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XML Tutorial
XML LINQ 236 codes
1 Add 5 new green Fords to the incoming document
2 Add element to XDocument
3 Add namespace to XElement
4 Add the new node to the bottom of the XML tree
5 Add XAttribute with namespace to XElement
6 Adding XElement to XElement
7 After elements
8 Before elements
9 Build a query to join the two XML trees on the employees Id
10 Build an element with a query
11 Build an XElement from string
12 Build an XML element in memory
13 Build the query to get all nodes that are in the www yourDomain com namespace
14 Check for namespace for XElement
15 Combines an XNamespace object with a local name to create an XName
16 Convert comma separated value to Xml
17 Converts the current XAttribute object to a string representation
18 Create a query to convert the xml data into fields delimited by quotes and commas
19 Create a single XML element
20 Create an in-memory XML document
21 Create an in-memory XML document with XDocument
22 Create new Xml document with XDocument and XElement
23 Create XAttribute class from the specified name and value
24 Create XDocument class
25 Create XDocument class with the specified content
26 Create XDocument class with the specified XDeclaration and content
27 Create XDocument from XmlReader
28 Create XDocument with hard code string
29 Create XElement class
30 Create XElement class from an XStreamingElement object
31 Create XElement class from another XElement object
32 Create XElement class with the specified name
33 Create XElement class with the specified name and content
34 Creating new Xml element in the query
35 DateTime content
36 Display the employee names and their hourly rate
37 Display the employee names and their new hourly rate
38 Display the name of the root element in the loaded XML tree
39 Display the XML files declaration information with an XDocument object
40 Double content
41 Enumerate over the array to build an XElement
42 Evaluates an XPath expression, resolving namespace prefixes using the specified IXmlNamespaceResolver
43 Execute the query and loop through the results, displaying the Information to the screen
44 Extensions AncestorsAndSelf
45 Extensions Descendants
46 Extensions Descendants(T)
47 Extensions Elements(T) returns a collection of the child elements
48 Extensions Elements(T) returns a filtered collection of the child elements
49 Extensions XPathEvaluate
50 Extensions XPathEvaluate evaluates an XPath expression
51 Extensions XPathSelectElement selects XElement using a XPath expression, resolving namespace prefixes using the specified IXmlNam
52 First Last Example
53 First name element has attributes
54 First name tag has child elements
55 FirstLast Or Default Example
56 FirstName tags parent has attributes
57 FirstName tags parent has child elements
58 Get all Xml comments
59 Get Ancestors
60 Get child elements by name directly
61 Get first descendant
62 Get the maximum value for the ID attribute
63 Get value of each color using indexer
64 Get version from XDocument
65 Get Xml encoding from XDocument
66 Getting Descendants
67 IEnumerable with namespace
68 Import namespace
69 Imports namespace for XElement
70 Imports xmlns and use it with XElement
71 Is FirstName tag empty
72 Is idperson tag empty
73 Is Xml standalone
74 Listen to Add, Remove events
75 Load the Employees xml and store the contents into an XDocument object
76 Load the Employees xml and store the contents into an XElement object
77 LocalName returns the name of the element as a string
78 Loop through a node in Xml document
79 Loop through all of the Employee elements and remove the HireDate element
80 Loop through all the Employee nodes and insert the new TerminationDate node and the Status attribute
81 Loop through all the HourlyRate elements, setting them to the new payrate, which is the old rate 5%
82 Loop through the query results and display the information to the screen
83 Name property returns the XName class
84 Query all Ford cars
85 Query elements by attribute value
86 Query for all of the employees that make (HourlyRate) more than $100 an hour
87 Query the XML Tree and get the Name and Hourly Rate elements
88 Query Xml document by Node value
89 Reading Rss feed with XDocument
90 Reference namespace in XElement
91 Remove content from XElement
92 Remove from XElement
93 Remove the 4th Employee element
94 Replace content from XElement
95 ReplaceAll with a DateTime object
96 ReplaceAll with a double
97 ReplaceAll with a string
98 ReplaceAll with a string array
99 ReplaceAll with an array of XAttribute objects
100 ReplaceAll with an array of XElement objects
101 ReplaceAll with an XAttribute object
102 Returns a filtered collection of elements containing this element and all descendant elements of this element
103 Returns a value indicating whether two instances of XNamespace are equal
