You can't overload standalone procedures or functions.
The second definition simply overwrites the first one.
You can't overload functions that differ only by the datatype of the return value.
If you need to implement this requirement, use overloaded procedures with OUT parameters.
SQL> declare
2 function getArea(i_rad NUMBER) return NUMBER
3 is
4 v_pi NUMBER:=3.14;
5 begin
6 return v_pi * (i_rad ** 2);
7 end;
8 function getArea (i_length NUMBER, i_width NUMBER) return NUMBER
9 is
10 begin
11 return i_length * i_width;
12 end;
13 begin
14 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Area (R=3): ' ||getArea(3));
15 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Area (R=3): ' ||getArea('3'));
16 end;
17 /
Area (R=3): 28.26
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.