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File Directory 293 codes
File Directory
1 Accept Drop File
2 Append String to a Text file
3 BinaryReader Read reads the specified number of characters from the stream
4 BinaryReader ReadByte reads the next byte from the current stream
5 BinaryReader ReadBytes reads the specified number of bytes
6 BinaryReader ReadChar reads the next character from the stream
7 BinaryWriter Seek Method Sets the position within the current stream
8 BinaryWriter Write Method Writes an unsigned byte to the current stream and advances the stream position by one byte
9 BinaryWriter Write(Byte[]) Writes a byte array to the underlying stream
10 Calculate the size of a directory and its subdirectories and displays the total size in bytes
11 Change file attribute for
12 Check Files Are Identical
13 Combine Path
14 Compress
15 Compress streams
16 Compress the underlying stream
17 Convert byte from a file to UTF8
18 Cookie class is used to manage cookies
19 Cookie Comment Property gets or sets a comment that the server can add to a Cookie
20 Copy a directory with DirectoryInfo
21 Count the files in a directory
22 Create and delete directory with DirectoryInfo
23 Create DirectoryInfo class on the specified path
24 Create FileInfo class
25 Create FileStream from file name string
26 Create FileStream with FileMode Append, FileAccess Write, FileShare Write
27 Create StreamReader class for the specified file name
28 Create StreamReader class for the specified stream
29 Create StreamWriter from file name string
30 Create StreamWriter from FileStream
31 Create StreamWriter from FileStream and default encoding
32 Create StreamWriter with Encoding UTF8
33 Create StreamWriter with Encoding UTF8 and buffer size
34 Create StringWriter class
35 Create StringWriter class that writes to the specified StringBuilder
36 Create StringWriter class with the specified format control
37 Create Text File
38 Create Text file and append string to it
39 Create Text file with File CreateText
40 Create TextReader Class
41 Creates a StreamWriter and write text to it
42 Creating a random file
43 CryptoStream Class Defines a stream that links data streams to cryptographic transformations
44 Decompress streams
45 Decompress the underlying stream
46 Decrypt a Des Encryted File
47 DeflateStream Class
48 DeflateStream Class is for compressing and decompressing streams using the Deflate algorithm
49 Delete a file if exist
50 Delete Bak under a directory
51 Deletes the specified directory and subdirectories and files in the directory
52 Deserialize XML file from disk
53 Determines whether the given path refers to an existing directory on disk
54 Directory Class Exposes static methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories
55 Directory CreateDirectory
56 Directory Delete deletes an empty directory from a specified path
57 Directory EnumerateDirectories returns an enumerable collection of directory names in a specified path
58 Directory Information
59 Directory Separator
60 DirectoryInfo Class Exposes instance methods for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories.t
61 DirectoryInfo Create Creates a directory
62 DirectoryInfo CreateSubdirectory
63 DirectoryInfo Delete deletes this DirectoryInfo if it is empty
64 DirectoryInfo Delete deletes this instance of a DirectoryInfo, specifying whether to delete subdirectories and files
65 DirectoryInfo EnumerateDirectories Method (String, SearchOption)
66 DirectoryInfo EnumerateDirectories returns an enumerable collection of directory information in the current directory
67 DirectoryInfo Exists Property gets a value indicating whether the directory exists
68 DirectoryInfo GetAccessControl
69 DirectoryInfo GetDirectories (String, SearchOption)
70 DirectoryInfo GetDirectories returns an array of directories in the current DirectoryInfo matching the given search criteri
71 DirectoryInfo GetDirectories returns the subdirectories of the current directory
72 DirectoryInfo GetFiles returns a file list from the current directory
73 DirectoryInfo GetFiles returns a file list from the current directory matching the given search pattern
74 DirectoryInfo MoveTo moves a DirectoryInfo instance and its contents to a new path
75 DirectoryInfo Name Property gets the name of this DirectoryInfo instance
76 DirectoryInfo Parent Property gets the parent directory of a specified subdirectory
77 DirectoryInfo Root Property gets the root portion of a path
78 Display all file under a Directory
79 Display Directory Tree
80 Display Drive Info
81 Display Integer read from a StreamReader in hex format
82 DriveInfo Class Provides access to information on a drive
83 Encrypting a file
84 English File Size
85 File AppendAllLines (String, IEnumerable(String)) appends lines to a file, and then closes the file
86 File AppendAllText appends string to the file, creating the file if it does not already exist
87 File AppendAllText opens a file, appends string to the file, and then closes the file
88 File AppendText creates a StreamWriter that appends UTF-8 encoded text to an existing file
89 File AppendText Method Creates a StreamWriter and appends UTF-8 encoded text to the file
90 File Class provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files
91 File Class Provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files, and aids in the creat
92 File Copy copies an file to a new file
93 File Create creates or overwrites a file in the specified path
94 File Create creates or overwrites the specified file
95 File CreateText creates or opens a file for writing UTF-8 encoded text
96 File Decrypt decrypts a file that was encrypted using the Encrypt method
