MySQL Database Php

This module prints a common split href menu, like those used to
display into several pages the results of a search engine.
For example, you have a page results.php3 that prints a collection
of results, and for more convenience you want to write several pages
from this result, each grouping MAXHIT results. So you paste this code
into a file split.php3, then you write in results.php3: include("[...]/split.php3");
at the exact location where you want the split bar to display.
Don't forget to modify your results page results.php3 to display
only the results i to i+MAXHIT-1 !
Code of split.php3:
arguments: _maxelmt: number of elements in the collection
MAXHIT : number of max hits for a page
p : current page to be seen
cat (optional): optional parameters to send at return
/*if MAXHIT=0 print a message error*/
if(!$MAXHIT) {
print "MAXHIT=0 : no split available!\n";
else {
if($res && $_maxelmt) {
if($_maxelmt < $p*$MAXHIT)
print "\t\t?Results ".(max(1,($p-1)*$MAXHIT+1)). '-'.$end. '??
'. "\n";
/*bypass if there's no more than one page*/
if ($_maxelmt> $MAXHIT) {
/* pattern: Results i'-i'+MAXHIT [<>] Page
i of n */
/*< /*if p > 1, Prev is active, otherwise it's not*/
print "\t\t if (!($p-1)) {
print " color='#646464'>< else {
$anurl = "results.php3?_maxelmt=$_maxelmt&MAXHIT=$MAXHIT&p=$prevpage&$cat";
print " color='#008000' ><?|?\n"; }
print "\t\t
". "\n";
/*print a page number every MAXHIT*/
for($i=0;$i<$_maxelmt;$i+=$MAXHIT) {
/*page number i+1*/
/*don't activate current page's href*/
if($pi==$p) {
print "$pi?";
else {
$anurl = "results.php3?_maxelmt=$_maxelmt&MAXHIT=$MAXHIT&p=$pi&$cat";
print "\n";
print "\t\t
".$pi. '?'. "\n";
print "\t\t
". "\n";
/*if p*MAXHIT doesn't meet or exceed MAXHIT, Next is active, otherwise it's not*/
print "\t\t if (($_maxelmt-$p*$MAXHIT) <= 0) {
print " color='#646464'>| Next>>\n"; } /*light gray*/
else {
$anurl = "results.php3?_maxelmt=$_maxelmt&MAXHIT=$MAXHIT&p=$nextpage&$cat";
print ">|?Next>>\n";}
print '
if($_maxelmt) {
print "\t\t?Page ".$p. ' of
'.ceil($_maxelmt/$MAXHIT). '
} /*if ($_maxelmt> $MAXHIT)
} /*end lse if(!$MAXHIT)*/
/*Example of use in results.php3: 9 hits maximum, in a 3*3 table
Note: the colspans of may not be correct as I adapted this example
from another presentation **/
/*place here your code to query MySQL database...*/
/*get results*/
if(strcmp($result, ''))
/*maximum number of hits*/
/*if more than MAXHIT results are found, split the results into several pages*/
/* --> $p is initialized to 0 if results.php3 is 1st called, but then it gets its value
from split.php3!*/
print " \n";
print " \n";
print " \n";
print " \n";
if($number) {
print "\n\t \n";
print "\t \n";
if($number>1) {
/*split header*/
$plural= 's';
$pluralbe= 'were';
else {
$plural= '';
$pluralbe= 'was';
/*displays details about results*/
print "\t\t$number result$plural $pluralbe found for this query\n";
print "\t\t
\n"; print "\t \n"; print "\t
print "\t \n";
print "\t \n";
print "\t \n";
print "\t \n";
} /*end if $number*/
else {
print "\t \n";
print "\t \n";
print "\t \n";
print "
/*remind query or show a sorry message if no result was found:*/
print "Your query: $qry.\n";
print "
/*category of result page to show when returning from split module*/
$cat= "[optional parameters]";
$urlinfo= "p=$p&_maxelmt=$number&MAXHIT=$MAXHIT&cat=".$cat;
/*calling split module*/
"http://[your path]/split.php3?$urlinfo&res=1";
print "\t
print "\t\t\n";
/*default recordset scanning is 0 to MAXHIT-1 (p=1)*/
while ($i<$MAXHIT*$p && $i < $number) {
$mVar1=mysql_result($result,$i, "Var1");
$mVar2=mysql_result($result,$i, "Var2");
/*format table*/
if (!($i % 3)) {
print "\t\t \n";
$mName= "$mVar1/$mVar2.html"; /*for instance...*/
print "\t\t \n";
if (($i % 3) == 2) {
print "\t\t \n";
/*next record*/
} /*end while*/
/*if table didn't end in a full row, append end of row*/
if ($i % 3) {
print "\t\t \n";
print "\t\t
print "
print "\t
/*sorry message*/
print "\t\tSorry, no result was found in the database\n";
print "\t