Functions Php

<br/>index <br/>

// shows the correct size & size-label
function size($file) {
$size_label = array("Byte", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB");
for ($c=0;$size>1024; $c++) {
return("$size ".$size_label[$c]);
$trbg = "1"; // which - background
// reading the content and...
$mydir = dir("./");
while ($file=$mydir->read()){
$kind = filetype($file);
if ($kind != "dir"){ // ATTENTION! if you want this file to show subdirectories, remove this query
//... showing the content:
// - backgroundcolor
echo "";
if ($trbg=="1"){
echo "";
$trbg = "2";
else if ($trbg=="2"){
echo "";
$trbg = "1";
echo "";
//... last change...
$change = filemtime($file);
echo "";

last modified
and filename...
echo "
".$file."".size($file)." ".date("j. - M. - Y; H:i:s",$change)."