a String
68 Get current directory
69 Get Directory Root
70 Get Enumerator from array
71 Get Enumerator from Collection
72 Get Enumerator from Collection for custom object
73 Get Enumerator from Hashtable
74 Get Parent Directory
75 GetUpperBound
76 ICloneable
77 IComparable
78 IDisposable
79 Illustrate the pattern of using the Dir function It is not intended to be compiled
80 Implements IComparer
81 Implements IComparer to create Reversed Comparer
82 Implements IDisposable
83 Implements IEnumerable
84 Inherit CollectionBase to create your own Collection structure
85 Initialize Array element during declaration
86 Initialize two dimensional array by index
87 Initializing arrays
88 Initializing multi-dimensional arrays
89 Insert element in the middle of an Array
90 Inserting items into a collection by index
91 IsSynchronized
92 Iterator
93 Iterator with While End
94 Jagged two-dimensional array example
95 Linear search of an array
96 Loop through an array using the Enumerator
97 NameValueCollection
98 Object array
99 One dimensional Array with Array CreateInstance
100 One dimesional array performance
101 Pass array
102 Passing arrays and individual array elements to procedures
103 Populate Object array
104 Print IEnumerable collections
105 Queue
106 Queue Contains
107 Queue Enqueue and ToArray
108 Rectangular Array
109 ReDim an array
110 Redim Preserve array
111 ReDim string array length
112 Redimension the array and preserve its element values
113 Reference elements in two dimensional array
114 Remove element in an ArrayList by index
115 Remove from Collection
116 Reorder the elements of an array in a random order
117 Retrieve all keys, sort and iterate
118 Retrieve all values, sort and iterate
119 Retrieve single value from Hashtable by key
120 Reverse array elements
121 Reverse the contents of an array
122 Scanning items in a collection
123 Set the array of arrays
124 Shallow copy
125 Show and use the array boundaries
126 Sort a custom object array
127 Sort only part of the Array
128 Sort the values in an Array using the default comparer and a custom comparer that reverses the sort order
129 Sort the values in ArrayList using the default comparer and a custom comparer that reverses the sort order
130 Sort two associated arrays where the first array contains keys and the second array contains values
131 Sort(Of (T))(arrayT[]()[]) and BinarySearch(Of (T))(arrayT[]()[], T)
132 SortedList
133 Stack
134 Stack(Of (T)) generic class
135 Store objects in Collection and retrieve by key and index
136 String and custom class Dictionary
137 Swap elements in an array
138 Testing the effects of passing array references using ByVal and ByRef
139 The Contains method is used to show that the string four is in the first copy of the queue
140 Three generic overloads of the LastIndexOf method from Array
141 Two dimesional array performance
142 Two-dimensional Array with Array CreateInstance
143 Use Array Sort() to sort object array
144 Use array UBound in For loop
145 Use ArrayList Contains to check if a object already exists
146 Use ArrayList to store objects
147 Use custom Comparer to compare objects
148 Use DirectCast to convert ArrayList to array
149 Use directories match
150 Use For Each to loop through all keys in Hashtable
151 Use For Each to loop through the ArrayList
152 Use For EachNext to find an element in a two dimension array
153 Use For loop to initialize Integer array
154 Use MkDir to create a Directory
155 Use ReDim Preserve to add elements to an array
156 Use RmDir to delete a directory