ADO Database Delphi

Title: A dbgrid looking like listpaper
Question: You want a more clearer representation of your data in a dbgrid, well reach back to the old days of long printouts produced in an hour or so by that workhorse called a matrix printer. One - maybe the only - good thing was, the listings were fairly readable, when quality listpaper was used: the kind of paper that was delivered with alternating green and white lines printed on it.
How to do this in a dbgrid. It is very simple.
Better than words are an example.
On my mainform (MAINFORM in MAINUNIT) I have
a dbgrid called SHOWGRID and
a event handling function
procedure Tmainform.showgridDrawColumnCell
(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer;
Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
with (sender as tdbgrid) do
if DataSource.DataSet.recno mod 2 = 0
then Canvas.Brush.Color := $00F8FFC6
else Canvas.Brush.Color := clwhite;
Canvas.font.Color := font.color;
DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
The line Canvas.font.Color := font.color;
prevents, that the default Windows disabled text (clWhite) is used
when a cell is selected.
This method of coloring rows in a Tdbgrid works even when the dataset is filtered or sorted again and again. I tested this on a Tadoquery in Delphi 5

In the beginning I was very content with the result. But I noticed quite a drop in performance. Especially when there are several grids active at the same time. I don't use this functionality only when an app has 1 or 2 grids active.