ADO Database Delphi

Compare the relative positions of two bookmarks associated with the cursor.
See also the method GetBookmark associated with a TTable, TQuery, and TStoredProc. This example uses the following input:
Compare := fdbiCompareBookMarks(Table1, BookMark25, BookMark50);
function fdBICompareBookMarks(DataSet: TDataSet; Bookmark1, Bookmark2: TBookmark): Integer;
Compare: Integer;
Check(DbiCompareBookMarks(DataSet.Handle, Bookmark1, Bookmark2, Compare));
Result:= Compare;
Copy a source table into a destination table.
If the destination table exists, it is overwritten.If the tables are Paradox, dBASE, FoxPro, or Access, you must supply a file extension. This example uses the following input:
fDbiCopyTable(Table1.dbhandle, 'CUSTOMER.DB', 'CUSTOMER2.DB');
procedure fDbiCopyTable(hTmpDb: hDbiDb; SrcTableName: string; DestName: string);
Check(DbiCopyTable(hTmpDb, True, PChar(SrcTableName), nil, PChar(DestName)));