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Development 599 codes
1 $ Matches the end of the input string
2 (e)
3 (s$)Match either a whitespace character or the end of the input string
4 (S+)
5 (w) matches a word character This is the first capturing group
6 ^
7 1 match the value of the first capture
8 20 random integers from 1 to 10
9 20 random integers from 1000 to 10000
10 A user-defined exception class
11 Acos and Cos
12 ArgumentException Class
13 ArgumentException Class is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid
14 ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the allowable range
15 Array CreateInstance(GetType(Integer), 11) to create Array
16 Asin and Sin
17 Assume en-US culture and standard format string
18 Atan and Tan
19 Available Handshake options
20 Available Parity options
21 Available Ports
22 Available Stop Bits options
23 B
24 BitConverter Class converts base data types to an array of bytes, and an array of bytes to base data types
25 BitConverter DoubleToInt64Bits converts double-precision floating point number to a 64-bit signed integer
26 BitConverter GetBytes (Int16) returns 16-bit signed integer value as an array of bytes
27 BitConverter GetBytes (Int32) returns 32-bit signed integer value as an array of bytes
28 BitConverter GetBytes (Int64) returns the specified 64-bit signed integer value as an array of bytes
29 BitConverter GetBytes (Single) returns single-precision floating point value as an array of bytes
30 BitConverter GetBytes (UInt16) returns 16-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes
31 BitConverter GetBytes (UInt32) returns 32-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes
32 BitConverter GetBytes (UInt64) returns 64-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes
33 BitConverter GetBytes Method Returns the specified 32-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes
34 BitConverter GetBytes returns double-precision floating point value as an array of bytes
35 BitConverter GetBytes Returns the specified 16-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes
36 BitConverter GetBytes returns the specified Boolean value as an array of bytes
37 BitConverter GetBytes returns the specified Unicode character value as an array of bytes
38 BitConverter GetBytes(UInt64) Returns the specified 64-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes
39 BitConverter Int64BitsToDouble converts 64-bit signed integer to a double-precision floating point number
40 BitConverter IsLittleEndian indicates the byte order in which data is stored in this computer architecture
41 BitConverter ToBoolean returns a Boolean value converted from one byte at a specified position in a byte array
42 BitConverter ToChar returns a Unicode character converted from two bytes at a specified position in a byte array
43 BitConverter ToDouble returns a double converted from eight bytes at a specified position in a byte array
44 BitConverter ToInt16 returns a 16-bit signed integer converted from two bytes
45 BitConverter ToInt32 returns a 32-bit signed integer converted from four bytes at a specified position in a byte array
46 BitConverter ToSingle returns a single-precision float number converted from four bytes
47 BitConverter ToUInt16 returns a 16-bit unsigned integer converted from two bytes
48 BitConverter ToUInt32 returns a 32-bit unsigned integer converted from four bytes
49 Calculating compound interest
50 Calendar Class represents time in divisions, such as weeks, months, and years
51 Calendar Eras Property gets the list of eras in the current calendar
52 Calendar GetDaysInMonth
53 Calendar GetWeekOfYear returns the week of the year that includes the date in the specified DateTime value
54 Calendar Localization
55 Calendar Week Rule
56 Call GetMonthsInYear()
57 Call GetMonthsInYear() for five years in each era
58 Calls IsLeapYear() for five years in each of the eras
59 Capture Class represents the results from a single successful subexpression capture
60 Catch an Exception
61 Catch an Exception in function and find out the logic flow
62 Catch Exception outside its Function
63 Catch More than One Exception
64 Catch more than one Exception type
65 Catch Unknown Exceptions
66 CharUnicodeInfo Class has information about a Unicode character
67 Check Err Number When there is an Error
68 Check leap year five years in each of the eras
69 Compare versions
70 Compares different implementations of the Calendar class
71 Console BackgroundColor Property gets or sets the background color of the console
72 Console Beep Method plays the sound of a beep through the console speaker
73 Console BufferHeight Property gets or sets the height of the buffer area
74 Console CancelKeyPress Event occurs when Control key (CTRL) and C are pressed simultaneously (CTRL+C)
75 Console Class
76 Console Clear Method clears the console buffer and corresponding console window of display information
77 Console CursorSize Property gets or sets the height of the cursor within a character cell
78 Console CursorVisible Property tells indicating whether the cursor is visible
79 Console Error Property gets the standard error output stream
80 Console In Property gets the standard input stream
