for database creation, triggers, db connections, queries, highlight ...
* SQLite Abstraction class
* @package
* @access public
class sqlite {
var $dbName = ""; //Name of databse
var $dbUser = ""; //Database user name
var $dbPwd = ""; //Database password
var $fallback_keywords = array("ABORT","AFTER","ASC","ATTACH","BEFORE","BEGIN","DEFERRED","CASCADE","CLUSTER","CONFLICT","COPY",
var $normal_keywords = array("ALL","AND","AS","BETWEEN","BY","CASE","CHECK","COLLATE","COMMIT","CONSTRAINT","CREATE",
* Constructor
* @access protected
function sqlite(){
* sqlite::version()
* @return
function version(){
return "1.1";
* sqlite::dbconnect()
* @param string $dbUser
* @param string $dbPwd
* @param string $dbName
* @return
function dbconnect($dbUser="", $dbPwd="",$dbName=':memory:'){
if ($dbUser!="") {
$this->dbUser = $dbUser;
if ($dbPwd!="") {
$this->dbPwd = $dbPwd;
if ($dbName!="") {
$this->dbName = $dbName;
$this->Link_ID = sqlite_open($this->dbName,0666) or die (_CONNECTION_ERROR_.sqlite_error_string()."
* sqlite::query()
* @param $query
* @return
function query($query){
$this->dbQryResult = sqlite_query($query,$this->Link_ID);
return $this->dbQryResult;
* sqlite::fetch_row()
* @param string $result
* @return
function fetch_row($result = "")
$this->dbResultLine = sqlite_fetch_single($result);
return $this->dbResultLine;
* sqlite::get_data()
* @param string $result
* @return
function get_data($result = "")
return $this->fetch_row($this->dbQryResult);
* sqlite::fetch_array()
* @param string $result
* @return
function fetch_array($result = "")
$this->dbResultLine = @sqlite_fetch_array($result);
return $this->dbResultLine;
* sqlite::get_db_tables()
* @return
function get_db_tables(){
$result = $this->query("select name,upper(name) from SQLITE_MASTER where type = 'table' order by 2");
if (!$result) {
print "Erreur : impossible de lister les tables\n";
while ($row = $this->fetch_row($result)) {
$Tables[] = $row;
return $Tables;
* sqlite::get_db_triggers()
* @return
function get_db_triggers(){
$result = $this->query("select name,upper(name),sql from SQLITE_MASTER where type = 'trigger' order by 2");
if (!$result) {
print "Erreur : impossible de lister les tables\n";
while ($row = $this->fetch_row($result)) {
$Trigger[] = $row;
return $Trigger;
* sqlite::get_trigger_infos()
* @param $triggername
* @return
function get_trigger_infos($triggername){
$result = $this->query("SELECT * FROM SQLITE_MASTER where type = 'trigger' and name = '".$triggername."'");
$ray = $this->fetch_array($result);
return $ray[sql];
* sqlite::get_table_infos()
* @param $tablename
* @return
function get_table_infos($tablename){
$result = $this->query("SELECT type, name, tbl_name, rootpage, sql FROM SQLITE_MASTER where tbl_name = '" . $tablename . "'");
$ray = $this->fetch_array($result);
return $ray[sql];
* sqlite::get_dbs()
* @param string $path
* @return
function get_dbs($path = "db/"){
$d = opendir($path);
while(($entry = readdir($d)) != false) {
if ($entry!="." and $entry!=".." and ereg(".db$",$entry)) {
$DBS[] = $entry;
return $DBS;
* sqlite::createdb()
* @param $dbname
* @param string $path
* @return
function createdb($dbname , $path = "db/"){
if (trim($dbname)=="" or is_file($path.$dbname)) {
return FALSE;
chmod($path.$dbname,0666 );
return true;
* sqlite::dropdb()
* @param $dbname
* @param string $path
* @return
function dropdb($dbname , $path = "db/"){
if (!$this->is_db($dbname )) {
return FALSE;
if(unlink($path.$dbname)) return true;
return false;
* sqlite::isdb()
* @param $dbname
* @param string $path
* @return
function is_db($dbname , $path = "db/"){
if (trim($dbname)=="" or trim($dbname)==".db" or !is_file($path.$dbname)) {
return FALSE;
return true;
* sqlite::get_db_size()
* @param $dbname
* @param string $path
* @return
function get_db_size($dbname , $path = "db/"){
if (trim($dbname)=="" or !is_file($path.$dbname)) {
return FALSE;
return round(filesize($path.$dbname)/1024);
* @access public
* @return void
function highlite($query){
$result = array_merge ($this->normal_keywords, $this->fallback_keywords);
foreach($result as $v){
if ($v!="OR" and $v!="IS" and $v!="IN") {
$search[] = "/(?i)(^|[^a-z0-9\_]){1}(".strtoupper($v).")([^a-z0-9\_]|$){1}/";
$replace[] = "\\1\\2\\3";
$parsed_query = preg_replace($search,$replace , $query);
return $parsed_query;