97 File Exists determines whether the specified file exists
98 File Exists Method tests whether the specified file exists
99 File GetAccessControl gets a FileSecurity object that encapsulates the access control list (ACL) entries
100 File GetAttributes Gets the FileAttributes of the file on the path
101 File GetCreationTime returns the creation date and time of the specified file or directory
102 File GetLastAccessTime returns the date and time the specified file or directory was last accessed
103 File GetLastWriteTime returns the date and time the specified file or directory was last written to
104 File Information
105 File Move moves a specified file to a new location, providing the option to specify a new file name
106 File Open opens a FileStream on the specified path with readwrite access
107 File Open opens a FileStream on the specified path, with mode setting and sharing option
108 File Open opens a FileStream on the specified path, with the specified mode and access
109 File OpenRead opens an existing file for reading
110 File OpenText opens an existing UTF-8 encoded text file for reading
111 File OpenWrite opens an existing file or creates a new file for writing
112 File ReadAllLines opens a file, reads all lines of the file with the specified encoding, and then closes the file
113 File ReadAllLines opens a text file, reads all lines of the file, and then closes the file
114 File ReadLines reads the lines of a file
115 File Replace replaces the contents with the contents of another file
116 File SetLastAccessTime sets the date and time the specified file was last accessed
117 File SetLastWriteTime sets the date and time that the specified file was last written to
118 File System
119 File System Watcher
120 File Time
121 File Watcher
122 FileInfo Class provides properties and instance methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files.t
123 FileInfo CopyTo (String, Boolean) copies a file, allowing the overwriting of an existing file
124 FileInfo CopyTo copies a file
125 FileInfo Create
126 FileInfo CreateText creates a StreamWriter that writes a new text file
127 FileInfo Decrypt decrypts a file that was encrypted using the Encrypt method
128 FileInfo Delete deletes a file
129 FileInfo Directory Property gets an instance of the parent directory
130 FileInfo DirectoryName Property gets a string representing the directorys full path
131 FileInfo GetAccessControl gets a FileSecurity object that encapsulates the access control list (ACL) entries
132 FileInfo IsReadOnly Property gets or sets a value that determines if the current file is read only
133 FileInfo Length Property gets the size, in bytes, of the current file
134 FileInfo Length Property tells the size, in bytes, of the current file
135 FileInfo Name Property gets the name of the file
136 FileInfo Open (FileMode, FileAccess) opens a file in the specified mode with read, write, or readwrite access
137 FileInfo Open opens a file in the specified mode
138 FileInfo Open with settings for File Read Write Mode, File Access Mode, File Share Mode
139 FileInfo OpenRead creates a read-only FileStream
140 FileInfo OpenText creates a StreamReader with UTF8 encoding that reads from an existing text file
141 FileInfo OpenWrite creates a write-only FileStream
142 FileInfo provides properties and instance methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files
143 FileInfo Replace replaces the contents of a file
144 FileIOPermission controls the ability to access files and folders
145 FileOptions Enumeration
146 FileSecurity Class Represents security for a file
147 FileSecurity Class represents the access control and audit security for a file
148 FileStream CanRead And FileStream CanWrite
149 FileStream CanRead Property gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading
150 FileStream CanRead Property tells whether the current stream supports reading
151 FileStream CanSeek Property gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking
152 FileStream CanSeek Property tells whether the current stream supports seeking
153 FileStream CanWrite Property gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing
154 FileStream CanWrite Property tells whether the current stream supports writing
155 FileStream Class
156 FileStream Class Exposes a Stream around a file
157 FileStream Constructor (String, FileMode, FileSystemRights, FileShare, Int32, FileOptions, FileSecurity)
158 FileStream Read Method Reads a block of bytes
159 FileStream ReadByte Method Reads a byte from the file
160 FileStream Seek Method Sets the current position of this stream to the given value
161 FileSystemInfo Class provides the base class for both FileInfo and DirectoryInfo objects
162 FileSystemInfo LastAccessTime Gets or sets the time the current file or directory was last accessed
163 FileSystemInfo LastAccessTime Property gets or sets the time the current file or directory was last accessed
164 Find a file
165 Find Hidden File under a directory
166 Flush data to StreamWriter
167 Get all directories
168 Get an available file number
169 Get Available Free Space for a Drive
170 Get Current Directory
171 Get Drive File System Format
172 Get file in the parent folder
173 Get Files under an Directory and print its Full Name and Length
174 Get Invalid File Name Chars
175 Get Invalid Path Chars
176 Get Path or File information
177 Get Root directory and current directory
178 Get Root Directory for each Drive
179 Get the Drive Type
180 Get Total Free Space Drive
181 Get Volumn Label for a Drive
182 Gets an array of directories matching the specified search pattern from the current directory