81 Console KeyAvailable tells whether a key press is available in the input stream
82 Console Out Property gets the standard output stream
83 Console Output
84 Console Read and Compare Integer
85 Console ReadKey (Boolean) gets next character or function key pressed
86 Console ReadKey gets next character or function key pressed by the user
87 Console ReadLine reads the next line of characters from the standard input stream
88 Console SetError sets the Error property to the specified TextWriter object
89 Console SetOut Method sets the Out property to the specified TextWriter object
90 Console SetWindowSize Method sets the height and width of the console window
91 Console Title Property gets or sets the title to display in the console title bar
92 Console WindowLeft Property gets or sets the leftmost position of the console window area relative to the screen
93 Console Write Method (Boolean) writes the text representation of the Boolean value to the standard output stream
94 Console WriteLine Standard Numeric Format Strings
95 ConsoleColor Enumeration
96 ConsoleKey Enumeration
97 ConsoleKeyInfo Structure
98 ConsoleSpecialKey Enumeration
99 Convert BigInteger to Integer
100 Convert Byte arrays to String objects with the ToString method
101 Convert bytes to UInt32
102 Convert ChangeType
103 Convert decimal to Integer
104 Convert double to Integer
105 Convert hex string to Int16
106 Convert hex string to int64
107 Convert Long to Integer
108 Convert numeric string to SByte with a format provider
109 Convert numeric string to SByte without a format provider
110 Convert single value to decimal
111 Convert string by different base
112 Convert the Char array back to a Byte array
113 Convert ToBase64CharArray converts 8-bit unsigned integer array to Unicode character array
114 Convert ToBase64String converts 8-bit unsigned integers to string encoded with base-64 digits
115 Convert ToBoolean (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to Boolean value
116 Convert ToBoolean (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to Boolean value
117 Convert ToBoolean (Object) converts object to Boolean value
118 Convert ToBoolean (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to Boolean value
119 Convert ToBoolean (Single) converts single-precision number to Boolean value
120 Convert ToBoolean (String) converts string to Boolean equivalent
121 Convert ToBoolean (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to Boolean value
122 Convert ToBoolean (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to Boolean value
123 Convert ToBoolean (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to Boolean value
124 Convert ToBoolean converts 8-bit unsigned integer to Boolean value
125 Convert ToBoolean(Decimal) converts decimal number to Boolean value
126 Convert ToBoolean(Double) converts double number to Boolean value
127 Convert ToBoolean(Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to Boolean value
128 Convert ToByte (Boolean) converts Boolean value to 8-bit unsigned integer
129 Convert ToByte (Char) converts Unicode character to 8-bit unsigned integer
130 Convert ToByte (Decimal) converts decimal number to 8-bit unsigned integer
131 Convert ToByte (Double) converts double number to 8-bit unsigned integer
132 Convert ToByte (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to 8-bit unsigned integer
133 Convert ToByte (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to 8-bit unsigned integer
134 Convert ToByte (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to 8-bit unsigned integer
135 Convert ToByte (Object) converts object to an 8-bit unsigned integer
136 Convert ToByte (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to 8-bit unsigned integer
137 Convert ToByte (Single) converts floating-point number to 8-bit unsigned integer
138 Convert ToByte (String) converts string to 8-bit unsigned integer
139 Convert ToByte (String, Int32) converts string in a specified base to 8-bit unsigned integer
140 Convert ToByte (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to 8-bit unsigned integer
141 Convert ToByte (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 8-bit unsigned integer
142 Convert ToByte (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to 8-bit unsigned integer
143 Convert ToByte(String,IFormatProvider) converts string to 8-bit unsigned integer, using culture-specific format
144 Convert ToChar (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to Unicode character
145 Convert ToChar (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to Unicode character
146 Convert ToChar (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to Unicode character
147 Convert ToChar (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to Unicode character
148 Convert ToChar (Object) converts object to a Unicode character
149 Convert ToChar (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to Unicode character
150 Convert ToChar (String) converts the first character of a string to a Unicode character
151 Convert ToChar (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to Unicode character
152 Convert ToChar (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to Unicode character
