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VisualBasic Script
Data Type 167 codes
VisualBasic Script
Data Type
1 A Boolean variable can be set only to True or False You can use the keywords True and False to set the value of a Boolean variab
2 A Variant allows VBA to make its own decision as to what type of data it is holding
3 Accessing an Item in a Custom Collection
4 Add integer together
5 Add OLE-Equation
6 Add two numbers together
7 Add Variant integer in string to another Variant integer in string
8 Add Variant integer to Variant string
9 Add Variant string to Variant integer
10 Adding Items to a Custom Collection
11 An example of a declaration for a fixed length string
12 An Example of Using a Type Structure
13 Arrays are typically initialized inside a loop
14 Assign difference type variable to Variant variable
15 Assign range to an array
16 Attempts to store the numbers 52 and 5 2 in a variable declared as type Byte
17 Avoids the error Subscript out of range
18 By nesting one more loop, you can use a three-dimensional array to hold the data from the rows and columns in multiple worksheet
19 Catch the type mismatch error
20 Check the selection type
21 Check the variable type
22 Common Data Types
23 Compromise with a combination of object variables and With End With
24 Concatenate strings
25 Constants are declared using the Const keyword
26 Control the long integer value assigned to each item in the list, simply set the constant equal to a value
27 Convert number to String by using Array
28 Create a new data type
29 Create an Array, assign value and use Loop to show its value
30 Create collection
31 Create Date type variable
32 Creating an Enum
33 Creating and Working with Custom Collections
34 Creating Compound Documents Programmatically Using OleObjects
35 Date and Time Functions
36 Date Constants
37 Date value calculation
38 Declare a variable of the appropriate type (a Long variable) to contain the users choice
39 Declaring a static array is similar to declaring a variable
40 Declaring a static array is similar to declaring a variable, with one small exception
41 Declaring and Working with Fixed Arrays
42 Declaring array and setting bounds
43 Define and use multidimensional array
44 Determining the Type of a Variant
45 Display in a message box the number of seconds passed since midnight
46 Displaying the current date and time in a cell
47 Do Until Loop Loops with Single value
48 Double and Single
49 Double value
50 Eliminate the object variable when using With statement
51 Erasing Arrays
52 Fill array by using a nested For- Next loop
53 Format money as $##,##0 00
54 Format value as currency
55 Format() Formats strings, dates, and numbers as specified
56 Formatted proper currency format ($### ##)
57 Function Parameter type
58 Generating a new worksheet, built-in button, and event handler
59 Get the element in an array by index
60 Get the type name
61 Get the type name of an array
62 Get the variable type for Variant
63 How Null Propagates
64 Identifying the type of a selected object
65 If you simply declare a variable with a Dim statement and leave off the type-declaration keyword or character, the variable is a
66 Input and Output
67 Instr function returns the position where one string begins within another string
68 InStr()
69 InStr() Returns the location of the first character of a substring within another string
70 InStrRev begins searching at the end of a string and returns the position where one string is found within another string
71 Int() Returns the integer portion of a number
72 Int(-3 14159) returns -4
73 Int(number) returns The integer portion of number (again, without rounding) If number is negative, returns the negative number l
74 Integer and Long
75 Integer number
76 Is operator
77 Item method is the default method of the Collection object
78 Iterating Through the Elements of a Custom Collection
79 LCase() Converts the string to lowercase
80 Left(string, length) returns the specified number of characters from the left end of a string
81 Len() return the number of characters in a string
82 Len() Returns the number of characters in a string
83 Local Integer variable
84 Loop all table definitions in Database
85 Looping Through the Elements of a Custom Collection
86 Mathematica does not understand 1 2E-03, use 1 210^-03 instead
87 Mid(string, start[, length]) returns the specified number of characters from inside the given string
88 Multidimensional Arrays
89 Nulls are not equal
90 Object Data Types
91 Object variable
92 Object Variables
93 One of the few instances in which you have no choice for using a Variant
94 Overflow error
95 Override the Option Base setting by specifically setting the lower bound in the array declaration
96 Pass Boolean type variable to a function
97 Performing a Binary Search through an Array
98 Quick sort
99 Quick Sort 2
100 Refer to an item in a collection using its unique key
101 Reference can be assigned to an object variable so that you can easily refer to the new object in later code
102 Referencing Elements in a Multi-dimensional Array
103 Referencing Items in a Custom Collection
104 Remove all the elements of a collection in two ways
105 Remove element with the key
106 Removing Data from an Array
107 Removing Items from a Custom Collection
108 Removing Objects from a Collection
109 Returning the Active Window, Inspector, or Explorer
110 Right(string, length) returns a specified number of characters from the right end of a string
111 Save random value to Single data type variable
112 Save type info to form
113 Searching through an Array
114 Select Case statement with Integer value
115 Sorting an Array
116 Sorts the List array in ascending order
117 Specifying the Index Range of an Array
118 String Concatenation with &
119 String data types are used to hold a sequence of characters in a variable
120 String variable
121 StrReverse() Reverses the order of the characters in a string
122 The Boolean data type accepts one of two values, True or False You may also assign the value 1 (True) or 0 (False) to a Boolean
123 The difference between object variables and regular variables
124 The Integer data type is the most efficient way of handling numbers from -32,768 to 32,767
125 The LBound and UBound functions return whole numbers that indicate the lower bound and upper bound indices of an array
126 The Object Data Type Set
127 The variable type of an array and an integer
128 Time returns A VariantDate containing the current time according to your computer
129 Times
130 To assign both a date and a time you use this format
131 To assume that 1 is the lower index for your arrays
132 To initialize a string variable, place the string value within double quotes
133 Try It Out-Dates
134 UCase returns a string that is all uppercase
135 UCase() Converts the string to uppercase
136 Understanding Errors in Arrays
137 Use count function to count array
138 Use count function to sum array
139 Use If statement with Integer
140 Use IsArray function to check if a variable is an array
141 Use IsNull function to check
142 Use if statement with boolean variable
143 Use LBound and UBound in for statement
144 Use the For Each Next to assign value to an array
145 Use True literal in If statement
146 Use TypeName to get the object data type
147 Use Val to convert user input to number value
148 User-Defined Data Types
149 Uses VBAs handy TypeName function to determine the data type of the FormulaTest variable
150 Using a Collection to Manipulate Multiple Instances of the FileInformation Class
151 Using a One-Dimensional Array
152 Using a Two-Dimensional Array and Reference its elements
153 Using dynamic arrays in bubble sort
154 Using LTrim, RTrim, and Trim to Trim Spaces from a String
155 Using the Array Function
156 Val() converts numerical to string data
157 Val() returns a numerical representation of a string
158 Values returned by the VarType function
159 Variable answer will hold the value 32 after execution of this block, not 31 8 as you might want
160 Variables of type Date must have their values enclosed in # signs
161 Variant string
162 VBA Bubble Sort
163 VBA has the ability to interact with Access to help create and edit objects
164 VBA knows that anything starting with a period is a property or a method of the object following the With
165 With End With
166 Working with Enumerated Types
167 You should also be careful about mixing numerical data types in mathematical operations