Mega Code Archive
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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
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Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
VisualBasic Script
Application 252 codes
VisualBasic Script
1 Add a new commandbar
2 Add a new menubar with toggle action
3 Add ControlButton to CommandBar
4 Add PopupControl to CommandBar
5 Add users
6 Adding a control to a command bar
7 Adding a menu
8 Adding a menu selection that features a shortcut key
9 Adding a new item to the Cell shortcut menu
10 Adding a selection to Excels Tools menu
11 Adding and deleting menus automatically
12 Adding menu items to shortcut menus
13 Adding selections and submenu items to the Budgeting menu
14 Adding the Budgeting menu to Excels main menu bar
15 Adds button, combobox, text box and drop down to tools menu
16 Adjusting a controls Visible property
17 Application InchesToPoints
18 Application Path
19 Arranging and Resizing Windows
20 Attaching a drop-down list to a command bar
21 Benchmark withwithout setting the Application ScreenUpdating
22 CalculationVersion
23 Calling the Report from VBA
24 Cancel a procedure if the user clicked the Cancel button in a dialog box
25 Center application
26 Change the Down Arrow Key
27 Changing a controls caption dynamically
28 Changing the Value of an AutoNumber
29 Changing the View
30 Check that the TypeName function does not return Nothing when run on the ActiveInspector method of the Application object
31 Clear Immediate window through VBE
32 Clear immediate window
33 Clearing the Recently Used Files List
34 Clears Immediate window
35 Closes the window of an Access object
36 Closing a Window
37 CommandBar Object
38 CommandBars collection
39 Controling a CommandBarControls Visibility
40 Copies a database object into the same or another database
41 Counting custom toolbars
42 Create a new menu bar that replaces the existing menu bar
43 Create a popup menu
44 Create Shortcut
45 Create Submenus
46 Creating a command bar
47 Creating a Menu Bar
48 Creating a Toolbar
49 Creating a Toolbar and assign its action
50 Creating a Toolbar and display MsgBox in its action
51 Creating an entirely new and separate shortcut menu
52 Creating an Object with the CreateObject Function
53 Cursors Available to Use with the Cursor Property
54 Custom Toolbars
55 Deactivate ^c
56 Delete file
57 Deletes a control tagged MyMenu2
58 Deletes a control that has a caption of SortButton
59 Deletes a database object
60 Deleting a menu from a menu bar
61 Deleting a menu item from the Tools menu
62 Deleting menu items from shortcut menus
63 Demonstration of Window size Properties
64 Determined the Id property of the Help menu by executing the following statement
65 Determines if a given command bar name exists
66 Disabling a shortcut menu
67 Disabling or hiding menus
68 Disabling shortcut menu items
69 Disabling shortcut menus
70 Display application in full screen mode
71 Display Control Detail
72 Display one of Excels built-in dialog boxes and let the user make the choices
73 Display shortcut menu with the ShowPopup method
74 Displaying each active VBA component in a worksheet
75 Displays the Caption property for the first Control object contained in the Standard toolbar, whose index is 3
76 DoCmd Echo
77 Enable permission
78 Enables the shortcut menu when the workbook is closed
79 Ensuring that an accessible add-in is properly installed and workable
80 Execute the next statement to set the calculation mode to automatic
81 Filling in for Excels missing add-in properties
82 Find code object
83 Find file with wild character
84 Find files
85 Find the code pane
86 Find the selected component in VBIDE
87 Find user form
88 Find worksheet code module
89 Finding a Record
90 Finding Visible Controls with FindControls
91 Get active project name
92 Get application user name
93 Get the type of CommandBars
94 Get the Usable Height and Width
95 Get VB project name
96 Get window state information
97 How to arrange the windows
98 How your VBA code can change the position of a toolbar
99 If you need to avoid user interaction you can turn off alerts in Excel by setting the DisplayAlerts property of the Applicatio
100 If you want to disable all shortcut menus, use the following procedure
101 If you want to keep refreshing the data on a regular basis, you can make the macro run itself
102 Inspecting a CommandBar
103 List Menu Information
104 List ShortCut Menus
105 Listing all controls on all toolbars
106 Listing Application CommandBars
107 Listing Data Types
108 Listing the controls on a command bar
109 Locating and Referencing Libraries in Code
110 Make sure that the help file can be located
111 Make sure that the scroll bars and status bar are hidden and that the formula bar is displayed
112 Makes a sound using the computers built-in speaker
113 MemoryFree Returns the amount of memory in bytes that Excel is allowed to use, not including memory already in use
114 MemoryTotal Returns the total amount of memory, in bytes, that Excel can use It includes memory that is already in use It is t
115 MemoryUsed Returns the amount of memory, in bytes, that Excel is currently using
116 Open a report
117 Opening a Database as the Current Database and Closing the Current Database
118 Opening a New Window
119 OperatingSystem Returns the name and version of the Operating System
120 OrganizationName Returns the name of the organization to which the product is registered
121 Performance Implications of Screen Updating
122 Pick the Perfect Location with GetSaveAsFilename
123 Positioning and Sizing a Window
124 Properties of CommandBar controls
125 Quitting Application
126 Rather than use an index number to refer to a control, you can use its Caption property setting
