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Powerpoint 90 codes
VisualBasic Script
1 Accessing a Slide by Name
2 Add a bent-up arrow to the upper-right corner of the penultimate slide in the active presentation
3 Add slides
4 Adding a Slide to a Presentation
5 Applies the design template named Disaster pot to a range of slides consisting of the first, fourth, and sixth slides in the ac
6 Apply the design template named Mountain Top pot to the first slide in the presentation named Success ppt
7 Applying a Background to One or More Slides
8 Applying a Color Scheme to a Slide
9 Applying a Template to a Presentation, to a Slide, or to a Range of Slides
10 Assigns to the SlideRange object variable mySlideRange the slides named Intro and Outro in the active presentation
11 Changing the Layout of an Existing Slide
12 Check font size
13 Check the Path property of the Presentation object before using the Save method if you need to determine whether the presentati
14 Check whether the text frame contains text To do so, check that the HasText property of the TextFrame object is msoTrue
15 Checks that the title master exists and, if it does, formats the date and time to be visible and to use the dMMMyy format with
16 Clears the HeaderFooter objects in the notes master in the first open presentation
17 Closing a Presentation
18 Closing a Window
19 Copying and Pasting a Slide
20 Copying Formatting from One Shape to Another
21 Creating a New Presentation Based on a Template
22 Creating a New Presentation Based on the Default Template
23 Default format (set on the Save tab of the Options dialog box) ppSaveAsDefault
24 Deleting a Custom Show
25 Deleting a Master
26 Deleting a Shape
27 Deleting an Existing Slide
28 Design Template
29 Displaying or Hiding a Header or Footer Object
30 Duplicating a Slide
31 Exiting the Slide Show
32 Exporting a Presentation or Some Slides to Graphics
33 Exports the sixth slide in the active presentation to the file named Slide6 png in the Z
34 Finding a Slide by Its ID Number
35 Finding Out Whether a Shape Has a Text Frame
36 Formatting the Bullets for a Text Range
37 Formatting the Text in a Text Range
38 Inserting Slides from an Existing Presentation
39 Moving a Slide
40 Moving from Slide to Slide
41 Opening a Presentation
42 Pausing the Show and Using White and Black Screens
43 PowerPoint 95
44 PowerPoint format ppSaveAsPresentation
45 PowerPoint Show
46 PpShowTypeKiosk
47 PpShowTypeSpeaker
48 PpShowTypeWindow
49 Presentation for Review
50 Print slides 5 through 12 of the presentation
51 Prints all the slides in the active presentation
52 Repositioning and Resizing a Shape
53 Retrieve data from Calendar
54 Returning and Setting the Text in a Text Range
55 Returns the second through fifth words from the first shape on the first slide in the active presentation
56 Saves the presentation
57 Saving a Copy of a Presentation
58 Saving a Presentation under Its Existing Name
59 Saving All Open Presentations
60 Selecting All Shapes
61 Set the text of the second paragraph in the second shape on the sixth slide in the presentation
62 Setting a Transition for a Slide, a Range of Slides, or a Master
63 Setting an Animation for a Shape or a Range of Shapes
64 Setting the Format for Date and Time Headers and Footers
65 Setting the Text in a Header or Footer
66 Show slides 4 through 8 in the presentation
67 Single File Web Page
68 Standardizing All the Headers and Footers in a Presentation
69 Starting a Slide Show
70 Starting and Stopping Custom Shows
71 To avoid the user being prompted, set the Saved property of the Presentation object to True before using the Close method-for e
72 To display a particular slide in the slide show, use the GotoSlide method of the View object, using the Index argument to speci
73 To display the first slide in the presentation, use the First method
74 To display the last slide, use the Last method
75 To display the next slide, use the Next method
76 To display the previous slide, use the Previous method
77 To exit a custom show, use the EndNamedShow method and then use the Next method to advance the presentation
78 To find out whether a presentation has a title master, check the HasTitleMaster property
79 To start running a custom show
80 To use a picture as a bullet, set the Type property of the BulletFormat object to ppBulletPicture and then use the Picture meth
81 Use the AddTextbox Method to add a text box to the eighth slide and assign text to it
82 Use the AddTextEffect to add a WordArt The WordArt item uses 54-point bold ITC Avant Garde Gothic
83 Use the Save method to save a presentation before closing its last window
84 Web Page
85 Working with a Range of Slides
86 Working with Headers and Footers
87 Working with the Active Presentation
88 Working with the Handout Master
89 Working with the Slide Master
90 Works with the first shape on the third slide of the presentation, moving it 100 points to the left and 200 points down, and ro