GetAttributes provides a scalar numeric value with special flags for the attributes.
The basic syntax is
use Win32::File;
Win32::File::GetAttributes($name, $attr);
The GetAttributes function returns false (0) on failure and true (non-zero value) on success.
The GetAttributes function does not set the $! variable on the error.
The $attr variable gets filled with a number of bit flags indicating the various attributes.
The following tabls lists the constant value defined in Win32::File
Constant Meaning
ARCHIVE This flag can be used by backup programs.
COMPRESSED File has been compressed by Windows. You cannot set this attribute.
DIRECTORY File is a directory. You cannot set this attribute.
HIDDEN A file that doesn't appear in listings of the directory.
NORMAL A normal file.
OFFLINE Data for the file is not available due to some operating system condition.
READONLY File is read only.
SYSTEM A system file.
TEMPORARY File was marked as a temporary file.