Graphics Php

The following example will create an area chart (it is very similar to the example Chart2.htm).
It will retrieve the data from an MSAccess database that contains a table called "salesMonth". This table has three fields: "Products" (integer), "Services" (integer) and "salesMonth" (date), which contains the sales for several months.
The example will display the sales of the last 6 months. It will create a HTML page that contains the applet. Most of the parameters of the applet are constant, however the date labels and the sales data is retrieved from the DB.

CODE = "com.java4less.rchart.ChartApplet.class"
NAME = "TestApplet"
WIDTH = 500 HEIGHT = 500 ALIGN = middle

/* connect to database
open db using a System ODBC data source called "Data" */
$odbcid = odbc_connect ("data", "", "", "");
/* get sales data, execute SQL*/
$resultid = odbc_exec ($odbcid, "Select * from SalesMonth Order by salesMonth DESC") ;
/* iterate on sales data, up to 6 rows */
while (($i <= 6) and (odbc_fetch_row($resultid))) {
/* concatenate | separator */
if ($i>1) {
$values1= "|" . $values1;
$values2= "|" . $values2;
$labels= "|" . $labels;
/* concatenate value */
$values1= odbc_result ($resultid, "Services") . $values1;
$values2= odbc_result ($resultid, "Product") . $values2;
$labels= odbc_result ($resultid, "salesMonth") . $labels;
/* next record */
/* echo values for serie 1 */
echo "echo $values1;
echo "\">";
/* echo values for serie 2 */
echo "echo $values2;
echo "\">";
/* echo values for labels */
echo "echo $labels;
echo "\">";
/* close result */
/* close connection */