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Network Remote 140 codes
Network Remote
1 Acquire Remote Object from Remote Object Factory
2 Adds a UdpClient to a multicast group with the specified Time to Live (TTL)
3 Adds URI string with the specified access rights to the current WebPermission
4 Adds URI with the access rights to the current WebPermission
5 Call remote method
6 Call remote object method to Get and set variable
7 Create IPEndPoint class with the specified address and port number
8 Create UdpClient class and binds it to the local port number provided
9 Create UdpClient class and binds it to the specified local endpoint
10 Create UdpClient class and establishes a default remote host
11 Create Uri based on the specified base and relative URIs, with explicit control of character escaping
12 Create Uri class based on the specified base URI and relative URI string
13 Create Uri with specified URI, with explicit control of character escaping
14 Create UriBuilder class with the scheme, host, port number, path and query string or fragment identifier
15 Create UriBuilder class with the specified scheme and host
16 Create UriBuilder class with the specified scheme, host, and port
17 Create UriBuilder class with the specified scheme, host, port number, and path
18 Create WebClient class
19 Create WebPermission class with the access rights for the specified URI
20 Create WebPermission that passes all demands or fails all demands
21 Create WebPermission with the access rights for the specified URI regular expression
22 Create WebRequest class
23 Creates a SocketPermission from the union of two SocketPermissions
24 De-Serializing Graph from SOAP Envelope
25 Dns Class provides simple domain name resolution functionality
26 Dns GetHostByAddress creates an IPHostEntry instance from the specified IPAddress
27 Dns GetHostByName gets the DNS information for the specified DNS host name
28 Dns GetHostEntry resolves a host name or IP address to an IPHostEntry instance
29 Dns GetHostName gets the host name of the local computer
30 Dns Resolve resolves a DNS host name or IP address to an IPHostEntry instance
31 Download Data from a URI
32 Establishes a default remote host using the specified host name and port number
33 Establishes a default remote host using the specified IP address and port number
34 Get all the URIs with Accept permission
35 Get response and response stream from WebRequest
36 Get User Domain Name
37 Get your IP address
38 Google Client
39 HttpVersion Class defines the HTTP version numbers that are supported by the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes
40 HttpWebRequest Connection gets or sets the value of the Connection HTTP header
41 HttpWebRequest CookieContainer Property gets or sets the cookies associated with the request
42 HttpWebRequest Credentials Property gets or sets authentication information for the request
43 HttpWebResponse provides an HTTP-specific implementation of the WebResponse class
44 Initialize Lifetime Service (bugs)
45 IPAddress Address
46 IPAddress Broadcast Field provides the IP broadcast address This field is read-only
47 IPAddress Loopback
48 IPAddress None indicates that no network interface should be used This field is read-only
49 IPAddress Parse converts an IP address string to an IPAddress instance
50 IPEndPoint Create creates an endpoint from a socket address
51 Is Connection Available
52 Message Receiver Demo
53 Message Sender Demo
54 One Client communicates with two servers
55 Read Amazon web page
56 Read web page tools
57 Remote Object with default value
58 Returns a UDP datagram that was sent by a remote host
59 Send an Email out
60 Sends a UDP datagram to a remote host
61 Sends a UDP datagram to a specified port on a specified remote host
62 Sends a UDP datagram to the host at the specified remote endpoint
63 Serializes endpoint information into a SocketAddress instance
64 Set up a client that reads and displays data sent from server
65 Snatch HTML
66 Snatch HTML with Timeout
67 SocketAddress Class Stores serialized information from EndPoint derived classes
68 SocketPermission Class controls rights to make or accept connections on a transport address
69 TCP Client Connection
70 TCP Server Demo
71 TCP Server socket
72 TcpListener Class
73 UDP
74 UdpClient Class provides User Datagram Protocol (UDP) network services
75 UdpClient Connect (IPEndPoint) establishes a default remote host using the specified network endpoint
76 URI info
77 Uri AbsolutePath Property gets the absolute path of the URI
78 Uri AbsoluteUri Property gets the absolute URI
79 Uri Authority Property gets the Domain Name System (DNS) host name or IP address and the port number for a server
80 Uri CheckHostName Method tells whether the specified host name is a valid DNS name