153 Convert ToChar (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to Unicode character
154 Convert ToChar(String,IFormatProvider) converts the first character of string to a Unicode character with culture format
155 Convert ToDateTime (Object) converts object to a DateTime object
156 Convert ToDateTime Method (Object, IFormatProvider) converts object to DateTime using culture-specific format
157 Convert ToDateTime(String) converts string to date and time value
158 Convert ToDateTime(String, IFormatProvider) converts string to date and time, using culture-specific format
159 Convert ToDecimal (Boolean) converts Boolean value to decimal number
160 Convert ToDecimal (Double) converts double number to an equivalent decimal number
161 Convert ToDecimal (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to decimal number
162 Convert ToDecimal (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to decimal number
163 Convert ToDecimal (Int64) converts specified 64-bit signed integer to decimal number
164 Convert ToDecimal (Object) converts object to decimal number
165 Convert ToDecimal (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to decimal number
166 Convert ToDecimal (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to decimal number
167 Convert ToDecimal (String) converts string to decimal number
168 Convert ToDecimal (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to decimal number
169 Convert ToDecimal (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to decimal number
170 Convert ToDecimal (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to decimal number
171 Convert ToDecimal(String, IFormatProvider) converts string to decimal number using culture-specific format
172 Convert ToDouble (Decimal) converts decimal number to double-precision floating-point number
173 Convert ToDouble (Int16) converts specified 16-bit signed integer to double-precision floating-point number
174 Convert ToDouble (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to double-precision floating-point number
175 Convert ToDouble (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to double-precision floating-point number
176 Convert ToDouble (Object) converts object to a double-precision floating-point number
177 Convert ToDouble (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to double-precision floating-point number
178 Convert ToDouble (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to double-precision floating-point number
179 Convert ToDouble (String) converts string to double-precision floating-point number
180 Convert ToDouble (String, IFormatProvider) converts string to double using culture-specific format
181 Convert ToDouble (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to double-precision floating-point number
182 Convert ToDouble (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to double-precision floating-point number
183 Convert ToDouble (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to double-precision floating-point number
184 Convert ToInt16 (Boolean) converts Boolean to 16-bit signed integer
185 Convert ToInt16 (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to 16-bit signed integer
186 Convert ToInt16 (Char) converts Unicode character to the equivalent 16-bit signed integer
187 Convert ToInt16 (Decimal) converts decimal number to 16-bit signed integer
188 Convert ToInt16 (Double) converts double-precision floating-point number to 16-bit signed integer
189 Convert ToInt16 (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to 16-bit signed integer
190 Convert ToInt16 (Object) converts object to a 16-bit signed integer
191 Convert ToInt16 (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to 16-bit signed integer
192 Convert ToInt16 (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to 16-bit signed integer
193 Convert ToInt16 (String) converts string to 16-bit signed integer
194 Convert ToInt16 (String, Int32) converts string in a specified base to 16-bit signed integer
195 Convert ToInt16 (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to 16-bit signed integer
196 Convert ToInt16 (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 16-bit signed integer
197 Convert ToInt16 (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to 16-bit signed integer
198 Convert ToInt16 Method (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to 16-bit signed integer
199 Convert ToInt32 (Boolean) converts Boolean value to 32-bit signed integer
200 Convert ToInt32 (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to 32-bit signed integer
201 Convert ToInt32 (Char) converts Unicode character to 32-bit signed integer
202 Convert ToInt32 (Decimal) converts decimal number to 32-bit signed integer
203 Convert ToInt32 (Double) converts double number to 32-bit signed integer
204 Convert ToInt32 (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to 32-bit signed integer
205 Convert ToInt32 (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to 32-bit signed integer
206 Convert ToInt32 (Object) converts the value of the specified object to a 32-bit signed integer
207 Convert ToInt32 (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to 32-bit signed integer
208 Convert ToInt32 (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to 32-bit signed integer