127 Reactivate ^c
128 Referring to command bars
129 Remove Permissions
130 Removes a toolbar specified by the name passed in
131 Removes the Hide menu item from two shortcut menus
132 Removing all toolbars and then restoring them
133 Replacing Excels built-in menu with your own
134 Requires a reference to Microsoft InfoPath
135 Reset CommandBar
136 Resetting shortcut menus
137 Restore Down Arrow key
138 Restore tool bar
139 Restores the Worksheet Menu Bar to its native state
140 Return whether or not broken references are identified within the current project
141 Returning an Object with the GetObject Function
142 Returning the Button the User Chose in a Dialog Box
143 Run on time
144 Save changes to the client record
145 Save list of all predefined commands and their ID numbers in a file
146 Scheduling a Macro to Run Every Two Minutes
147 Scrolls the active window up two screens
148 Sending Mail
149 Sent key stroke with Application SendKeys
150 Set auto recover path
151 Set border art path
152 Set Control style, Action, group, faceid and caption
153 Set current folder path
154 Set document path
155 Set Graphics Filters path
156 Set office Permission
157 Set Refresh Data Timer
158 Set startup path
159 Set style galary pathwdStyleGalleryPath
160 Set temp file path
161 Set text cover path
162 Set the contents of the File Name text box in the Save As dialog box in Word and then display the dialog box
163 Set the CtrlClickHyperlinkToOpen property of the Options object to True to ensure that hyperlinks require Ctrl+clicking
164 Set the user templates path and workgroup templates path
165 Set the window position and size
166 Set tools path
167 Sets the FaceId property of the first button on the MyToolbar toolbar image to 45, which is the code number for a mailbox icon
168 Setting a Default File Location
169 Setting a Focus
170 Show All Toolbar Controls
171 Show CommandBar Names
172 Show message at status bar
173 Show Permissions
174 Show selected VB components name
175 Show smart tag actions
176 Show smart tag recognizers
177 Show User Permissions
178 Showhide check symbol
179 Shows or hides a command bar
180 Simply copies the NumberFormat property of the ActiveCell to the Caption property of the button control
181 Specifying a Timeout for a Dialog Box
182 Specifying the proper Excel version
183 Split windows
184 Splitting a Window 70 percent of the way down the window
185 Start Access
186 Start Foxpro
187 Start mail client
188 Start Power point
189 Start Project
190 Start schedule
191 Start word
192 Stopping Excels Warning Prompts for Recorded Macros
193 System Information Available Using Application Object Properties
194 The custom toolbar is removed with this procedure
195 The OnTime event
196 The Permission of current workbook
197 The Protection constants are additive
198 The Protection property of a CommandBar object provides you with many options for protecting a CommandBar
199 The SearchScopes Collection and SearchScope Objects
200 This toolbar exists only when the cell pointer falls within a given range
201 To avoid these alert messages, insert the following VBA statement in your macro
202 To change the values of the WindowState, Width, and Height properties of the Excel application window, you must explicitly ref
203 To delete a control from a CommandBar object, use the Delete method of the Controls collection
204 To display Excels Open dialog box
205 To display the Document Map for a window at the Document Maps previous width percentage (of the documents window), set the Doc
206 To remove the split from the window, set the Split property to False
207 To size a window, set its Height and Width properties
208 To use standard colors
209 Toggle Gridlines
210 Toggle Headings
211 Toggles the calculation mode between manual and automatic and displays a message indicating the current mode
212 Transform all windows into icons
213 Translates a MsoBarPosition enumeration into a text description of the bar position
214 Translates a MsoBarType enumeration into a text description of the bar type
215 Translates a MsoControlType enumeration into a text description of the control type
216 Turning off automatic calculation
217 Turning Off Overtype
218 Turning off screen updating
219 Undo changes made to the current record
220 Update status bar
221 Use Application DoEvent
222 Use Application OnKey to register sub module with key stroke
223 Use DoCmd OpenForm to open a form
224 Use DoCmd to close a form
225 Use DoCmd to open a form
226 Use OnTime to trigger the refresh data
227 Use the Application object qualifier to set properties
228 Use the OnKey method to assign a macro procedure to a single keystroke or any combination of Ctrl, Shift, and Alt with another
229 UserName Returns or sets the name of the current user
230 Using an Applications Built-in Dialog Boxes from VBA
231 Using Application OnTime to Periodically Analyze Data
232 Using the AdvancedSearchComplete Event and the AdvancedSearchStopped Event
233 Using the Close Method
234 Using the DoCmd Object to Programmatically Add Sections to Reports at Runtime
235 Using the DoCmd Object to Run Commands
236 Using the ItemSend Event
237 Using the Quit Event
238 Using the SaveAs Method
239 Using the Startup Event
240 Using the StatusBar property to Display Information
241 Validating a Record
242 VBA-Defined Constants
243 Version Returns the version of Excel that is in use
244 Working with checked menu items
245 Working with Panes
246 Working with Shortcut Menus
247 Working with the Active Inspector
248 Working with the Active Window
249 Writes the time to cell A1 and also programs another event five seconds later
250 Zoom a form
251 Zooming a Window and Setting Display Options
252 Zooms the active window to 150 percent