Site Navigation Php

Page Lister

$PAGE = (isset($page)) ? $page : 1; #We hope that page, not PAGE is in the querystring,
#if not we set it here
$dbhost = "localhost"; # These are fairly self explanatory....
$dbname = "fillmein"; # You can remove these if you've already connected to a DB...
$dbuser = "fillmein";
$dbpass = "fillmein";
$dc = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass); #Use $dc for debugging.
mysql_select_db($dbname,$dc); # Connect now, forget about it later.
$QUERY = "SELECT * FROM table"; ## You MUST change this :)!
$QRETURN= @mysql_query($QUERY);
$QNUM = @mysql_num_rows($QRETURN);
$DISPPAGE = 10; #DISPPAGE is the number of items displayed per page.
$NUMPAGES = ceil($QNUM / $DISPPAGE); #NUMPAGES to show how many pages you WILL get.
if($QRETURN): #Sanity check on query, only runs if valid query.
if($QNUM > 0): #We actually got some rows.
echo "
for($i = 1; $i <= $NUMPAGES; $i++): #loop to print << 1 2 3... $NUMPAGES >>
if($i == 1 && $PAGE > 1) #Prints the << first to goto the previous page (not on page 1)
echo "« ";
if($i == $PAGE) #Doesn't print a link itself, just prints page number
echo " $i ";
if($i != $PAGE) #Other links that aren't this page go here
echo " $i ";
if($i == $NUMPAGES && $PAGE != $NUMPAGES) # Link for next page >> (not on last page)
echo " »";
echo "
echo "\n";
mysql_data_seek($QRETURN,$START); #Moves the pointer to right row
#This loop will go until you a) reach $DISPPAGE or b) there aren't anymore entries
for($i = 1; $i <= $DISPPAGE && $ARET = @mysql_fetch_array($QRETURN); $i++):
$VAR = $ARET["col"]; #******** Here's the bit you should update! ********#
echo "$VAR\n

\n\n"; #echoes the field...
# Alternately, if you feel like numbering. I haven't tested this.
#echo "".$START + ($i - 1).": $VAR\n

echo "
if($QNUM == 0) #if we get no rows
echo "
The database is empty
if(!$QRETURN): # Bogus Query, or mysqld isn't running...
echo "
echo "\n";
echo "Either the database is down, or the query was invalid\n";
echo "