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Language Basics 209 codes
Language Basics
2 Action Delegate encapsulates a method that has no parameters and does not return a value
3 Action(T1, T2) Delegate represents a method that has two parameters and does not return a value
4 And and AndALso
5 And, Or, Xor and Not Operator
6 Any Exception generatesd will be caught in the Catch block that follows
7 Append a format string to the end of the StringBuilder
8 Append bool data type values to a StringBuilder object
9 Append SByte data type values to a StringBuilder object
10 Append String to StringBuilder
11 Append three characters (D, E, and F) to the end of the StringBuilder
12 Appends various data to StringBuilder
13 Array parameter passed by Value and by Reference
14 Array passed By Reference
15 Array passed By Value
16 AS, IS and cast
17 Attribute Class represents the base class for custom attributes
18 BindingFlags Public Or BindingFlags Instance
19 BindingFlags Public Or BindingFlags Static
20 Block scope variable X
21 Boxing and unboxing demo
22 Calculates the power of a value, defaults to square
23 Calculating factorials using recursion
24 Catch All Unhandled Exceptions
25 Catch and rethrow exceptions
26 Catch Exception Demo
27 Character Trmming by Character for a long sentence
28 Character Trmming by Character for a long string
29 Character Trmming by Ellipsis Character for a long sentence
30 Character Trmming by Ellipsis Character for a long string
31 Character Trmming by Ellipsis Path for a long sentence
32 Character Trmming by Ellipsis Path for a long string
33 Character Trmming by Ellipsis Word for a long sentence
34 Character Trmming by Ellipsis Word for a long string
35 Character Trmming by None for a long sentence
36 Character Trmming by None for a long string
37 Character Trmming by Word for a long sentence
38 Character Trmming by Word for a long string
39 Check if nullable is null
40 Compare Integer Value
41 Compare Structure and Class
42 Const Variable for Constant
43 Const Variable in a Function
44 Converter(TInput, TOutput) Delegate represents a method that converts an object from one type to another type
45 Create StringBuilder class from the specified substring and capacity
46 Create StringBuilder class that starts with a specified capacity and can grow to a specified maximum
47 Create StringBuilder class using the specified string
48 Create StringBuilder class using the specified string and capacity
49 Decimal For Loop Controlling Variable
50 Declare a Func variable and assign a lambda expression to the variable
51 Define and Call Function
52 Define and use Attribute to track bugs
53 Define and use Const
54 Define and use Const value
55 Define and use Function
56 Delegate Demo for a Simple Class
57 Delegate Syntax
58 Delegate with and without parameters
59 Demonstrate is a relationship
60 Demonstrating overflows with and without checking
61 Demonstrating StringBuilder class constructors
62 Display directories on your drive recursively
63 Display the number of characters in the StringBuilder and its string
64 Do Loop While
65 Do Until Loop
66 Do While Loop
67 Exception occurs and caught, then rethrown to caller
68 Exit a Do While Loop
69 Exit a For Each loop
70 Exit a Loop
71 Exit an Application
72 Exit from Do Until
73 Exit from For
74 Exit from While Loop
75 FieldAttributes Enumeration specifies flags that describe the attributes of a field
76 FileStream Class Exposes a Stream around a file
77 FileStream(c
78 Finalize - called when the object is removed from memory
79 Finalize Class
80 Finalize Objects
81 For Loop Demo
82 For Loop With Decimal Step
83 For Loop with default Step
84 For loop with float init value
85 For Loop with Float step
86 For Loop with negative step
87 For loop with step
88 Func(T, TResult) represents a method that has one parameter and returns one value
89 Func(TResult) Delegate represents a method with no parameters returning a value of the type specified by the TResult param
90 Function Delegate
91 Function Delegation Demo
92 Function Recursive
93 Function with pass by value Parameter
94 Goto a Label
95 Goto Statement
96 If ElseIf Else End If Demo
97 If inside Do While loop
