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XML Tutorial
XML 394 codes
1 A single-threaded XmlNameTable
2 Add XmlSchemaElement to XmlSchema
3 AddressOf ValidationCallbackOne
4 Adds node to the beginning of the list of child nodes for this node
5 Adds node to the end of the list of child nodes
6 Adds the specified XmlAttribute
7 Append new child to the XmlWriter
8 Attributes are not nodes, so will not be returned by the descendants axis
9 Build an XML Document
10 Calls MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag
11 Cast attribute value to nullable integer
12 Check Nothing for attribute getting
13 Compare the XML document generated from DataSet and Original one
14 Console Validator
15 Construct XML document from String
16 Create a shallow clone
17 Create an XML tree in a namespace
18 Create an XML tree with nested namespaces
19 Create new node from selected node
20 Create substitutionGroup
21 Create XML document
22 Create XmlDocument class
23 Create XmlQualifiedName
24 Create XmlSchemaComplexType
25 Create XmlTextReader class with the specified file
26 Create XmlTextReader class with the specified string, XmlNodeType, and XmlParserContext
27 Create XmlTextReader class with the specified TextReader
28 Create XmlWriter using XmlWriter Create method
29 Creates a duplicate of this node
30 Creates a new sibling node after the currently selected node using the XML contents of the XmlReader object specified
31 Creates a new sibling node from XPathNavigator
32 Creates a new XmlReader instance with the specified TextReader
33 Creates a new XmlReader instance with the specified XmlReader and XmlReaderSettings objects
34 Creates a new XmlWriter instance using the specified filename
35 Creates a XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, Prefix, Name, and NamespaceURI
36 Creates an XmlDeclaration node with the specified values
37 Creates an XmlNode with the specified node type, Name, and NamespaceURI
38 Creates an XmlNode with the specified XmlNodeType, Name, and NamespaceURI
39 Creates an XmlProcessingInstruction with the specified name and data
40 Creates an XmlSignificantWhitespace node
41 Creates an XmlWhitespace node
42 Creates an XPathNavigator for navigating this object
43 Creates XmlNode based on the information in XmlReader
44 Creates XmlWriter instance using the TextWriter and XmlWriterSettings objects
45 Creates XmlWriter using the specified stream
46 Creating Xml with XmlTextWriter
47 Encode and decode a local name
48 Extensions Ancestors(T) returns a collection of elements that contains the ancestors of every node
49 Extensions Attributes returns a collection of the attributes of every element in the source collection
50 Extensions Attributes returns a filtered collection of the attributes
51 Extensions Class contains the LINQ to XML extension methods for XSD validation
52 Extensions DescendantNodes(T)
53 Extensions InDocumentOrder(T) returns a collection of nodes that contains all nodes in the source collection
54 Extensions Nodes(T) Method returns a collection of the child nodes of every document and element
55 Extensions Remove removes every attribute in the source collection from its parent element
56 Extensions Remove(T) removes every node in the source collection from its parent node
57 Extensions Validate validates that an XAttribute conforms to a specified XmlSchemaObject and an XmlSchemaSet
58 Extensions Validate validates that an XDocument conforms to an XSD in an XmlSchemaSet
59 Generate XML Schema from XML document
60 Get attribute and parse to Integer
61 Get attribute with namespace
62 Get declared namespace
63 Get Elements By Tag Name and Loop through Nodes
64 Get the value of the ISBN attribute
65 Gets a value indicating whether the current node is read-only
66 Gets all the child nodes of the node
67 Gets an IEqualityComparer used for equality comparison of XPathNavigator objects
68 Gets an XmlAttributeCollection containing the attributes of this node
69 Gets an XmlAttributeCollection containing the list of attributes for this node
70 Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve white space in element content
71 Gets or sets the concatenated values of the node and all its children
72 Gets or sets the tag format of the element
73 Gets the first attribute of this element
74 Gets the first child of the node
75 Gets the local name of the current node
76 Gets the markup representing this node and all its child nodes
77 Gets the node containing the DOCTYPE declaration
78 Gets the node immediately following this node
79 Gets the node immediately preceding this node
80 Gets the qualified name of the node
81 Gets the root XmlElement for the document
82 Gets the XmlDocument to which this node belongs
83 Gets the XmlElement with the specified ID
84 Gets the XmlImplementation object for the current document
85 Handle validation event
86 Handles NodeChanged, NodeChanging, NodeInserted, NodeInserting, NodeRemoved and NodeRemoving events
87 Hard code the xsl and do the transform
88 Illustrates reading and writing XML schemas from and to a file
89 Import namespace
