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VisualBasic Script
File Path 111 codes
VisualBasic Script
File Path
1 An Example Using Write # and Input #
2 Application GetOpenFilename
3 Brings up a dialog box that asks the user for a filename
4 Check file existance
5 Common File Operations Simplified
6 Copying a File
7 Create a new file
8 Create and Save Text file
9 Create folder
10 Create Sequential Access Files
11 Create temporary binary file test bin
12 Create text file based database
13 Creating a Custom XML List
14 CurDir() Returns a string representing the current drive path
15 Delete a file
16 Delete file by using FileSystemObject
17 Delete Folder by using FileSystemObject
18 Determining a file size
19 Determining whether a path exists
20 Display Drive information
21 Display selected file information
22 Displaying a list of files in a directory
23 Displays a dialog box that allows the user to select a directory The selected directory name (or Canceled) is then displayed by
24 Does the specified file exist
25 Error trap
26 Examples of the VBA Open Statement
27 Export active worksheet to CSV file
28 File files with Application FileSearch
29 FileDialog with JPG file filter
30 FileDialogFilters
31 Filter File
32 Filtering a text file
33 Find a file
34 Find a file with wildcard character
35 Flexible Separators and Delimiters
36 Folder browser
37 Folder information
38 FormatDateTime(Now, vbGeneralDate)
39 FormatDateTime(Now, vbLongDate)
40 FormatDateTime(Now, vbShortDate)
41 Get Drive Information
42 Get file name
43 Get file name from a path name
44 Get selected paths
45 Get short file name
46 Get the Path Separator
47 Get the selected file name in a file open dialog
48 Gets the desired record from the file and writes the fields to the worksheet
49 Gets the file name from the path
50 Handling Files with Low-Level File Handling
51 If a particular file exists, and False if not
52 Inspecting a ListObject
53 List all files under application path
54 Listing files with a For Each loop
55 Load excel file
56 Load Image
57 Logging Excel usage
58 On ErrorGoto and the Err Object
59 Open File Open Dialog and get the selection (Dialog Types Used with the FileDialog Object)
60 Open file, show first three entries in immediate window
61 Processes multiple stored files
62 PropertyTests
63 Query text file
64 Random Access Files
65 Read a text file, adding the amounts
66 Read a text file, skipping the Total lines
67 Read Sequential Access Files
68 Read text file
69 Reading Data Strings
70 Reading Text Files One Row at a Time
71 Recursive Search using the FileSystemObject Model
72 Retrieve Date and Time of Last Save
73 Returns a string that describes the drive type
74 Returns the drive letter using an index
75 Returns the number of drives
76 Returns the number of free bytes for a drive
77 Returns the total storage capacity for a drive
78 Returns True if a specified drive letter exists
79 Save Date and Time information to a text file
80 Saves the active worksheet in the workbook named MyWorkbook xls as a comma-delimited text file named test csv
81 Searches the My Documents directory and its subdirectories for all XLS files that contain the text budget
82 Select a folder
83 Select a location containing the files you want to list
84 Selecting multiple files
85 Set the AllowMultiSelect property of the dialog box to allow multiple selections in the dialog box
86 Split demonstration
87 Text Files and File Dialog
88 The FileDialog Object
89 The FileSearch Object
90 The FileTypes and PropertyTests Collection Objects
91 The FoundFiles Collection Object
92 The NumberOfBytesFree Function
93 The SearchFolders Collection and ScopeFolder Objects
94 The TextStream Object
95 The TypeOfDrive Function
96 To create a table from cells A1
97 To return the current path for a specified drive
98 To return the current path, use CurDir without an argument
99 Use a Do While loop to keep reading records until youve reached the end of the file
100 Use Application FileSearch to find files
101 Use array to store a list of files
102 Use filter in Open file dialog
103 Use Random Access Files to save a user defined data type
104 Use the SelectedItems property of the FileDialog object to return the FileDialogSelectedItems collection
105 User selects path to save HTML files
106 Uses the delimiter characters to decide the data type of each item and treat it appropriately
107 WinHttpRequest Demo
108 Write and read Sequential Access Files
109 Writing Text Files
110 Writing to Text Files Using Print
111 You can use the Add method of the FileDialogFilters collection object to create your own list of filter