98 If Then Else Demo
99 If then else if
100 If with And
101 If with Else
102 If with not Equals
103 IIf Demo
104 Insert a string at the beginning of the StringBuilder
105 Insert and Remove of the StringBuilder class
106 Insert char array to StringBuilder
107 Insert Object to StringBuilder
108 Insert String to StringBuilder
109 Insert System SByte to StringBuilder
110 Insert xInt32 to StringBuilder
111 Instantiate delegate to reference method
112 Is and As operator for a Class
113 Lambda Expression and Function
114 Loop through an Array
115 Macro in VB Net
116 Main function call your function
117 Main function Demo
118 Main with Nullable (Of T)
119 Marks each type of member that is defined as a derived class of MemberInfo
120 Mod Calculation
121 Mod Operator
122 Modify Array Element By Reference
123 Modify Array Element By Value
124 Multicast Delegate
125 Multiply the numbers and display the results
126 Nested For Loop
127 Nested If
128 No exceptions occur in called method
129 Object casting
130 Object parameter passed by Value and by Reference
131 Obsolete attribute
132 On Error go to line
133 Only Exit Try
134 Or and OrElse
135 Pass Array as Parameters
136 Pass parameter By value or By Reference
137 Pass Structure into a Function
138 Passing arrays and individual array elements to procedures
139 Predicate(T) Delegate represents the method that defines a set of criteria
140 Recursive Function Demo
141 Register Delegates and call them
142 Relation operator
143 Replace all uppercase As with lowercase As
144 Select Case Demo
145 Select Else Demo
146 Select Integer
147 Select Integer Value
148 Select range
149 Select String Value
150 Select with Compare
151 Select with condition
152 Simple Delegate Demo
153 Simple If Then
154 Simple Structure Demo
155 Simplest For loop
156 Sort Delegate
157 Squares three values ByVal and ByRef, displays results
158 Store Structure into a Collection
159 String Const Demo
160 String parameter passed by Value and by Reference
161 StringBuilder
162 StringBuilder Append methods
163 StringBuilder AppendFormat Method
164 StringBuilder AppendLine Method appends line terminator to the end of the current StringBuilder object
165 StringBuilder Capacity Property gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be contained
166 StringBuilder Class represents a mutable string of characters
167 StringBuilder Clear Method removes all characters from the current StringBuilder instance
168 StringBuilder Insert Method
169 StringBuilder Length and Capacity
170 StringBuilder method AppendFormat
171 StringBuilder Performance Test
172 StringBuilder Remove removes the specified range of characters from this instance
173 StringBuilder Replace method
174 StringBuilder Replace replaces all occurrences of a character in this instance with another specified character
175 Structure overrides ToString method
176 Structure parameter passed by Value and by Reference
177 Structure Variable assignment
178 Structure with Constructor
179 TextElementEnumerator Class enumerates the text elements of a string
180 TextInfo ToTitleCase Converts the specified string to titlecase
181 Throw an Exception
182 Throw an Exception from a Function
183 Throw Exception Without Catch
184 Throws exception and catches it locally
185 To test nullable type variables for Nothing values, use the Is operator or the IsNot operator
186 To test reference type variables for Nothing values, use the Is operator or the IsNot operator
187 ToString Method for Structure data type
188 Truth table for And
189 Truth table for AndAlso
190 Truth table for Not
191 Truth table for Or
192 Truth table for OrElse
193 Truth table for Xor
194 Try and catch Exception
195 Try with Finally
196 Two Dimension Array
197 Two ways to init a Delegate
198 Use Array as Function Parameter
199 Use Delegate to implement custome sort
200 Use For Each to Loop an Array
201 Use function in if statement
202 Use GOTO to deal with user input
203 Use StringBuilder for fast processing strings
204 Use StringBuilder Indexer
205 ValueType Equals Method Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal
206 Variable Scope
207 Variable Scope Demo
208 With command
209 Xor Demo