209 Convert ToInt32 (String) converts string to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer
210 Convert ToInt32 (String, IFormatProvider) converts string to 32-bit signed integer using culture-specific format
211 Convert ToInt32 (String, Int32) converts string in a base to 32-bit signed integer
212 Convert ToInt32 (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to 32-bit signed integer
213 Convert ToInt32 (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 32-bit signed integer
214 Convert ToInt32 (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer
215 Convert ToInt64 (Boolean) converts Boolean value to 64-bit signed integer
216 Convert ToInt64 (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to 64-bit signed integer
217 Convert ToInt64 (Char) converts Unicode character to 64-bit signed integer
218 Convert ToInt64 (Decimal) converts decimal number to 64-bit signed integer
219 Convert ToInt64 (Double) converts double-precision floating-point number to 64-bit signed integer
220 Convert ToInt64 (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to 64-bit signed integer
221 Convert ToInt64 (Object) converts object to a 64-bit signed integer
222 Convert ToInt64 (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to 64-bit signed integer
223 Convert ToInt64 (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to 64-bit signed integer
224 Convert ToInt64 (String) converts string to 64-bit signed integer
225 Convert ToInt64 (String, Int32) converts string in a base to a 64-bit signed integer
226 Convert ToInt64 (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to the equivalent 64-bit signed integer
227 Convert ToInt64 (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 64-bit signed integer
228 Convert ToInt64 (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to 64-bit signed integer
229 Convert ToInt64(String, IFormatProvider) converts string to 64-bit signed integer using culture-specific format
230 Convert ToSByte (Boolean) converts Boolean to 8-bit signed integer
231 Convert ToSByte (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to 8-bit signed integer
232 Convert ToSByte (Char) converts Unicode character to 8-bit signed integer
233 Convert ToSByte (Decimal) converts decimal number to 8-bit signed integer
234 Convert ToSByte (Double) converts double-precision floating-point number to 8-bit signed integer
235 Convert ToSByte (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to 8-bit signed integer
236 Convert ToSByte (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to 8-bit signed integer
237 Convert ToSByte (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to 8-bit signed integer
238 Convert ToSByte (Object) converts object to an 8-bit signed integer
239 Convert ToSByte (String) converts string to 8-bit signed integer
240 Convert ToSByte (String, Int32) converts string in a base to 8-bit signed integer
241 Convert ToSByte (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to 8-bit signed integer
242 Convert ToSByte (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 8-bit signed integer
243 Convert ToSByte (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to 8-bit signed integer
244 Convert ToSingle (Boolean) converts Boolean value to single-precision floating-point number
245 Convert ToSingle (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to single-precision floating-point number
246 Convert ToSingle (Decimal) converts decimal number to single-precision floating-point number
247 Convert ToSingle (Double) converts double number to single-precision floating-point number
248 Convert ToSingle (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to floating-point number
249 Convert ToSingle (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to single-precision floating-point number
250 Convert ToSingle (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to single-precision floating-point number
251 Convert ToSingle (Object) converts object to a single-precision floating-point number
252 Convert ToSingle (SByte) converts signed integer to single-precision floating-point number
253 Convert ToSingle (String) converts string to single-precision floating-point number
254 Convert ToSingle (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to single-precision floating-point number
255 Convert ToSingle (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to single-precision floating-point number
256 Convert ToSingle (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to single-precision floating-point number
257 Convert ToString (Boolean) converts Boolean value to string representation
258 Convert ToString (Byte, IFormatProvider) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to string with culture-specific format
259 Convert ToString (Byte, Int32) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to string in a base
260 Convert ToString (Char) converts Unicode character to string
261 Convert ToString (DateTime) converts DateTime to string
262 Convert ToString (DateTime, IFormatProvider) converts DateTime to string using culture-specific format
263 Convert ToString (Decimal, IFormatProvider) converts decimal number to string using culture-specific format
