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XML Tutorial
XML Schema 195 codes
XML Schema
1 A decimal when lexical space is limited to 1 and 1 5
2 A list datatype can be done by embedding a xs
3 A union datatype by reference to existing types
4 A union datatype can embed one or more xs
5 Add annotation to xml schema
6 Add namespace to attribute
7 All and Complex type
8 All inner elements in a sequence are referenced
9 Anonymous complex type and sequence
10 Anonymous complexType with attribute
11 Anonymous complexType with sequence
12 AnyURI as attribute type
13 AnyURI type attribute
14 AppInfo and help-text in annotation
15 Apply a facet constraining the length
16 Attribute based on simple type with restriction and enumeration
17 Attribute based on simpleType
18 Attribute type and default value
19 Attribute with default value
20 Attribute with fixed value
21 Attribute with referencing xlink
22 AttributeGroup for elementFormDefault = qualified
23 Based on data type token
24 Based on type double
25 Based on user-defined simple type
26 British postal codes
27 Build Complex type with simple Type
28 Canadian addresses require the name of a province, plus a postal code
29 Canadian postal codes are two fixed-length (3-character) codes separated by a single space
30 Choice minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=unbounded
31 Choice with three elements
32 Complex content with referenced attribute group
33 Complex type with complex content
34 Complex type with group reference
35 Complex type with sequence
36 ComplexContent based on complexType
37 ComplexType based on complexContent
38 ComplexType based on simpleContent
39 ComplexType mixed=true
40 ComplexType mixed=true and choice
41 ComplexType mixed=true and xsd
42 ComplexType outside the element
43 ComplexType with empty sequence
44 ComplexType with extension
45 ComplexType with restriction
46 Constrain our dotted-quad to use 3-digit numbers in the range 0 to 255
47 Create simpleType with restriction on another simple type
48 Creating Vocabularies that Belong to a Namespace
49 Creating Vocabularies that Do Not Belong to a Namespace
50 Decimal list type
51 Default value is one of the value in restriction
52 Define a comma-separated list ignoring whitespaces between values and commas
53 Define a complexType
54 Define and use attributeGroup
55 Define element type outside
56 Define fixed value for referenced attribute type
57 Define simple type outside
58 Define the intersection of the block L (all the letters) and the BasicLatin (ASCII characters below #x7F)
59 Define xml schema for a styled letter
60 Definition of a student element uses primitive types for the child elements
61 Derivation By Restriction
62 Derived simple type
63 Different types with the same name
64 Domain Names
65 Each element and attribute is declared globally
66 Element fixed value is the restriction value
67 Element referencing another element
68 Element with anonymous complexType and sequence
69 Element with anonymous simpleType
70 Element with default value
71 Element with fixed value
72 Element with maxOccurs=unbounded
73 Element with only attribute
74 Element with substitutionGroup
75 Element with type xsd
76 ElementFormDefault = qualified, attributeFormDefault = unqualified
77 ElementFormDefault=qualified and include
78 ElementFormDefault=unqualified
79 ElementFormDefault=unqualified Salami Slice
80 English version of annotation documentation
81 Enumeration of string value
82 Enumeration restriction on anyURI
83 Enumerations include a time zone
84 Extended datatype for the US addresses
85 Five-digit ZIP codes
86 Fixed facets ensure that the minimum value of our minInclusive cannot be modified
87 Fixed value for attribute type
88 Fixed value is one of the value in restriction
89 FractionDigits for money type
90 Gender code based on xs
91 Given the limited number of values of the xs
92 Global attibute definitions
93 Hyper link in annotation
94 IDREF type attribute
95 If the schema had a value of unqualified for elementFormDefault it would look like so RussianDoll_eu_au xml
96 Import another XML schema
97 Import schema and elementFormDefault
98 Import with namespace
99 Include another two xml schemas
100 Include with elementFormDefault=qualified
101 IP Addresses
102 IPv6 addresses are easier to describe using a simple regex
103 ISBN type by pattern
104 Language type attribute
105 Looking Behind Namespace Qualification
106 Mexican postal codes are simple five-digit numbers, with the first two digits representing a region, followed by three digits f
107 MinOccurs and maxOccurs
108 MinOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded
109 Nested complexType
110 Nested complexType and sequence
111 Nested sequence
112 Nexted reference
113 Ocean states
114 Oring and Grouping
115 Our addresses in Great Britain
116 Patterns and xs
117 Redefine another xml schema
118 Ref and Salami Slice
119 Reference an attribute group
120 Reference defined data type with target namespace
121 Reference element
122 Reference element as type
123 Reference element based on simpleType
124 Reference element with fixed value
125 Reference group in a sequence
126 Reference type as attribute type and default value
127 Reference with maxOccurs
128 Reference your type with namespace
129 Refernece anonymous complexType
130 Required attribute
131 Requiring All Elements and Attributes Be Qualified
132 Restriction base=xs
133 Restriction on another user-defined type
134 Restriction on attribute
135 Restriction on xs
136 Restriction on xsd
137 Restruction based on string type
138 Reuse complex type
139 Reuse data type defined
140 Reuse data type defined in another xml schema file
141 Russian Doll Design with attributes
142 Russian Doll style
143 Salami Slice Design
144 Schema for address
145 Schema for elements with inner elements and attribute
146 Schema for XSchema elements
147 Sequence with only one element
148 Sequence with unbounded elements
149 Set fixed value for attribute during simpleType declaration
150 Set minOccurs, maxOccurs for referenced types
151 Set scale for money type value
152 Set targetNamespace
153 Set the max length of xs
154 Set the min length of NCName
155 Simpel type based on xs
156 Simple type for length Units
157 Simple type for temperature
158 Simple type for weight unit
159 SimpleContent with extension
160 SSN type with pattern
161 String value based on pattern
162 TargetNamespace and non-default namespace
163 Telephone numbers
164 The order between derivation by list and derivation by union depends on the result to achieve
165 The xs
166 To define a string datatype of 100 and 200 words, each having a length of less than 15 characters
167 Two namespaces
168 Unicode blocks
169 Uniform Resource Identifiers
170 Union anonymous simple types
171 Union Based on xs
172 Union types with restriction
173 Union with memberTypes
174 Unique field
175 URI schema
176 US postal address
177 Use choice to define elements with random number and occurence
178 Use group to wrap a sequence
179 Use pattern to control the extension name of image type
180 Use prohibited
181 Use ref to remove the nested definition
182 Use simple strings for these various parts of a persons name
183 Use xlink to import another XML schema
184 Using an embedded xs
185 Using durations and define
186 Using local element declarations for the children of the employee element
187 Venetian Blind design Define global complex type and simple type definitions that are named and later referenced
188 Wildcard
189 With the Russian Doll Design, the schema mirrors the structure of the instance document
190 XML schema for list of tags with identical structure
191 Xmlns
192 Xs
193 Xsd
194 Xsi
195 Zip code