90 Imports a node from another document to the current document
91 InnerXml includes the markup of the element
92 Is starting element
93 Load Xml document and print attributes
94 Load xml document to DataSet
95 LoadOptions PreserveWhitespace
96 Loads the XML document from the specified string
97 Loads the XML document from the specified TextReader
98 Loads the XML document from the specified XmlReader
99 Loop through the xml nodes
100 Moves the XPathNavigator to the element with the local name and namespace URI specified, to the boundary
101 Moves the XPathNavigator to the following element
102 Moves the XPathNavigator to the following element of the XPathNodeType specified
103 Output data relation from XML document
104 Output with XmlWriter
105 Output xml file to comma delimited Data
106 Provides support for the for each style iteration over the nodes in the XmlNode
107 Read and write XML with XmlReader and XmlWriter
108 Read binary hex value
109 Read data from XML and display in DataGrid
110 Read XML schema with DataSet and output its structure
111 Read Xml with XmlDocument and XmlNodeReader
112 Read XML without schema and output its structure
113 Reading an XML document
114 Reading an XML file example
115 Reads the current element and returns the contents as a 64-bit signed integer
116 Reads the current element and returns the contents as a double-precision floating-point number
117 Reference XML data as a database table
118 Removes all specified attributes and children of the current node
119 Removes all specified attributes from the element Default attributes are not removed
120 Removes all the child nodes andor attributes of the current node
121 Removes an attribute by name
122 Removes an attribute with the specified local name and namespace URI
123 Removes specified child node
124 Removes the attribute node with the specified index from the element
125 Removes the XmlAttribute specified by the local name and namespace URI
126 Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild node
127 Resolves external XML resources named by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
128 Returns an XmlNodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified Name
129 Returns the value for the attribute with the specified name
130 Returns the XmlAttribute with the specified name
131 Returns valid XML characters
132 Save Transformed XML into a HTML file
133 SaveOptions None
134 Saves all the children of the node to the specified XmlWriter
135 Saves all the children of the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter
136 Saves the current node to the specified XmlWriter
137 Saves the XML document to the specified file
138 Saves the XML document to the specified XmlWriter
139 Saves the XmlDocument node to the specified XmlWriter
140 Select all the ancestor nodes of the title node
141 Select all the child nodes of the book node
142 Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression
143 Selects the first XmlNode that matches the XPath expression
144 Serialize Class to XML Document
145 Serializes an object using an XmlWriter
146 Set InnerText to a string that includes markup
147 Set InnerXml to a string that includes markup
148 Sets the XmlResolver to use for resolving external resources
149 Sets the XmlResolver used for resolving DTD references
150 Transforms an XML document into an HTML document
151 Update and insert XML Element with DataSet
152 Use the XPath return type to determine how to process the XPath expression
153 Use Tree to Display XML document
154 Use XML Reader to display XML tag, Node type and attributes
155 Use XmlElementAttribute and XmlAttributeAttribute
156 Use XmlWriter to generate XML document
157 Use XPath to do a select command
158 Using namespace and import it
159 Using XmlReaderSettings and XmlWriterSettings
160 Using XPathNavigator to select single node
161 Using XslCompiledTransform to do the transformation
162 Validate contosoBooks xml
163 Validate XML document with Validation Error Handler
164 Validates that an XDocument conforms to an XSD in an XmlSchemaSet
165 Validates that an XElement sub-tree conforms to a specified XmlSchemaObject and an XmlSchemaSet
166 Validates XmlDocument against the XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) schemas
167 Validating a Document using the Validate Method
168 Validating Modified xml
169 Validating XML documents against Schemas
170 Value As Date Time
171 ValueAsDouble, ValueAsInt32, ValueAsInt64, ValueAsSingle
172 Verifies name according to the W3C Extended Markup Language recommendation
173 Whether the current node has any attributes
174 Writes an attribute with the specified local name, namespace URI, and value
175 XDocument Load (XmlReader) creates a new XDocument from an XmlReader
176 XDocument Load (XmlReader, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from an XmlReader, setting the base URI, and retaining line information
177 XDocument Save Method (XmlWriter) serializes this XDocument to an XmlWriter
178 XDocument WriteTo writes this document to an XmlWriter
179 XDocument XML schema validation