264 Convert ToString (Double) converts double-precision floating-point number to string
265 Convert ToString (Double, IFormatProvider) converts specified double-precision floating-point number to string
266 Convert ToString (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to string
267 Convert ToString (Int16, IFormatProvider) converts 16-bit signed integer to string using culture-specific format
268 Convert ToString (Int16, Int32) converts 16-bit signed integer to string in a base
269 Convert ToString (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to string
270 Convert ToString (Int32, IFormatProvider) converts 32-bit signed integer to string with culture-specific format
271 Convert ToString (Int32, Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to string in a base
272 Convert ToString (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to string
273 Convert ToString (Int64, IFormatProvider) converts 64-bit signed integer to string using culture-specific format
274 Convert ToString (Int64, Int32) converts 64-bit signed integer to string in a specified base
275 Convert ToString (Object) converts object to string
276 Convert ToString (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to string
277 Convert ToString (SByte, IFormatProvider) converts 8-bit signed integer to string using culture-specific format
278 Convert ToString (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to string
279 Convert ToString (Single, IFormatProvider) converts single-precision number to string with culture-specific format
280 Convert ToString (UInt16) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to string
281 Convert ToString (UInt16, IFormatProvider) converts 16-bit unsigned integer to string with culture format
282 Convert ToString (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to string
283 Convert ToString (UInt32, IFormatProvider) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to string with culture format
284 Convert ToString (UInt64, IFormatProvider) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to string with culture format
285 Convert ToString Method converts the value of the specified 64-bit unsigned integer to string
286 Convert ToUInt16 (Boolean) converts Boolean to 16-bit unsigned integer
287 Convert ToUInt16 (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to 16-bit unsigned integer
288 Convert ToUInt16 (Char) converts Unicode character to 16-bit unsigned integer
289 Convert ToUInt16 (Decimal) converts decimal number to 16-bit unsigned integer
290 Convert ToUInt16 (Double) converts double-precision floating-point number to 16-bit unsigned integer
291 Convert ToUInt16 (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to 16-bit unsigned integer
292 Convert ToUInt16 (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to 16-bit unsigned integer
293 Convert ToUInt16 (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to 16-bit unsigned integer
294 Convert ToUInt16 (Object) converts object to a 16-bit unsigned integer
295 Convert ToUInt16 (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to 16-bit unsigned integer
296 Convert ToUInt16 (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to 16-bit unsigned integer
297 Convert ToUInt16 (String) converts string to 16-bit unsigned integer
298 Convert ToUInt16 (String, IFormatProvider) converts string to 16-bit unsigned integer in culture settings
299 Convert ToUInt16 (String, Int32) converts string in a base to 16-bit unsigned integer
300 Convert ToUInt16 (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 16-bit unsigned integer
301 Convert ToUInt16 (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to 16-bit unsigned integer
302 Convert ToUInt32 (Boolean) converts Boolean to 32-bit unsigned integer
303 Convert ToUInt32 (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to 32-bit unsigned integer
304 Convert ToUInt32 (Char) converts Unicode character to 32-bit unsigned integer
305 Convert ToUInt32 (Decimal) converts decimal number to 32-bit unsigned integer
306 Convert ToUInt32 (Double) converts double-precision floating-point number to 32-bit unsigned integer
307 Convert ToUInt32 (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to 32-bit unsigned integer
308 Convert ToUInt32 (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to 32-bit unsigned integer
309 Convert ToUInt32 (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to 32-bit unsigned integer
310 Convert ToUInt32 (Object) converts object to a 32-bit unsigned integer
311 Convert ToUInt32 (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to 32-bit unsigned integer
312 Convert ToUInt32 (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to 32-bit unsigned integer
313 Convert ToUInt32 (String) converts string to 32-bit unsigned integer
314 Convert ToUInt32 (String, IFormatProvider) converts string to 32-bit unsigned integer using culture-specific format
315 Convert ToUInt32 (String, Int32) converts string in a base to 32-bit unsigned integer
316 Convert ToUInt32 (UInt64) converts 64-bit unsigned integer to 32-bit unsigned integer
317 Convert ToUInt64 (Boolean) converts Boolean to 64-bit unsigned integer
