PL SQL Operators Oracle PLSQL Tutorial

PL/SQL has three logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT.
The NOT operator is typically used to negate the result of a comparison expression.
The AND and OR operators are typically used to link together multiple comparisons.
The Syntax for the NOT Operator:

NOT boolean_expression
boolean_expression can be any expression resulting in a boolean, or true/false value.
The Syntax for the AND Operator:

boolean_expression AND boolean_expression
boolean_expression can be any expression resulting in a boolean, or true/false value.
The AND operator returns a value of true if both expressions each evaluate to true;
otherwise, a value of false is returned.
(5 = 5) AND (4 = 2)true
(5 = 7) AND (5 = 5)false
'Mon' IN ('Sun','Sat') AND (2 = 2)false
The Syntax for the OR Operator:

boolean_expression OR boolean_expression
boolean_expression can be any expression resulting in a boolean, or true/false, value.
The OR operator returns a value of true if any one of the expressions evaluates to true.
A value of false is returned only if both the expressions evaluate to false.
(5 5) OR (4 = 100) OR (2 false
(7 = 4) OR (5 = 5)true
'Mon' IN ('Sun','Sat') OR (2 = 2)true