180 XElement Load (XmlReader) loads an XElement from an XmlReader
181 XElement Load (XmlReader, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from an XmlReader
182 XElement Save (XmlWriter) serializes this element to an XmlWriter
183 XElement WriteTo writes this element to an XmlWriter
184 XMl schema generator
185 XML Transform
186 XML XSL transformation
187 XmlConvert DecodeName
188 XmlConvert ToDateTime converts the String to a DateTime equivalent
189 XmlConvert ToDateTimeOffset
190 XmlConvert ToString converts the DateTime to a String
191 XmlConvert VerifyWhitespace
192 XmlDocument CloneNode
193 XmlDocument CreateAttribute
194 XmlDocument CreateCDataSection creates an XmlCDataSection containing the specified data
195 XmlDocument CreateComment creates an XmlComment containing the specified data
196 XmlDocument CreateDocumentFragment creates an XmlDocumentFragment
197 XmlDocument CreateDocumentType returns a new XmlDocumentType object
198 XmlDocument CreateElement creates an element with the specified name
199 XmlDocument CreateElement creates an element with the specified Prefix, LocalName, and NamespaceURI
200 XmlDocument CreateEntityReference creates an XmlEntityReference with the specified name
201 XmlNode CloneNode creates a duplicate of the node
202 XmlNode GetPrefixOfNamespace
203 XmlNode InsertAfter inserts the specified node immediately after the specified reference node
204 XmlNode InsertBefore inserts the specified node immediately before the specified reference node
205 XmlNode Item gets the first child element with the specified Name
206 XmlNode LastChild gets the last child of the node
207 XmlNode NextSibling gets the node immediately following this node
208 XmlNode SelectNodes Method (String, XmlNamespaceManager)
209 XmlNode SelectSingleNode Method (String, XmlNamespaceManager)
210 XmlNode WriteContentTo saves all the child nodes of the node to the specified XmlWriter
211 XmlNode WriteTo saves the current node to the specified XmlWriter
212 XmlParserContext Class has context information required by the XmlReader to parse an XML fragment
213 XMLReader and DataGrid
214 XmlReader AttributeCount gets the number of attributes on the current node
215 XmlReader Class represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to XML data
216 XmlReader Create Method creates a new instance with the specified URI and XmlReaderSettings
217 XmlReader Create Method creates a new XmlReader instance
218 XmlReader Create Method creates a new XmlReader instance using the specified stream
219 XmlReader Create Method creates a new XmlReader instance with specified URI
220 XmlReader GetAttribute gets the value of the attribute with the specified index
221 XmlReader GetAttribute Method gets the value of the attribute with the specified Name
222 XmlReader HasAttributes Property tells whether the current node has any attributes
223 XmlReader IsEmptyElement tells whether the current node is an empty element (MyElement)
224 XmlReader Item gets the value of the attribute with the specified Name
225 XmlReader LocalName Property gets the local name of the current node
226 XmlReader MoveToAttribute Method moves to the attribute with the specified index
227 XmlReader MoveToFirstAttribute Method moves to the first attribute
228 XmlReader Name Property gets the qualified name of the current node
229 XmlReader ReadContentAs reads the content as an object of the type specified
230 XmlReader ReadContentAsBoolean reads the text content at the current position as a Boolean
231 XmlReader ReadElementContentAs Method reads the element content as the requested type
232 XmlReader ReadElementContentAsBase64 Method reads the element and decodes the Base64 content
233 XmlReader ReadElementContentAsBinHex Method reads the element and decodes the BinHex content
234 XmlReader ReadElementContentAsDateTime reads the current element and returns the contents as a DateTime object
235 XmlReader ReadElementContentAsObject
236 XmlReader ReadElementContentAsString
237 XmlReader ReadElementString reads a text-only element
238 XmlReader ReadEndElement
239 XmlReader ReadInnerXml
240 XmlReader ReadOuterXml Method (System Xml)_VB htm
241 XmlReader ReadSubtree
242 XmlReader ReadToDescendant
243 XmlReader ReadToNextSibling
244 XmlReader Skip
245 XmlReaderSettings specifies a set of features to support on the XmlReader object created by the Create method
246 XmlReaderSettings XmlResolver sets the XmlResolver used to access external documents
247 XmlResolver resolves external XML resources named by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
248 XmlSchema represents an XML Schema
249 XmlSchema validation call back
250 XmlSchemaAll Class represents the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) all element (compositor)
251 XmlSchemaAnnotation Class represents the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) annotation element
252 XmlSchemaAny Class represents the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) any element
253 XmlSchemaAnyAttribute Class represents the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) anyAttribute element