318 Convert ToUInt64 (Byte) converts 8-bit unsigned integer to 64-bit unsigned integer
319 Convert ToUInt64 (Char) converts Unicode character to 64-bit unsigned integer
320 Convert ToUInt64 (Decimal) converts decimal number to 64-bit unsigned integer
321 Convert ToUInt64 (Double) converts double-precision floating-point number to 64-bit unsigned integer
322 Convert ToUInt64 (Int16) converts 16-bit signed integer to 64-bit unsigned integer
323 Convert ToUInt64 (Int32) converts 32-bit signed integer to 64-bit unsigned integer
324 Convert ToUInt64 (Int64) converts 64-bit signed integer to 64-bit unsigned integer
325 Convert ToUInt64 (Object) converts object to a 64-bit unsigned integer
326 Convert ToUInt64 (SByte) converts 8-bit signed integer to 64-bit unsigned integer
327 Convert ToUInt64 (Single) converts single-precision floating-point number to 64-bit unsigned integer
328 Convert ToUInt64 (String) converts string to 64-bit unsigned integer
329 Convert ToUInt64 (String, IFormatProvider) converts string to 64-bit unsigned integer using culture-specific format
330 Convert ToUInt64 (String, Int32) converts string in a base to 64-bit unsigned integer
331 Convert ToUInt64 (UInt16) converts specified 16-bit unsigned integer to 64-bit unsigned integer
332 Convert ToUInt64 (UInt32) converts 32-bit unsigned integer to 64-bit unsigned integer
333 Convert values to Byte arrays and display them
334 Converting strings to numbers in base
335 Converts the string representation of a GUID to the equivalent Guid structure
336 Create and use Version object
337 Create Complex Structure with Equals and GetHashCode method
338 Create date of 1132009 using Hijri calendar
339 Create Decoder class
340 Create Equals method based on Equals method from fields
341 Create Random class, using the specified seed value
342 Create your own Equals method
343 Creates and initializes a ThaiBuddhistCalendar
344 CultureInfo OptionalCalendars
345 Customize Exception Information
346 D
347 D{1,5}Matches from one to five decimal digits
348 Deal with Command Line Arguments
349 Debug Assert Demo
350 Decimal Digit Character
351 Decoder Class converts a sequence of encoded bytes into a set of characters
352 Decoder GetCharCount calculates the number of characters produced by decoding a sequence of bytes
353 Decodes a sequence of bytes from the specified byte array
354 Define a regular expression for repeated words
355 Define and fire event
356 Define and Use your own Exception Class
357 Define Attributes and Use Reflection to get its value
358 Define the assemblys only module For a single-file assembly, the module name is the assembly name
359 Demonstrates the GetEnvironmentVariables method
360 Demonstrating Class Regex
361 Determine the best available approximation of the number of bytes currently allocated in managed memory
362 Determine which generation object is stored in
363 Display 4 mandatory and 3 optional arguments using the Console Write method
364 Display 4 mandatory and 3 optional arguments using the Console WriteLine method
365 Display day of date in Hijri calendar
366 Display Exception Stack Trace
367 Display Exception, Inner Exception and stack trace
368 Distribution of Random Numbers
369 Dmatches zero or one non-decimal character
370 Do calculation in Console WriteLine
371 Double number format
372 Environment Class provides information about current environment and platform
373 Environment CurrentDirectory Property gets or sets the fully qualified path of the current working directory
374 Environment Exit Method terminates this process and gives the underlying operating system the specified exit code
375 Environment ExitCode Property gets or sets the exit code of the process
376 Environment ExpandEnvironmentVariables Method replaces the name of each environment variable embedded in string
377 Environment FailFast immediately terminates a process after writing a message to the Windows Application event log
378 Environment GetCommandLineArgs returns a string array containing the command-line arguments for the current process
379 Environment GetEnvironmentVariables Method retrieves all environment variable names and their values
380 Environment GetFolderPath (Environment SpecialFolder)
381 Environment GetLogicalDrives returns the logical drives on the current computer
382 Environment MachineName Property gets the NetBIOS name of this local computer
383 Environment NewLine Property gets the newline string defined for this environment
384 Environment OSVersion Property gets platform identifier and version number
385 Environment ProcessorCount Property gets the number of processors on the current machine
386 Environment StackTrace Property gets current stack trace information
387 Environment SystemDirectory Property gets the fully qualified path of the system directory
388 Environment TickCount Property gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system started
389 Environment UserDomainName Property gets the network domain name associated with the current user
390 Environment UserInteractive Property tells whether the current process is running in user interactive mode
391 Environment UserName Property gets the user name of the person who is currently logged on to the Windows operating system