183 Gets or sets the attributes for the current file or directory
184 Gets the creation date and time of a directory
185 Gets the creation date and time, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format, of a directory
186 Gets the current working directory of the application
187 Gets the names of subdirectories in the specified directory
188 Gets the underlying stream of the BinaryWriter
189 GZipStream Class
190 Is it a File or a Directory
191 Is Your Drive Ready
192 IsolatedStorageFile Class Represents an isolated storage area containing files and directories
193 List each folder at the root of your C drive
194 List files and directories in root
195 Lock and unlock a file
196 MarshalByRefObject access objects across application domain
197 Memory Stream Writer and Reader
198 MemoryStream Class creates a stream whose backing store is memory
199 MemoryStream Demo
200 Move the directory
201 New StreamWriter(FileName, True)
202 Open a file for write opeation
203 Open a stream as ASCII
204 Open and Append to a Log File
205 Open File in an Input, Read, and Shared Mode
206 Open path in string to read
207 Open Text file and count the lines
208 Open text file to read
209 Path Alternate Directory Separator
210 Path Class performs operations on file or directory path
211 Path Separator and Volume Separator Char
212 Print out all logical dirve letters
213 Read all file content
214 Read and Write Binary file
215 Read and Write Files
216 Read and Write to a Newly Created Data File
217 Read from a binary file
218 Read line by line from a text file
219 Read lines from a text file
220 Read Text File Content
221 Read Text File in a single Statement
222 Read Text from a File
223 Read Text from a File with DO Until
224 Reading a sequential-access file
225 Reading and Writing to Files
226 Reads a maximum of count characters from the current stream into buffer
227 Recursive Directory Info
228 Register Stream Reading Complete Action Listener
229 Returns an enumerable collection of directory names that match a search pattern in a specified path
230 Returns an enumerable collection of file names in a specified path
231 Returns directory names that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories
232 Returns file names that match a search pattern in a specified path
233 Returns file names that match a search pattern in a specified path, and optionally searches subdirectories
234 Returns the date and time the specified file or directory was last accessed
235 Returns the date and time the specified file or directory was last written to
236 Returns the names of files (including their paths) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory
237 Returns the volume information, root information, or both for the specified path
238 Save character to a file
239 Save Serializable Object to binary file
240 Save string to a file
241 Save Structure to a Binary File
242 Serializable Person Object
243 Serialize Class to XML file using XmlSerializer
244 Serialize Data to Binary and XML at the same time
245 Serialize Object to XML Stream and output to screen
246 Serialize to Xml
247 Sets the date and time a directory was last written to
248 Sets the date and time the specified file or directory was last accessed
249 Simple Serializable Person Object
250 Special Directories
251 Stream CanRead Property tells whether the current stream supports reading
252 Stream CanWrite Property tells whether the current stream supports writing
253 Stream CopyTo Method reads all the bytes from the current stream and writes them to the destination stream
254 Stream Read Method reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the num
255 Stream Reader
256 Stream Reader and Writer for a MemoryStream
257 Stream Reader Demo
258 StreamReader Class Implements a TextReader that reads characters from a byte stream in a particular encoding
259 StreamReader CurrentEncoding Property gets character encoding
260 StreamReader Peek Method Returns the next available character but does not consume it
261 StreamReader Read reads the next character from the input stream
262 StreamReader ReadLine Method reads a line of characters from the current stream
263 StreamReader ReadToEnd reads stream from the current position to the end
264 StreamWriter Class Implements a TextWriter for writing characters to a stream in a particular encoding
265 StreamWriter Implements a TextWriter for writing characters to a stream in a particular encoding
266 StreamWriter Write (Char[], Int32, Int32) writes a subarray of characters to the stream
267 StreamWriter WriteLine
268 Text File content output
269 Text file Reader and Writer
270 Update Directory
271 Update file create time, last access time and last write time
272 Use a StringReader to read from the string
273 Use a StringWriter to write into a string
274 Use BinaryWriter to store information into a binary file
275 Use Des to cypher and decypher File
276 Use DES, RC2, Rijndael, TripleDES to decrypt and Encrypt files
277 Use FileInfo AppendText to create StreamWriter and add text to it
278 Use FileInfo open a file to read
279 Use FileStream to store and read file
280 Use Linq to search and read files
281 Use StreamWriter to write text to a file
282 Write text line by line
283 Write Text to a File
284 Write Text to a File and read back
285 Write Unicode char with StreamWriter
286 Write UTF8 encoded string to a file
287 Writes a character array
288 Writes a length-prefixed string
289 Writes a region of a byte array to the current stream
290 Writes a section of a character array
291 Writes a subarray of characters to the stream with StreamWriter
292 Writes a Unicode character
293 Writing to Temp File