Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Class MyMethodInfo
Public Shared Function Main() As Integer
' Get the Type and MethodInfo.
Dim MyType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Reflection.FieldInfo")
Dim Mymethodinfo As MethodInfo = MyType.GetMethod("GetValue")
Console.WriteLine(MyType.FullName + "." + Mymethodinfo.Name)
' Get and display the MemberType property.
Dim Mymembertypes As MemberTypes = Mymethodinfo.MemberType
If MemberTypes.Constructor = Mymembertypes Then
Console.WriteLine("MemberType is of type All.")
ElseIf MemberTypes.Custom = Mymembertypes Then
Console.WriteLine("MemberType is of type Custom.")
ElseIf MemberTypes.Event = Mymembertypes Then
Console.WriteLine("MemberType is of type Event.")
ElseIf MemberTypes.Field = Mymembertypes Then
Console.WriteLine("MemberType is of type Field.")
ElseIf MemberTypes.Method = Mymembertypes Then
Console.WriteLine("MemberType is of type Method.")
ElseIf MemberTypes.Property = Mymembertypes Then
Console.WriteLine("MemberType is of type Property.")
ElseIf MemberTypes.TypeInfo = Mymembertypes Then
Console.WriteLine("MemberType is of type TypeInfo.")
End If
Return 0
End Function
End Class