Operator Name Returns True if... Example Result
|| Or Left or right is true true || false true
or Or Left or right is true true || false true
xor Xor Left or right is true but not both true xor true false
&& And Left and right are true true && false false
and And Left and right are true true && false false
! Not The single operand is not true ! true false
$a = true; $b = false;
#test both operands for true
$test1 = ( $a and $a )? "true":"false";
$test2 = ( $a and $b )? "true":"false";
$test3 = ( $b and $b )? "true":"false";
#test either operand for true
$test4 = ( $a or $a )? "true":"false";
$test5 = ( $a or $b )? "true":"false";
$test6 = ( $b or $b )? "true":"false";
#test for single operand is true
$test7 = ( $a xor $a )? "true":"false";
$test8 = ( $a xor $b )? "true":"false";
$test9 = ( $b xor $b )? "true":"false";
#invert values
$test10 = ( !$a )? "true":"false";
$test11 = ( !$b )? "true":"false";
$result = "AND - 1:$test1 2:$test2 3:$test3
$result .= "OR - 1:$test4 2:$test5 3:$test6
$result .= "XOR - 1:$test7 2:$test8 3:$test9
$result .= "NOT - 1:$test10 2:$test11";
echo( $result );
$age = 20;
if (($age >= 13) && ($age < 65)) {
print "too old for a kid's discount and too young for the senior's discount.";
$meal = 'breakfast';
if (($meal == 'breakfast') || ($dessert == 'souffle')) {
print "Time to eat some eggs.";