104 Returns elements containing this element and all descendant elements
105 Select all Descendants
106 Select nodes from Descendants
107 Selecting node by XPath
108 Selects a collection of elements using an XPath expression
109 Selects an XElement using a XPath expression
110 Selects an XElement using a XPath expression, resolving namespace prefixes using the specified IXmlNamespaceResolver
111 Set new value to Xml document
112 String array content
113 String content
114 The element axis property () and the attribute axis property (@) are used to access the id attribute
115 The Root property returns the top-level XElement
116 Update attribute for XElement
117 Update XElement
118 Use LINQ to get the tasks for each employee and order them by the employees name
119 Use XPath to get the tasks for each employee
120 Using For Each to loop through the result of Xml query
121 Using Ling query to create Xml output
122 Using Linq to get default in a Office 2007 word document
123 Using Linq Xml to query attribute
124 Using the Xml name space in the query
125 Using XElement Parse to load Xml from String
126 Using Xml Linq to output Html
127 XAttribute Class represents an XML attribute
128 XAttribute IsNamespaceDeclaration
129 XAttribute Name Property gets the expanded name of this attribute
130 XAttribute NextAttribute Property gets the next attribute of the parent element
131 XAttribute NodeType Property gets the node type for this node
132 XAttribute object array content
133 XAttribute object content
134 XAttribute PreviousAttribute Property gets the previous attribute of the parent element
135 XAttribute Remove removes this attribute from its parent element
136 XAttribute SetValue sets the value of this attribute
137 XAttribute Value Property gets or sets the value of this attribute
138 XAttribute with namespace
139 XContainer Add (Object[]) adds the specified content as children of this XContainer
140 XContainer Add adds the specified content as children of this XContainer
141 XContainer AddFirst adds the specified content as the first children of this document or element
142 XContainer AddFirst(Object[]) adds the specified content as the first children of this document or element
143 XContainer DescendantNodes returns a collection of the descendant nodes
144 XContainer Descendants (XName) returns a filtered collection of the descendant elements
145 XContainer Descendants returns a collection of the descendant elements for this document or element, in document order
146 XContainer Element gets the first in document order child element with the specified XName
147 XContainer Elements Method returns a filtered collection of the child elements of this element or document
148 XContainer Elements returns a collection of the child elements of this element or document, in document order
149 XContainer LastNode Property gets the last child node of this node
150 XContainer Nodes returns a collection of the child nodes of this element or document, in document order
151 XContainer RemoveNodes Removes the child nodes from this document or element
152 XContainer ReplaceNodes replaces the children nodes of this document or element with the specified content
153 XDocument Class represents an XML document
154 XDocument Declaration Property gets or sets the XML declaration for this document
155 XDocument DocumentType Property gets the Document Type Definition (DTD) for this document
156 XDocument Load (String) creates a new XDocument from a file
157 XDocument Load (TextReader) creates a new XDocument from a TextReader
158 XDocument Load (TextReader, LoadOptions)
159 XDocument Load(String, LoadOptions) creates a new XDocument from a file, optionally preserving white space
160 XDocument NodeType Property gets the node type for this node
161 XDocument Parse creates a new XDocument from a string
162 XDocument Parse Method creates a new XDocument from a string, optionally preserving white space
163 XDocument Root Property gets the root element of the XML Tree for this document
164 XDocument Save (String) serialize this XDocument to a file, overwriting an existing file, if it exists
165 XDocument Save (TextWriter) serialize this XDocument to a TextWriter
166 XDocument Save (TextWriter, SaveOptions) serialize this XDocument to a TextWriter, optionally disabling formatting
167 XDocument Save serialize this XDocument to a file, optionally disabling formatting
168 XElement AncestorsAndSelf (XName) returns a filtered collection of elements
169 XElement AncestorsAndSelf Method returns a collection of elements that contain this element, and the ancestors of this element.tx
170 XElement Attribute returns the XAttribute of this XElement that has the specified XName
171 XElement Attributes (XName) returns a filtered collection of attributes of this element
172 XElement Attributes returns a collection of attributes of this element
