Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
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C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
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VisualBasic Script
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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
VisualBasic Script
Data Type Functions 57 codes
VisualBasic Script
Data Type Functions
1 Abstraction
2 CBool() converts value to Boolean
3 CByte() converts value to Byte
4 CCur() converts value to Currency
5 CDate() convert value to Date
6 CDbl() convert value to Double
7 CDec() convert value to Decimal
8 Change directory
9 Change drive
10 Chr() Returns the character represented by the character code
11 CInt() converts value to Integer
12 Class Module
13 CLng() converts value to Long
14 Creating and Using a Class Module
15 Creating Custom Objects
16 Creating the MyRectangle Class
17 CSng() converts value to Single
18 CStr() converts value to String
19 CVar() converts value to Variant
20 Format Phone number
21 Format Postal code
22 Format$(Now, DDD)
23 Format$(Now, DDDD)
24 Format$(Now, Short Date)
25 Format$(Now, WW)
26 Format$(Now, YYYY)
27 Formatting Dates
28 Formatting Variables
29 If Then Else and IsNull
30 Illustrate the Format method
31 Is a variable an array
32 Is the cell numeric
33 Loan Object Implementation Details
34 Loop through all of the records in the recordset for non-null value
35 Rectangle class
36 Selected Characters from VBAs Character Code Set
37 Test a Variant variable to see whether it has the Empty value
38 The Format function formats expressions in the style specified
39 The SimpleLoan Class
40 To avoid the Type Mismatch error, use the built-in CSng function to convert the string stored in the value1 variable t
41 To ensure that a mathematical operation returns an integer data type, use the CInt() function
42 Use CCur to convert value to currecy
43 Use CInt to convert input value to integer
44 Use IsNumeric to check the input value
45 Use LBound function to get lower bound
46 Use the Asc() function to convert a character to its numerical representation
47 Use the Chr() and Asc() functions to convert between the numerical and string representations of VBAs character code s
48 Use UBound to get the upper bound
49 Using the Asc Function to Return a Character Code
50 Using the Chr Function and Constants to Enter Special Characters in a String
51 Using the IsArray Function
52 Using the ISEMPTY Function to Check Whether a Cell Is Empty
53 Using the Str Function to Convert a Value to a String
54 VBAs Functions for Complex Data Conversion
55 VBAs Functions for Simple Data Conversion
56 Working with Empty and Null
57 Working with Null