81 Uri CheckSchemeName tells whether the specified scheme name is valid
82 Uri Class represents a uniform resource identifier (URI)
83 Uri DnsSafeHost Property gets an unescaped host name that is safe to use for DNS resolution
84 Uri Fragment Property gets the escaped URI fragment
85 Uri FromHex Method gets the decimal value of a hexadecimal digit
86 Uri Host Property gets the host component of this instance
87 Uri IsFile Property gets a value indicating whether the specified Uri is a file URI
88 Uri MakeRelative tells the difference between two Uri instances
89 Uri OriginalString Property gets the original URI string that was passed to the Uri constructor
90 Uri PathAndQuery Property gets the AbsolutePath and Query properties separated by a question mark ()
91 Uri Port Property gets the port number of this URI
92 Uri Query Property gets any query information included in the specified URI
93 Uri Scheme Property gets the scheme name for this URI
94 Uri SchemeDelimiter Field specifies the characters that separate the communication protocol scheme from the address portion
95 Uri Segments Property gets an array containing the path segments that make up the specified URI
96 Uri ToString gets a canonical string representation for the specified Uri instance
97 Uri UriSchemeFile Field specifies that the URI is a pointer to a file
98 Uri UriSchemeFtp Field specifies that the URI is accessed through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
99 Uri UriSchemeGopher Field specifies that the URI is accessed through the Gopher protocol
100 Uri UriSchemeHttps Field Specifies that the URI is accessed through the Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS)
101 Uri UriSchemeMailto Field specifies that the URI is an e-mail address
102 Uri UriSchemeNews Field specifies that the URI is an Internet news group
103 Uri UriSchemeNntp Field specifies that the URI is an Internet news group and is accessed through the Network News Transport
104 Uri UserEscaped Property tells that the URI string was completely escaped before the Uri instance was created
105 UriBuilder Fragment Property gets or sets the fragment portion of the URI
106 Validate Data remotely
107 Web Request and Response
108 WebClient Class
109 WebClient Credentials gets or sets the network credentials
110 WebException Response Property gets the response that the remote host returned
111 WebHeaderCollection Add inserts the specified header into the collection
112 WebHeaderCollection GetValues gets an array of header values stored in a header
113 WebHeaderCollection IsRestricted tells whether the specified HTTP header can be set for the request
114 WebHeaderCollection Remove removes the specified header from the collection
115 WebHeaderCollection Set sets the specified header to the specified value
116 WebPermission AcceptList Property returns accept permissions
117 WebPermission Class
118 WebPermission FromXml creates a WebPermission from an XML encoding
119 WebPermission Intersect returns intersection of two WebPermission instances
120 WebPermission IsSubsetOf determines whether the current WebPermission is a subset of the specified object
121 WebPermission Union Method returns union between two instances of the WebPermission class
122 WebRequest BeginGetRequestStream provides an asynchronous version of the GetRequestStream method
123 WebRequest Class makes a request to a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
124 WebRequest Create (Uri) creates a new WebRequest instance for the specified URI scheme
125 WebRequest Create creates a new WebRequest instance for the specified URI scheme
126 WebRequest Credentials Property gets or sets the network credentials
127 WebRequest GetResponse returns a response to an Internet request
128 WebRequest Headers Property gets or sets the collection of header namevalue pairs associated with the request
129 WebRequest PreAuthenticate Property indicates whether to pre-authenticate the request
130 WebRequest Proxy Property gets or sets the network proxy to use to access this Internet resource
131 WebRequest RequestUri Property gets the URI of the Internet resource associated with the request
132 WebResponse Class provides a response from a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
133 WebResponse Close closes the response stream
134 WebResponse ContentLength gets or sets the content length of data being received
135 WebResponse GetResponseStream returns the data stream from the Internet resource
136 WebResponse Headers Property gets a collection of header name-value pairs associated with this request
137 WebResponse ResponseUri Property gets the URI of the Internet resource that actually responded to the request
138 Well Known Object Mode
139 Well Known Object Mode Singleton
140 Your first Remote client and server