254 XmlSchemaAppInfo Class represents the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) appinfo element
255 XmlSchemaAttribute Class represents attribute element from XML Schema
256 XmlSchemaAttribute Class represents the attribute element from the XML Schema
257 XmlSchemaAttributeGroup Class represents attributeGroup element from XML Schema
258 XmlSchemaAttributeGroup Class represents the attributeGroup element from the XML Schema
259 XmlSchemaChoice Class represents choice element from XML Schema
260 XmlSchemaComplexContent Class represents complexContent element from XML Schema
261 XmlSchemaComplexContent represents complexContent element from XML Schema
262 XmlSchemaComplexType Class represents complexType element from XML Schema
263 XmlSchemaDocumentation Class represents documentation element from XML Schema
264 XmlSchemaElement MinOccurs MaxOccursString
265 XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet Class represents enumeration facet from XML Schema
266 XmlSchemaException Class returns detailed information about the schema exception
267 XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet Class sets a restriction for the fraction value of a simpleType element
268 XmlSchemaGroup Class represents group element from XML Schema
269 XmlSchemaInclude Class represents include element from XML Schema
270 XmlSchemaLengthFacet Class represents the length facet from XML Schema
271 XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet Class represents the maxExclusive element from XML Schema
272 XmlSchemaNotation represents the notation element from XML Schema
273 XmlSchemaObject Class represents the root class for the Xml schema object model
274 XmlSchemaSet contains a cache of XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas
275 XmlSchemaSimpleContent Class represents simpleContent element from XML Schema
276 XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion Class represents the union element for simple types from XML Schema
277 XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet Class tepresents the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) whiteSpace facet
278 XmlSerializer Demo
279 XmlTextReader
280 XmlTextReader AttributeCount gets the number of attributes on the current node
281 XmlTextReader BaseURI Property gets the base URI of the current node
282 XmlTextReader Depth Property gets the depth of the current node in the XML document
283 XmlTextReader GetAttribute gets the value of the attribute with the specified name
284 XmlTextReader GetRemainder gets the remainder of the buffered XML
285 XmlTextReader HasValue tells whether the current node can have a Value other than String Empty
286 XmlTextReader IsEmptyElement tells whether the current node is an empty element (for example, MyElement)
287 XmlTextReader LinePosition Property gets the current line position
288 XmlTextReader LocalName Property gets the local name of the current node
289 XmlTextReader MoveToFirstAttribute Method moves to the first attribute
290 XmlTextReader Name Property gets the qualified name of the current node
291 XmlTextReader Normalization Property tells whether to normalize white space and attribute values
292 XmlTextReader ReadBase64 Method decodes Base64 and returns the decoded binary bytes
293 XmlTextReader XmlLang Property gets the current xml
294 XmlTextReader XmlSpace Property gets the current xml
295 XmlTextWriter Close closes this stream and the underlying stream
296 XmlTextWriter Flush
297 XmlTextWriter Formatting Property indicates how the output is formatted
298 XmlTextWriter Indentation
299 XmlTextWriter WriteCData writes out a ![CDATA[ ]] block
300 XmlTextWriter WriteCharEntity Method forces the generation of a character entity for the specified Unicode character value
301 XmlTextWriter WriteEndElement closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope
302 XmlTextWriter WriteFullEndElement closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope
303 XmlTextWriter WriteQualifiedName Method writes out the namespace-qualified name
304 XmlTextWriter WriteRaw Method writes raw markup manually from a string
305 XmlTextWriter WriteWhitespace writes out the given white space
306 XmlWriter Close closes this stream and the underlying stream
307 XmlWriter Create creates a new XmlWriter instance using the stream and XmlWriterSettings object
308 XmlWriter WriteAttributes writes out all the attributes found at the current position in the XmlReader
309 XmlWriter WriteBase64 encodes specified binary bytes as Base64
310 XmlWriter WriteBinHex encodes specified binary bytes as BinHex
311 XmlWriter WriteEndElement closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope
312 XmlWriter WriteNode (XPathNavigator, Boolean)
313 XmlWriter WriteNode copies data from the reader to the writer
314 XmlWriter WriteProcessingInstruction writes out a processing instruction
315 XmlWriter WriteString writes the given text content
316 XmlWriter WriteValue
317 XName Class represents a name of an XML element or attribute
318 XName Namespace Property gets the namespace part of the fully qualified name
