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VisualBasic Script
Forms 90 codes
VisualBasic Script
1 Add item to List Box
2 Add items to ListBox
3 Add names of all open workbooks to the list box
4 Add TextBox and format it
5 Adding Controls to a UserForm at Design Time
6 Assign form Recordset in its open action
7 Assign scrollbar value to B3
8 Assign the data in a worksheet to RowSource of a ListBox
9 Assign value from a TextBox to a Spinner
10 Assigning Recordsets Dynamically
11 CancelEvent
12 Cancels a cancelable event (an event that has a Cancel parameter)
13 Change caption
14 Change control back ground color
15 Change fonts of controls on a form
16 Change label font name
17 Change Label font size
18 Check the mouse button in MouseDown event action listener
19 Check various properties of the controls and take appropriate actions
20 CheckBox returns a True value when checked, or a False value if not
21 Close a form
22 Code for the Add Button
23 Code for the Find Button
24 Code for the Move Next Button
25 Code for the Move Previous Button
26 Consider only cells that contain data in the form of numbers, text, and formulas
27 Continuing a Search with the FindNext Method and FindPrevious Method
28 Control Types
29 Controls and Errors
30 Copy workbook differences to the worksheet
31 Creating UserForms Programmatically
32 Deleting a Record
33 Determining the selected item
34 Determining the Type of a Control
35 Dir() Returns a string representing the name of a file or directory with specified pattern
36 Display form in Modal mode
37 Display Mouse Button, Shift key and Position X and Position Y
38 Evaluating Which Items Are Selected in the Multiselect List Box
39 Find the First Non-Zero-Length Cell in a Range
40 Finding the Last Used Cell in a Column or Row
41 Form Before Update action
42 Form count
43 Form_Filter
44 Format fonts
45 Get all selected items in a list box
46 Get Directory by using the Dir function
47 Get selected from ListBox
48 Get the file names
49 Get the selected items in a ListBox
50 Hide a Spleash Screen
51 If current record is new record, grab the focus
52 If the data in the form dirty
53 Intrinsic Constant Type of Control
54 IsLoad function
55 Key down event
56 Load file to Image control
57 Loading a Form into Memory Prior to Displaying It
58 Loop through the documents in Forms
59 Make sure the RowSource property is empty
60 Makes CheckBox control appear with a check mark
61 Manipulating a Single Control
62 Open a form, format the fonts and close it
63 Output form to html file
64 Read input from TextBox and assign the value to ActiveCell
65 Replace information in all sheets of the workbook
66 Replacing with the Replace Method
67 Ride the Range from the Bottom to Find Last Row
68 Searching for and Replacing Formatting
69 Select the items programmatically
70 Set Spinner value to a TextBox
71 Set the selection in a TextBox
72 Set the SpinButton MinMax and current value
73 Spin up event procedure for spin button
74 The For Each Next statement executes a group of statements on each member of an array or collection
75 The Load Event Assigning a Recordset Object to the Form
76 The spin button control uses the SpinDown and SpinUp events to decrease and increase the value in cell B4
77 The Undo event executes before changes to a row are undone
78 The With End With statement executes a series of statements on a single object or user-defined type
79 To remove the Userform from the computers memory, you must use the Unload statement; otherwise, the Userform is only hidden
80 Use Dir function to get the file directory
81 Use the form object variable to point at each form in the Forms collection
82 Uses the Find method to reduce the number of cycles spent in VBA loops
83 Using Replace to Replace Formatting
84 Using the Show Method to Display a Form
85 Validate the file path
86 With End With construct is often used along with the For Each Next construct
87 Working with Find and Replace
88 Writing the Form_Error Event Procedure
89 Writing the Form_MouseDown Event Procedure
90 You can not only check how the filter was invoked, but you can also intercept the process when the filter is applied