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Date Time 217 codes
Date Time
1 Add a day, a month and a year to a Date
2 Add days to DateTime
3 Add hours to DateTime
4 Add milliseconds to DateTime
5 Add one and half Milliseconds
6 Add specified TimeSpan to DateTime
7 Add time (days, hours) to current time
8 Add two and a half hours to DateTimeOffset
9 Adds time interval to a specified date and time, yielding a new date and time
10 Allow a leading space in the date string
11 Arithmetic Operations with Dates and Times
12 Assign a value according to the current day of the week
13 Assign Date value in format
14 Assume a date and time string formatted for the fr-FR culture is the local time and convert it to UTC
15 Attempt to convert a string in improper ISO 8601 format
16 Calculate the interval between the two dates
17 Call overload of Parse to convert string formatted according to conventions of fr-FR culture
18 CDate(10262010 1
19 Change the current culture to fr-FR and display the date
20 Change the current culture to ja-JP and display the date
21 China Standard Time
22 Combine date format with DateTimeFormatInfo InvariantInfo
23 Compare the difference between two Date value with Ticks
24 Compares DateTime value
25 Compares two Date values
26 Convert a time from one time zone to another
27 Convert Date to String with format
28 Convert Date to string with fr-FR culture
29 Convert DateTimeOffset to Universal Time
30 Converts a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to the time in a specified time zone
31 Converts a time from one time zone to another based on time zone identifiers
32 Converts a time to the time in a particular time zone
33 Converts DateTime object to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
34 Converts DateTime to string representation
35 Converts DateTime to string using the specified format and culture-specific format information
36 Converts String to a DateTimeOffset equivalent with format
37 Converts String to a DateTimeOffset, use more than one format
38 Converts string to DateTime equivalent and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded
39 Converts string to DateTime using specified culture-specific format information and formatting style
40 Converts string to DateTime using specified format and culture-specific format information
41 Converts string to DateTime using specified format, culture-specific format information, and style
42 Converts string to DateTime using the specified culture-specific format information
43 Converts string to DateTime using the specified culture-specific format information and formatting style
44 Converts the current date and time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
45 Converts the supplied DateTimeOffset to a String
46 Converts the supplied DateTimeOffset to a String in the specified format
47 Converts the time in a specified time zone to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
48 Converts the value of the current DateTime object to its equivalent short date string representation
49 Create custom format strings for Date
50 Create Date from date string with time
51 Create Date object from String
52 Create DateTime structure to a specified number of ticks
53 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, and day
54 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, and day for the specified calendar
55 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
56 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, and second for the specified calendar
57 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or local
58 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond
59 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond for the specified calendar.tx
60 Create DateTime structure to the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and Coordinated Universal Time (
61 Create TimeSpan with hour, minute and second
62 Creates a time zone with identifier, an offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), a display name, and a standard time displa
63 CultureInfo DateTimeFormat
64 Custom Date and Time Format Strings
65 Date = #1142010 1
66 Date Now, UtcNow and Today
67 Date time
68 Date Time and TimeSpan Demo
69 Date Time Detail
70 Date Time related Function
71 Date Time Subtraction
72 DateTime - DateTime = TimeSpan
73 DateTime Equals(DateTime, DateTime) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of DateTime are equal
74 DateTime format
75 DateTime Format French
76 DateTime FromBinary Deserializes a 64-bit binary value and recreates an original serialized DateTime object
77 DateTime FromFileTime Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent local time
78 DateTime GetDateTimeFormats
79 DateTime Kind, Now properties, and the SpecifyKind(), ToLocalTime(), and ToUniversalTime() methods
80 DateTime Min value
81 DateTime Minute Property
82 DateTime Parse converts string to DateTime
83 DateTime ParseExact Converts string to DateTime using specified format, culture-specific format information, and style
84 DateTime ParseExact passes a string object followed by a format specifier and a CultureInfo object
85 DateTime Subtract subtracts the specified date and time from this instance
86 DateTime Ticks represents the number of ticks that represent the date and time
87 DateTime Today Property Gets the current date
88 DateTime ToFileTime Method converts DateTime to a Windows file time
89 DateTime ToLocalTime Method converts DateTime object to local time
90 DateTime ToLongDateString converts DateTime to long date string
91 DateTime ToString converts DateTime to string using the specified format
92 DateTime ToString Method converts DateTime to string using the specified culture-specific format information
93 DateTime ToString with Invariant Culture
94 DateTime Year Property gets the year component of the date represented by this instance
95 DateTimeFormatInfo defines how DateTime values are formatted and displayed, depending on the culture
96 DateTimeOffset represents time relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
97 Determines whether two specified instances of DateTime are equal
98 Difference Between DateTime, DateTimeOffset, and TimeZoneInfo
99 Difference between local time and UTC