319 XNode AddAfterSelf (Object[]) adds the specified content immediately after this node
320 XNode AddAfterSelf adds the specified content immediately after this node
321 XNode AddBeforeSelf (Object[]) adds the specified content immediately before this node
322 XNode Ancestors (XName) returns a filtered collection of the ancestor elements of this node
323 XNode Ancestors returns a collection of the ancestor elements of this node
324 XNode CreateReader creates an XmlReader for this node
325 XNode ElementsAfterSelf (XName) returns a filtered collection of the sibling elements after this node
326 XNode ElementsAfterSelf returns a collection of the sibling elements after this node, in document order
327 XNode ElementsBeforeSelf returns a collection of the sibling elements before this node
328 XNode ElementsBeforeSelf returns a filtered collection of the sibling elements before this node
329 XNode IsAfter determines if the current node appears after a specified node
330 XNode IsBefore determines if the current node appears before a specified node
331 XNode NextNode Property gets the next sibling node of this node
332 XNode NodesAfterSelf returns a collection of the sibling nodes after this node
333 XNode NodesBeforeSelf returns a collection of the sibling nodes before this node
334 XNode PreviousNode Property gets the previous sibling node of this node
335 XNode Remove removes this node from its parent
336 XNode ReplaceWith replaces this node with the specified content
337 XNode ToString returns the indented XML for this node
338 XNode ToString returns the XML for this node, optionally disabling formatting
339 XNode WriteTo writes this node to an XmlWriter
340 XObject NodeType Property gets the node type for this XObject
341 XPathNavigator AppendChild creates new child node
342 XPathNavigator AppendChild Method (XPathNavigator) creates a new child node
343 XPathNavigator AppendChildElement creates a new child element node
344 XPathNavigator CanEdit Property
345 XPathNavigator Clone Method creates a new XPathNavigator positioned at the same node as this XPathNavigator
346 XPathNavigator CreateAttribute
347 XPathNavigator CreateAttributes
348 XPathNavigator DeleteRange deletes a range of sibling nodes
349 XPathNavigator DeleteSelf deletes the current node and its child nodes
350 XPathNavigator Evaluate (String, IXmlNamespaceResolver)
351 XPathNavigator Evaluate (XPathExpression)
352 XPathNavigator Evaluate (XPathExpression, XPathNodeIterator)
353 XPathNavigator Evaluate dvaluates XPath expression and returns the typed result
354 XPathNavigator InsertAfter
355 XPathNavigator InsertAfter creates a new sibling node after the currently selected node
356 XPathNavigator InsertBefore
357 XPathNavigator InsertBefore (XmlReader)
358 XPathNavigator InsertBefore (XPathNavigator)
359 XPathNavigator InsertBefore returns an XmlWriter
360 XPathNavigator InsertElementAfter
361 XPathNavigator InsertElementBefore Method
362 XPathNavigator LocalName Property gets Name of the current node without namespace prefix
363 XPathNavigator Matches determines whether the current node matches the specified XPathExpression
364 XPathNavigator MoveToFirstAttribute
365 XPathNavigator MoveToFollowing
366 XPathNavigator OuterXml Property
367 XPathNavigator PrependChild (XmlReader)
368 XPathNavigator PrependChild (XPathNavigator)
369 XPathNavigator PrependChild creates child node at the beginning of child nodes
370 XPathNavigator PrependChild returns XmlWriter to create a new child node
371 XPathNavigator PrependChildElement (System Xml XPath)
372 XPathNavigator ReadSubtree (System Xml XPath) returns XmlReader
373 XPathNavigator ReplaceRange (System Xml XPath) replaces a range of sibling nodes
374 XPathNavigator ReplaceSelf (String) replaces the current node with the content of the string specified
375 XPathNavigator ReplaceSelf (XmlReader) replaces the current node with the contents of the XmlReader object specified
376 XPathNavigator ReplaceSelf (XPathNavigator) replaces the current node
377 XPathNavigator Select (String) selects a node set, using the specified XPath expression
378 XPathNavigator Select (String, IXmlNamespaceResolver)
379 XPathNavigator Select (XPathExpression)
380 XPathNavigator SelectAncestors selects all the ancestor nodes of the current node with local name and namespace URI
381 XPathNavigator SelectSingleNode (XPathExpression)
382 XPathNavigator SelectSingleNode selects a single node in the XPathNavigator
383 XPathNavigator SelectSingleNode selects a single node in the XPathNavigator using the specified XPath query
384 XPathNavigator SetTypedValue sets the typed value of the current node
385 XPathNavigator SetValue sets the value of the current node
386 XPathNavigator ValueAsBoolean gets the current nodes value as a Boolean
387 XPathNavigator ValueType Property gets the NET Framework Type of the current node
388 XPathNavigator WriteSubtree
389 XPathResultType Boolean
390 XPathResultType NodeSet
391 XPathResultType Number
392 XPathResultType String
393 XslTransform Class
394 XStreamingElement represents elements in an XML tree that supports deferred streaming output