173 XElement Class represents an XML element
174 XElement DescendantNodesAndSelf returns nodes that contain this element, and all descendant nodes
175 XElement GetDefaultNamespace gets the default XNamespace of this XElement
176 XElement GetNamespaceOfPrefix gets the namespace associated with a particular prefix for this XElement
177 XElement GetPrefixOfNamespace gets the prefix associated with a namespace for this XElement
178 XElement HasAttributes tells whether this element as at least one attribute
179 XElement HasElements tells whether this element has at least one child element
180 XElement IsEmpty tells whether this element contains no content
181 XElement LastAttribute gets the last attribute of this element
182 XElement Load (String) loads an XElement from a file
183 XElement Load (String, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from a file
184 XElement Load (TextReader) loads an XElement from a TextReader
185 XElement Load(Order xml, LoadOptions SetBaseUri Or LoadOptions SetLineInfo)
186 XElement Load(TextReader, LoadOptions SetLineInfo)
187 XElement Load(TextReader, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from a TextReader
188 XElement Name Property gets or sets the name of this element
189 XElement NodeType Property gets the node type for this node
190 XElement object array content
191 XElement object content
192 XElement Parse (String) Loads an XElement from a string that contains XML
193 XElement Parse Method (String, LoadOptions) Loads an XElement from a string that contains XML
194 XElement Parse(String, LoadOptions SetLineInfo)
195 XElement RemoveAll Method removes nodes and attributes from this XElement
196 XElement RemoveAttributes removes the attributes of this XElement
197 XElement ReplaceAll replaces child nodes and attributes with the specified content
198 XElement ReplaceAll(Object[]) replaces child nodes and attributes with the specified content
199 XElement ReplaceAttributes (Object) replaces the attributes with the specified content
200 XElement ReplaceAttributes (Object[]) replaces attributes with the specified content
201 XElement Represents an XML element
202 XElement Save (String) serialize this element to a file
203 XElement Save (String, SaveOptions) serialize element to a file, optionally disabling formatting
204 XElement Save (TextWriter) serializes this element to a TextWriter
205 XElement Save (TextWriter, SaveOptions) serializes this element to a TextWriter
206 XElement SetAttributeValue sets the value of an attribute, adds an attribute, or removes an attribute
207 XElement SetElementValue sets the value of a child element, adds a child element, or removes a child element
208 XElement SetValue sets the value of this element
209 XElement Value Property gets or sets the concatenated text contents of this element
210 XElement with namespace
211 Xml literal with function return
212 Xml Literal with string variable
213 XNamespace Class represents an XML namespace
214 XNamespace Equals determines whether the specified XNamespace is equal to the current XNamespace
215 XNamespace Get gets an XNamespace for the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
216 XNamespace GetName returns an XName object created from this XNamespace and the specified local name
217 XNamespace Implicit Conversion (String to XNamespace)
218 XNamespace Inequality Operator
219 XNamespace NamespaceName Property gets the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of this namespace
220 XNamespace None Property gets the XNamespace object that corresponds to no namespace
221 XNamespace ToString returns the URI of this XNamespace
222 XNamespace Xml Property gets the XNamespace object that corresponds to the XML URI (http
223 XNamespace Xmlns Property gets the XNamespace object that corresponds to the xmlns URI (http
224 XObject AddAnnotation adds an object to the annotation list of this XObject
225 XObject Annotation gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this XObject
226 XObject Annotation(T) gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this XObject
227 XObject Annotations gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this XObject
228 XObject Annotations(T) gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this XObject
229 XObject BaseUri Property gets the base URI for this XObject
230 XObject Changed Event raised when this XObject or any of its descendants have changed
231 XObject Changing Event
232 XObject Document Property gets the XDocument for this XObject
233 XObject Parent Property gets the parent XElement of this XObject
234 XObject RemoveAnnotations (Type) removes the annotations of the specified type from this XObject
235 XObject RemoveAnnotations(T) removes the annotations of the specified type from this XObject
236 XPathExpression Class provides a typed class that represents a compiled XPath expression