392 Environment Version Property describes the major, minor, build, and revision numbers of the common language runtime
393 Environment WorkingSet Property gets the amount of physical memory mapped to the process context
394 Example of the BitConverter GetBytes( UInt32 ) method
395 Example of the BitConverter ToString( Byte( ) ) method
396 Exception Help Link, Message and Trace
397 Exception Information
398 Fill Reflection Data into ListView
399 Find duplicates
400 Force a garbage collect
401 Force Garbage Collection
402 Format a Color enumeration value in (D) Decimal number
403 Format a Color enumeration value in (default)
404 Format a Color enumeration value in (F) Flags
405 Format a Color enumeration value in (G) General
406 Format a Color enumeration value in (X) Hexadecimal
407 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Currency format
408 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Decimal format
409 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in default format
410 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Fixed point format
411 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in General format
412 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Hexadecimal format
413 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Number format
414 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Percent format
415 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Round-trip format
416 Format a negative integer or floating-point number in Scientific format
417 Format a Number
418 Format a string with composite string
419 Format the current date in (D) Long date
420 Format the current date in (d) Short date
421 Format the current date in (F) Full datelong time
422 Format the current date in (f) Full dateshort time
423 Format the current date in (G) General datelong time
424 Format the current date in (g) General dateshort time
425 Format the current date in (M) Month
426 Format the current date in (R) RFC1123
427 Format the current date in (s) Sortable
428 Format the current date in (T) Long time
429 Format the current date in (t) Short time
430 Format the current date in (U) Universal full datetime
431 Format the current date in (u) Universal sortable
432 Format the current date in (Y) Year
433 Garbage collection started
434 GC Class
435 GC GetGeneration returns the current generation number of the target of a specified weak reference
436 GC Suppress Finalize me
437 Generate a Random Number
438 Generate and display 5 random byte (integer) values
439 Generate and display 5 random floating point values from 0 to 1
440 Generate and display 5 random floating point values from 0 to 5
441 Generate and display 5 random integers
442 Generate and display 5 random integers between 0 and 100
443 Generate and display 5 random integers from 50 to 100
444 Generate Memorable Passwords
445 Generate random numbers with an upper bound specified
446 Generate random numbers with both bounds specified
447 Generate Symmetric Algorithm Key and String
448 Generating Random Numbers between the optional Low and High parameters
449 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Guid value
450 Get Application Startup Path
451 Get Class Member and Property Information from base and inherited Class
452 Get Command line
453 Get Command line arguments from System Environment
454 Get data type full name for any object
455 Get Environment variables
456 Get Executable Path
457 Get GC generation
458 Get Method Information
459 Get Method information and invoke Method using Reflection API
460 Get the common language runtime version
461 Get Variable Type
462 GetWeekOfYear varies depending on the FirstDayOfWeek and CalendarWeekRule values used
463 GetWeekOfYear varies depending on the FirstDayOfWeek and the CalendarWeekRule used
464 GregorianCalendar Class Represents the Gregorian calendar
465 GregorianCalendar GetDaysInMonth
466 GregorianCalendar GetDaysInYear
467 GregorianCalendar GetMonthsInYear
468 GregorianCalendar GetWeekOfYear
469 GregorianCalendar IsLeapDay
470 GregorianCalendar IsLeapMonth
471 GregorianCalendar IsLeapYear determines whether the specified year in the specified era is a leap year
472 GregorianCalendar MaxSupportedDateTime
473 GregorianCalendarTypes Enumeration defines the different language versions of the Gregorian calendar
474 GUIDs
475 Guid NewGuid Method creates a new instance of the Guid class
476 Inner Exception Demo
477 IPHostEntry
478 Is it a Value Type
479 Late Binding Example
480 Localization StringInfo
481 Long Operation with Timer and Wait Cursor
482 Math
483 Math Abs Method returns the absolute value of a Decimal number
484 Math Atan returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number
485 Math BigMul produces the full product of two 32-bit numbers
486 Math Ceiling returns the smallest integral that is greater than or equal to the decimal number
487 Math class
488 Math Cos returns the cosine of the specified angle
489 Math Cosh returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle
490 Math DivRem calculates the quotient and returns the remainder in an output parameter
491 Math DivRem calculates the quotient of two integers and returns the remainder in an output parameter
