Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
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C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
Visual C++ .Net
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Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
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JavaScript Tutorial
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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
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Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
VB.Net Tutorial
Development 130 codes
VB.Net Tutorial
1 #Const
2 #ElseIf
3 #if, #Else, #End If
4 A log utility
5 An overflow exception occurred
6 Application
7 Application ExecutablePath, Application StartupPath)
8 Basics of Visual Basic exception handling
9 Catch ApplicationException and ArgumentException
10 Catch custom exception
11 Catch different Exception with multiple catch statements
12 Catch divided by zero exception
13 Catch EndOfStreamException
14 Catch Exception in a function
15 Catch Exception throwed from a Method
16 Catch FormatException
17 Catch specific Exception from a Method
18 Catch without Exception type
19 Change some characteristics of the command window
20 Close Stream in Finally statement
21 Convert Byte arrays to String objects with the ToString method
22 Convert Debug message to a file
23 Convert Exception to String
24 Convert rectangular 3D coordinates to cylindrical coordinates
25 Convert string to and back
26 Create a new UTF8Encoding
27 Create AppDomain and Unload AppDomain
28 Create CSV file
29 Create Custom Exception class
30 Create your own Exception class by subclassing System Exception
31 CurrentDomain BaseDirectory()
32 Customized formater for Integer
33 Debug Status
34 Decode a range of elements from a byte array and store them in a Unicode character array
35 Demonstrating a user-defined exception class
36 Determine whether command line arguments are present
37 DirectCast
38 DirectCast from Integer to MsgBoxResult
39 Display Exception Trace
40 Display order in which base-class and derived-class constructors and finalizers are called
41 Display properties of current Process
42 Encode Unicode characters array and store the encoded bytes in a byte array
43 Environment
44 Environment OSVersion
45 Environment TickCount
46 Environment UserName
47 Example of the BitConverter GetBytes( UInt32 ) method
48 Example of the BitConverter ToString( Byte( ) ) method
49 Exception fields
50 Filtered Exception
51 Finally after multiple catch statements
52 Finally always executes
53 GC
54 Generating random integers
55 Get all assemblies in a domain
56 Get Assembly
57 Get current Domain
58 Get current Process
59 Get Message from Exception
60 Get Process by ID
61 Get Referenced Assemblies
62 Get string from configuration
63 Get the command line arguments using the Environment class
64 Get the command line arguments using the Sub Main array
65 Get the path that stores favorite links
66 Get thread count in current process
67 Get Total Memory
68 Get types from Assembly
69 GetCharCount returns the number of characters produced by decoding a range of elements in a byte array using UnicodeEncoding.t
70 GetChars method decodes a range of elements in a byte array and store the result in a character array
71 Given an assembly, display details from its manifest
72 Implement IFormattable
73 Inherits System ApplicationException
74 InvalidCastException
75 Kill current process
76 List all process in a ListView
77 Load Assembly from a url
78 Load Assembly from DLL
79 Math Cos and Sin
80 Math Round
81 Math Sqrt and Atan2
82 My Application Info
83 My Application Log DefaultFileLogWriter FullLogFileName
84 My Computer Audio PlaySystemSound
85 My Computer Clipboard
86 My Computer Ports SerialPortNames
87 Open Default editor for text file
88 Override Finalize method
89 Print properties of Process
90 Print Stack TraceImports System Diagnostics
91 Random Next(Int32, Int32) generates random integers with three distinct ranges
92 Randomize
93 Read in and process a CSV file
94 Resource File reader
95 Serializable Exception Inheriting NullReferenceException
96 Set Exception HelpLink
97 Sort Command line arguments
98 Start a process
99 Start main module in current process
100 Start process by setting file name
101 System Data ConstraintException
102 System Diagnostics PerformanceCounter
103 System Information
104 SystemInformation PrimaryMonitorMaximizedWindowSize
105 The IFormattable Interface
106 This example demonstrates Math Max()
107 Throw ApplicationException
108 Throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException
109 Throw ArithmeticException
110 Throw custom exception
111 Throw DivideByZeroException
112 Throw Exception Catch Rethrow
113 Throw Exception out of a Method
114 Throw Exception with catch
115 Throw Exception Without Catch
116 Throw Your own exception in class constructor
117 Try Catch Exception
118 Try Catch with Finally clause
119 UI with UniCode
120 Use an encoder and a decoder to encode a string into an array of bytes, and then decode the bytes into an array of characters.
121 Use Debug Assert
122 Use different Encoding to create StreamReader
123 Use different Encoding to create StreamWriter
124 Use PlatformID class to identify the currently executing operating system
125 Use properties Message, StackTrace and InnerException
126 Use system default editor to open a CSV file
127 Use the GetByteCount to get the number of bytes required to encode an array of Unicode characters, using UTF8Encoding
128 Use the GetString method to convert a byte array into a String
129 Use the Min method to return and display the smaller of two Single variables
130 Write to Serial Port