100 Different Date in dddd and MMMM
101 Display individual properties of the resulting TimeSpan object
102 Display the current date and time and show if they occur in daylight saving time
103 Display the date using the current (en-US) culture
104 Display the daylight saving time range for the current year
105 Display the long time pattern and string
106 Display the names for standard time and daylight saving time for the local time zone
107 Display the short date pattern and string
108 Display the short time pattern and string
109 Display the ticks-per-time-unit fields
110 Display the various properties for a Date
111 Displays the strings returned by calling the ToString method with a number of TimeSpan values
112 Eastern Standard Time
113 Find difference between Now and UtcNow using DateTimeOffset
114 Find out the file age
115 Finding the Last Day of the Month
116 Format TimeSpan
117 Format TimeSpan to get hours
118 Format TimeSpan to string
119 Full Date Time Pattern
120 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for DateTime value
121 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for TimeSpan value
122 Get date and time fields from DateTime
123 Get Date Time Now
124 Get the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and UTC offset
125 Get the long date formats using the current culture
126 Get the short date formats using the fr-FR culture
127 Gets a TimeZoneInfo object that represents the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) zone
128 Gets a TimeZoneInfo object that represents the local time zone
129 Gets a value indicating whether the time zone has any daylight saving time rules
130 Gets the date component from String
131 Gets the day of the month from Date
132 Gets the day of the week represented by this instance
133 Gets the milliseconds component of the date represented by this instance
134 Gets the time zone identifier
135 GMT Standard Time
136 IFormatProvider Interface Provides a mechanism for retrieving an object to control formatting
137 India Standard Time
138 Initalize a time span to 99 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 9999999 seconds
139 Initalize a timespan to 25 milliseconds
140 Initialize a time span to 1
141 Initialize a time span to 14 days
142 Initialize a time span to 250 milliseconds
143 Initialize a time span to zero
144 Is input value a Date
145 Is Leap Year
146 Iterate each standard format specifier and combine them with different cultures
147 Long Date Pattern
148 Long Time Pattern
149 Month Day Pattern
150 Multiply Time Span
151 Next Working Day
152 Output date and time using each standard format string
153 Output Date in different culture format
154 Output time in format
155 Parse a date and time that is assumed to be local
156 Parse a date and time with no styles
157 Parse a string represengting UTC
158 Parse a string with time zone information
159 Parse date and time with custom specifier
160 Parse date and time with offset but without offsets minutes
161 Parse Date with different patterns
162 Parse date with no style flags
163 Parse date-only value without leading zero in month using d format
164 Parse string like 2162008 12
165 Parse string to create new TimeSpan
166 Parse String to Date by using different culture format
167 Parse string to Date with g format and fr-FR culture
168 Parse String to Date with Invariant Culture
169 Parse String to Integer and catch OverflowException
170 Parse string with date but no time component
171 Parse the same date and time with the AssumeLocal style
172 Parse(String) method returns a DateTime value whose Kind property is DateTimeKind
173 Parse(String) parses date and time values using the formatting conventions of the en-US culture
174 Report time as DST if it is either ambiguous or DST
175 Represents an instant in time, typically expressed as a date and time of day
176 Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to the specified DateTime instance
177 Returns an indication whether the specified year is a leap year
178 Returns the number of days in the specified month and year
179 Reverse month and day to conform to the fr-FR culture
180 RFC1123 Pattern
181 Russian Standard Time
182 Short Date Pattern
183 Short Time Pattern
184 Show Date in different format
185 Sortable Date Time Pattern
186 Standard TimeSpan Format Strings
187 The largest possible value of DateTime This field is read-only
188 The smallest possible value of DateTime
189 Thread Sleep(TimeSpan) method
190 Ticks from a Date
191 TimeSpan Structure Represents a time interval
192 TimeSpan TicksPerDay Field represents the number of ticks in 1 day This field is constant
193 TimeZone GetDaylightChanges returns the daylight saving time period for a particular year
194 TimeZone GetUtcOffset Method returns the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset for the specified local time
195 TimeZone GetUtcOffset returns the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset for the specified local time
196 TimeZone IsDaylightSavingTime
197 TimeZone ToLocalTime returns the local time that corresponds to a specified date and time value
198 TimeZoneInfo BaseUtcOffset gets the time difference between the current time zones standard time and Coordinated Universal Time
199 TimeZoneInfo ConvertTime converts a time to the time in a particular time zone
200 TimeZoneInfo ConvertTimeToUtc
201 TimeZoneInfo DaylightName
202 TimeZoneInfo DisplayName
203 TimeZoneInfo Equals
204 TimeZoneInfo FindSystemTimeZoneById(Tokyo Standard Time)
205 TimeZoneInfo IsDaylightSavingTime
206 To Long Date, Long Time and Universal Time
207 Tokyo Standard Time
208 Universal Sortable Date Time Pattern
209 Use a TimeSpan value with the Join method
210 Use custom formats with M and MM to parse a string to Date
211 Use fr-FR culture, and dates of the form
212 Use the TryParse method to create TimeSpan objects from TimeSpan strings
213 Using different culture to format Date
214 Whether a date and time is ambiguous and can be mapped to two or more Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) times
215 Whether time is based on local time, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), or neither
216 Year Month Pattern
217 Years Between Dates