Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Structure Pet
Public Name As String
Public Age As Integer
End Structure
Public Class Example
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim cats() As Pet = {New Pet With {.Name = "A", .Age = 8}, _
New Pet With {.Name = "B", .Age = 4}, _
New Pet With {.Name = "C", .Age = 1}}
Dim dogs() As Pet = {New Pet With {.Name = "D", .Age = 3}, _
New Pet With {.Name = "E", .Age = 14}, _
New Pet With {.Name = "F", .Age = 9}}
Dim query As IEnumerable(Of String) = cats .Select(Function(cat) cat.Name) .Concat(dogs.Select(Function(dog) dog.Name))
For Each name As String In query
End Sub
End Class