492 Math E Field represents the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, e
493 Math Exp returns e raised to the specified power
494 Math IEEERemainder returns the remainder resulting from the division
495 Math Log returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base
496 Math Log returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number
497 Math Log10 returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number
498 Math Max Demo
499 Math Max returns the larger of two 8-bit unsigned integers
500 Math Min returns the smaller of two 8-bit unsigned integers
501 Math Pow returns a specified number raised to the specified power
502 Math Round (Double) rounds a double-precision floating-point value to the nearest integral value
503 Math Round rounds a decimal to a specified number of fractional digits
504 Math Round rounds a decimal value to a specified number of fractional digits
505 Math Round rounds a decimal value to the nearest integral value
506 Math Sign returns a value indicating the sign of a decimal number
507 Math Tanh Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle
508 Math Truncate Calculates the integral part of a specified decimal number
509 Methods from PersianCalendar
510 No bound random number
511 No implementation All members are inherited from Object
512 Object Class Supports all classes in the NET Framework class hierarchy
513 Object Class Supports all classes in the NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes
514 Object Equals Method tells whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object
515 Object Generation
516 Object GetType Method Gets the Type of the current instance
517 Object MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object
518 Object MemberwiseClone Method Creates a shallow copy of the current Object
519 Objects GetType Method
520 On Error Resume Next
521 OperatingSystem Class represents information about an operating system
522 Output Format for Integer
523 OverflowException Class
524 Overrides ToString function
525 Parse Image tags in a HTML file
526 Parse Link and Image tags in a HTML file
527 Parse Number Exception
528 Perform a collection of generation 0 only
529 PersianCalendar Class represents the Persian calendar
530 Play a Sound File
531 Power ^ in VB net
532 Power in VB
533 Proper Title Case
534 Random Class represents a pseudo-random number generator
535 Random Next Method (Int32, Int32) returns a random number within a specified range
536 Random Next Method returns a nonnegative random number less than the specified maximum
537 Random NextBytes fills the elements of a specified array of bytes with random numbers
538 Random NextDouble returns a random number between 0 0 and 1 0
539 Random number
540 Redirect console to a file
541 Reflection
542 Reflection Information for Integer Class
543 Reflector Utilities
544 Regex Class represents an immutable regular expression
545 Regex Split
546 Regular expression for class and group
547 Regular Expressions
548 Regular Expressions Match
549 Regular to parse time
550 Request garbage collection
551 Return day of date created using Hijri calendar
552 Returns a random number between the optional Low and High parameters
553 Rnd Demo
554 Round in Math
555 Rounds a double-precision floating-point value to a specified number of fractional digits
556 Rounds a double-precision floating-point value to the specified number of fractional digits
557 S
558 S matches any non-white-space character
559 S matches any white-space character
560 Sample for Environment class summary
561 SecureString Class
562 SerialPort Class Represents a serial port resource
563 SerialPort DataReceived Event
564 SerialPort GetPortNames Method Gets an array of serial port names for the current computer
565 Set System Environment ExitCode
566 Sign in Math
567 Square Root in Math package
568 Stop Command in Debug
569 String Format
570 Strip tags from HTML to create Text version of a web page
571 TextBox validation
572 The AssemblyCompanyAttribute sets the Company item
573 The AssemblyCopyrightAttribute sets the Copyright field on the Version tab
574 The AssemblyDescriptionAttribute sets the Comment item
575 The AssemblyProductAttribute sets the Product Name item
576 The AssemblyTitleAttribute sets the Description field on the General tab and the Version tab of the Windows file properties di
577 The CalendarWeekRule used for the en-US culture
578 Timer
579 To the Power
580 Use Argument Exception
581 Use Console Write method
582 Use Convert ToUInt16 to convert hex String to UInt16
583 Use Delegate to react to an Event
584 Use Reflection to create Class instance and call method
585 Use Regex to match
586 Use Regex to separate strings
587 Use Regular Expression to Validate Email address
588 Use Regular Expressions to parse IP address
589 Use Regular Expressions to Split String
590 Use Regx split to split string
591 Use Type GetType to get type information
592 Using Regex method Replace
593 Validate email address
594 Validate TextBox
595 Version Class represents the version number of an assembly, operating system, or the common language runtime
596 W matches any word character
597 W+
598 Your own Exception Class
599 Your own Object Expired Exception