How do I import my ASCII file into a Paradox table? Can the
Database Desktop do it?
No, the Database Desktop can't do it.
Drop 1 TBatchMove and 2 TTables on a form. Set BatchMove1::Mode
to batCopy, and Source and Destination to Table1 and Table2,
respectively. Set Table1::TableName to an empty Paradox
table created with the same structure as the Ascii file.
Set Table2::TableName to any non-existant table name such as
FOO.TXT, and set Table2::TableType to ttASCII. Double-click
on the form and type, BatchMove1->Execute() into the created
OnCreate method. Press F9 to build and run. The files FOO.TXT
and FOO.SCH should be created.
Now copy the ASCII text file to the directory where FOO.TXT is located. Open FOO.SCH
and changed the first line to read the name of the name of the
ASCII data file instead of "FOO". Add statements for
delimiter and separator, and change Filetype= to "varying" if
appropriate. Rename FOO.SCH to the name of the ASCII data file
.SCH. Back in your program, change Table2::TableName to the
name of your ASCII data file. Change BatchMove1::Source to
Table2 and BatchMove1::Destination to Table1. F9 to rebuild
and run.
You can now open the paradox table in Database Desktop and see
your data. If the data did not splice correctly into the target
fields, you will need to modify your schema file (.sch).
Also see the file ASCIIDRV.TXT in Delphi3, or TI2844 "Using The
ASCII Driver With Comma-delimited Files", or Delphi3\Help\Examples\Batchmv.